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2024 Climate Zeros in the U.S. Senate

NameTermsStatePartyPositionLeadershipPosition ScoreVote ScoreLeadership ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose RoeVote [Expanding Dirty and Dangerous Offshore Drilling]Vote [Build Back Better Budget Resolution]Vote [Eliminating Safeguards on Fossil Fuel Production]Vote [Repealing Assault on Methane Pollution Safeguards]Vote [Inflation Reduction Act]
Barrasso, John4WyomingRSenator John Barrasso disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to The Hill, when asked about human induced climate change Senator Barrasso responded, "The climate is constantly changing. The role human activity plays is not known."Senator Barrasso demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. He supported President Trump's rollback of the Clean Power Plan. In an interview with PBS, Senator Barrasso, stated, "Well, I think it was a bold and decisive action by Donald Trump. I think is going to be helpful to energy independence for America, energy security for our country, and certainly for jobs. That, to me, is the key driver." The Senator also does not make prominent public statements on climate action, nor does he make the issue a priority. In an op-ed published on the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Senator supported the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement writing, "The international climate deal was negotiated badly and signed out of desperation. In fact, there was enough bipartisan opposition to the pact that Mr. Obama bypassed sending it to the Senate for ratification as a treaty. The agreement rests on little more than the former president’s handshake. The Paris deal imposed on the United States unrealistic targets for reducing our carbon emissions. It set America’s standards higher than for much of the world, while giving countries like China a free pass for years to come."000Senator Barrasso makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. He voted against an amendment by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, which would have created an explicit fee for carbon dioxide emissions (S. Amdt. 646 to S. Con. Res. 8, 113th Congress 2013-2014). He voted for an amendment by Senator Roy Blunt that would have prohibited congress from passing a fee on carbon (S. Con. Res. 8, Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Resolution). Barrasso wrote an article where he stated "Bipartisan, workable climate solutions exist, and they do not include creating new carbon taxes [...] Some in Washington have suggested that Americans could receive dividend checks from collected carbon taxes — an idea that’s wishful thinking at best. Just as far-fetched is the idea that establishing a carbon tax would roll back regulations. Any new carbon tax would add red tape, not reduce it."00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Cruz, Ted2TexasRSenator Ted Cruz disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a Senate hearing, Cruz said "According to the satellite data, there has been no significant global warming for the past 18 years. The global warming alarmists don't like these data. They are inconvenient to their narrative. But facts and evidence matters. And I would note that many in the media reflexively take the side of the global warming alarmists."Cruz has a 3% lifetime score with the LCV, indicating a history of voting against climate action. The Senator has also cosponsored legislation such as the Natural Gas Tax Repeal Act and various resolutions condemning EPA regulations.000Senator Cruz makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. He voted against an amendment by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, which would have created an explicit fee for carbon dioxide emissions (S. Amdt. 646 to S. Con. Res. 8, 113th Congress 2013-2014). He co-introduced resolution opposing a carbon tax in 2023, saying "A carbon tax would seriously harm hardworking Texans and Americans. Such a tax would discourage domestic manufacturing and energy production, lead to job outsourcing, and hit working-class families particularly hard. It is imperative that Texans continue to have access to affordable energy, and that’s not possible if we implement a carbon tax alongside the radical climate agenda of the Biden administration.”00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Fischer, Deb2NebraskaRSenator Deb Fischer disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to the Lincoln Journal Star, Jessica Clowser, a legislative aide for Senator Fischer stated that the Senator acknowledges that the climate is changing but believes its due to natural cycles. Senator Fischer demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. The Senator has repeatedly criticized climate activism and the "climate crusade", and criticizes the "green revolution". Although Fischer cosponsored the Growing Climate Solutions Act of 2020, she otherwise fails to support climate action, as seen in her 8% lifetime score with the LCV, and co-sponsorship of anti-climate legislation such as S.4072 which would withhold funds from the EPA.000Senator Fischer signed the No Climate Tax Pledge by Americans for Prosperity (AFP). The pledge indicates that signers will oppose any legislation relating to climate change that increases government revenue. This would include a fee on carbon. She voted against an amendment by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, which would have created an explicit fee for carbon dioxide emissions (S. Amdt. 646 to S. Con. Res. 8, 113th Congress 2013-2014). She voted for an amendment proposed by Senator Roy Blunt that would have prohibited congress from passing a fee on carbon (S. Con. Res. 8, Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Resolution).00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Wicker, Roger4MississippiRSenator Roger Wicker disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. He was the only Republican senator to vote no on an amendment, which in its entirety stated "To express the sense of the Senate that climate change is real and not a hoax."Senator Wicker demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. The Senator has done this by supporting climate deniers. According to the Clarion Ledger he stated, "I agree with the more than 31,000 American scientists who do not believe the science on this matter is settled. Scientific research is advanced by asking questions and allowing for multiple viewpoints. With so much at stake — our economy, our livelihoods, and our environment — we should be tolerant of differences of opinion." Wicker also has a long history of voting against climate action, with a 7% lifetime score according to the League of Conservation Voters.000Senator Wicker makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. In a press release Senator Wicker announced his opposition to a fee on carbon stating, “A carbon dioxide tax would negatively impact every single American. The Obama administration’s energy and climate change policies rely on new taxes and regulations that would have damaging effects on the economy of Mississippi and the entire country. A carbon tax would be prohibitively costly to the nation.” He voted against an amendment by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, which would have created an explicit fee for carbon dioxide emissions (S. Amdt. 646 to S. Con. Res. 8, 113th Congress 2013-2014). He voted for an amendment by Senator Roy Blunt that would have prohibited congress from passing a fee on carbon (S. Con. Res. 8, Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Resolution).00"Opposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate

2024 Climate Zeros Running for the U.S. Senate

NameStatePartyPositionPosition ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose Roe
Banks, JimIndianaRRepresentative Banks disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In 2016, before his election to the House, Representative Banks said “I believe that climate change in this country is largely leftist propaganda to change the way Americans live and create more government obstruction and intrusion in our lives."0Representative Banks makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. Representative Banks voted for the 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke expressing the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H.Con.Res.86).00 Opposes Roe
Cao, HungVirginiaRHung Cao disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a livestream fundraising event in 2022, when asked about climate change as an existential threat, he responded “Why do we have a rainbow? It’s because that’s God’s covenant to us, its his promise to us that hell never wipe out the world again. So it's kind of arrogant for us to believe thta we can destroy God’s creation.” He then referred to climate change referred to climate change as a “boogeyman that they're going to scare us about.” 0Hung Cao has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon. 00 Opposes Roe
Morgan, PatriciaRhode IslandRPatricia Morgan disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. Criticizing climate action as "fake science", she said "We believe there is climate change but there has been climate change, warming and then cooling, for millions of years. It is a false statement to say that we have warmer temperatures or oceans than at any time in history."0Patricia Morgan makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. In a Tweet, Morgan said "Carbon tax is just a money grab by elected officials who refuse to cut spending. Democrats do not care about the Little Guys"00 Roe

2024 Climate Zeros in the U.S. House

NameStateDistrictPartyPositionPosition ScoreVote ScoreLeadershipLeadership ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose RoeVotes [Attacking International Climate Collaboration (House Roll Call 27)]Vote [Advancing Climate Action in the COMPETES Act (House Roll Call 18)]Vote [Repealing Assault on Methane Pollution Safeguards (House Roll Call 185)]Vote [Pro-Environment Funding Package (House Roll Call 247)]Vote [Transformative Climate, Jobs, and Justice Investments (House Roll Call 385)]Vote [Investing in Climate-Smart and Pro-Wildlife Infrastructure (House Roll Call 201)]Vote [Inflation Reduction Act (HR 5376)]
Aderholt, RobertAlabama 4RCongressman Robert Aderholt disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a 2010 op-ed in The Daily Mountain Eagle, the Congressman flouted the science that underpins climate change blaming current warming on natural cycles, writing, "I fall into the second group of people who believe, as do many very credible scientists, that the earth is currently in a natural warming cycle rather than a man-made climate change. Many scientists believe that natural cycles of warming and cooling have existed since the beginning of Earth. If we take the current models of climate prediction and apply those same models to what actually happened in the last thirty years, the models are shown to be very flawed. In addition, what knowledge we do have of a warming period in the Middle Ages cannot be explained by current models which are focused on greenhouse gas reductions." 00In a 2013 press release on the economic climate the Congressman Aderholt stated, “While Obama's Organizing for Action is showing concern about the climate change debate, hardworking Alabamians and I are concerned with our nation’s dismal jobs climate... The biggest denial is that the Obama Administration’s burdensome EPA regulations that have increased the cost of manufacturing and doing business, that Obamacare driving up the cost of healthcare and crippling hiring, and catering to special interest groups like those that are stalling the Keystone Pipeline are not the root cause our nation’s dismal jobs climate.” Congressman Aderholt demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy and votes against climate action. 0Congressman Aderholt co-sponsored a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)).00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Allen, RickGeorgia12RCongressman Allen disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a 2014 election debate, when asked if he believed in man made climate change the Congressman said, "No." 00According to Politically Georgia, "Allen vehemently rejected the idea that warming is an established fact. “The science if definitely NOT settled,” he said in an email. “Limiting debate to one side is not the same as being conclusive… I am not convinced and I am certainly not ready to destroy jobs and whole industry sectors in order to tax industries liberals don’t like and send the money to sectors that they do like.” Rep. Allen opposed the Clean Power Plan, stating in a 2017 post of Rick's Weekly Report, stating "I believe the Clean Power Plan, one of the most drastic environmental regulations in history, did very little to help the environment, but instead, burdened families through reduced income, stifled economic growth and increased electricity costs." Congressman Allen demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Allen makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman co-sponsored a 2019 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res 41). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Barr, AndyKentucky6RCongressman Andy Barr disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to a 2019 article from Spectrum News 1, the Congressman was quoted on climate change, stating, "Some say the science is settled, that's not true. There are scientists who dispute the level of warming, the extent to which humans are contributing to that." In an interview with WTVQ, the Congressman expressed his opposition to President Obama's climate change plan, stating, "Coal does contribute to climate change. 'But he says it’s better for the world if we use coal in America.' The administration is trying to destroy the coal industry and the result is more exports to countries like China that have a very poor environmental record." 00In a 2019 press release on the Green New Deal, the Congressman denied scientific consensus on climate change, stating, "While the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change has found a lack of scientific consensus on the causes and consequences of climate change, I am not a climate change denier." The Congressman Barr demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Barr makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. In a 2013 press release opposing a fee on carbon the Congressman cited the "human cost," of the war on coal. He also voted in favor and was a co-sponsor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 00 RoeAnti ClimateN/AN/AAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Biggs, AndyArizona5RCongressman Andy Biggs disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to a 2017 candidate survey by the Arizona Republic, the Congressman stated, “I do not believe climate change is occurring... I do not think that humans have a significant impact on climate. The federal government should stop regulating and stomping on our economy and freedoms in the name of a discredited theory.” 00According to the Arizona Republic, when asked about climate change by a constituent Congressman Biggs stated, "There are credible scientists who say climate change exists; we aren’t sure why... There are credible scientists who say it doesn’t.” During a 2017 Congressional hearing on the social cost of carbon, the Congressman also stated, "The previous administration disregarded scientific integrity by overestimating climate change resulting from greenhouse gas emissions. In order to push an expensive regulatory agenda, the administration inflated the SCC to justify costly regulations in response to the allegedly terrible damage CO2 emissions will cause in the future." Congressman Biggs demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Briggs makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. According to a 2017 article by The Guardian, when addressing a price on carbon pollution Congressman Biggs stated, "It is simply not right for Americans to be bearing the brunt of costs when the majority of benefits will be conferred away from home." Congressman Biggs voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Bost, MikeIllinois12RCongressman Mike Bost disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In an interview with St. Louis Public Radio, when the Congressman was asked if he believed in man made climate change, he stated, "I don’t. I don’t know that I do; no... Some scientists do; some scientists don’t."00On the Congressman's, 'Energy,' page, it advocates for the continued development of fossil fuel resources stating, "In addition to new sources of oil and natural gas, the United States also possesses significant quantities of coal, enough to last us for over a hundred years. Southern Illinois contains significant coal deposits. In recent years, new technologies have been developed that make it possible to more efficiently produce energy from this coal with far fewer emissions of pollutants." Congressman Bost demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Bost makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. He voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). Congressman Bost also co-sponsored a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)).00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Cline, BenVirginia6RCongressman Ben Cline disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to a 2020 News Leader article, "Cline also referenced the world stage when discussing climate change, a topic that constituents brought up several times. He agreed that humans contribute to climate change but disputed with the crowd how much was due to manmade reasons."00In a 2019 Weekly Newsletter posted on Congressman Cline's website, he wrote about energy independence, stating, "In my remarks against this legislation on the House Floor, I spoke about my visit earlier this spring to the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana, where I was able to see firsthand the great strides that have been made in energy exploration, technology, and innovation. The amazing developments in ensuring that energy resources can be explored and extracted safely, with minimal impact to our environment, demonstrated to me that similar efforts can be achieved back home in the waters off the coast of Virginia. These new developments would ensure that our environmentally sensitive areas can be protected for future generations while we lower energy costs for residents and businesses across the Commonwealth." Congressman Cline demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Cline makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. According to a 2019 Roll Call article, "Riggleman and Cline both said they support free-market innovations to combat climate change and incentives to spur those innovations, but opposes taxes on carbon." Congressman Cline was not in Congress to vote on a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Clyde, AndrewGeorgia9RCongressman Andrew Clyde disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. A 2020 article from the 'Associated Press' detailing a debate, the congressman stated "I will hold court with those scientists who don’t believe in man-made climate change. You know, we have four seasons of the year, the climate changes every year, four times.”00When asked about climate action in Congress in a questionnaire from the Atlanta Journal-Consitutution in 2020, Congressman Andrew Clyde stated that "It is not the federal government’s responsibility to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, or any aspect of our environment for that matter. The (Environmental Protection Agency) is an unconstitutional agency and should be dissolved. Climate change is fake news." Congressman Clyde demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0Congressman Clyde makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. He cosponsored and voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Crenshaw, DanTexas2RCongressman Crenshaw disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to 'CAP,' the congressman stated, in regards to climate change, that, “There is an interesting political tactic often employed by the Left, and it follows a predictable pattern. First, identify a problem most of us can agree on. Second, elevate the problem to a crisis. Third, propose an extreme solution to said crisis that inevitably results in a massive transfer of power to government authorities. Fourth, watch as conservatives take the bait and vociferously reject the extreme solutions proposed. Fifth and finally, accuse those same conservatives of being too heartless or too stupid to solve the original problem on which we all thought we agreed. This is the pattern we have seen play out with respect to climate change.”00In a 2019 video posted to You Tube, Congressman Crenshaw went on the offensive against the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), stating, "Today we voted on the climate action now act which prevents the president from withdrawing from the Paris agreement...The targets it sets are unrealistic and unworkable as the agreement calls for the u.s. to cut emissions by 28 percent from our 2005 levels. Well what would a 28 percent decrease in emissions by 2025 actually look like. The short answer, it would drastically alter the energy sources we depend on every single day, it would cut jobs, closed factories, dramatically increase utility costs, decrease economic production, and ruin our ability to create new green energy solutions like carbon capture technology." Congressman Crenshaw demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Crenshaw makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. When discussing a carbon tax and dividend in a 2018 Q&A on his campaign website, Rep. Crenshaw stated, "I am always going to be reluctant to put undue economic burdens on our people." The Congressman voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Davidson, WarrenOhio8RCongressman Warren Davidson disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. During a 2017 town hall reported on by the Journal-News, the Congressman was quoted on climate change, stating, "And while I’m not indifferent to climate change, I’m not saying it’s a total falsity and I’m not saying it’s a certainty."00In a 2019 tweet mocking the severity of climate change, the Congressman wrote, "Manmade climate change is real. Humans are destroying America’s political climate. Mob rule is no way to defend the republic. #DefendFreedom." Congressman Davidson demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0Congressman Davidson makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman co-sponsored a 2019 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res 41). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Fulcher, RussIdaho1RCongressman Russ Fulcher disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to The Spokesman-Review, during a 2018 debate, when asked about climate change, the Congressman stated that he believes, "in the cycle that’s happened since the beginning of time.” 00During a 2019 speech on the House Floor about the Green New Deal, Congressman Fulcher stated, "Over the next ten years it would eliminate the use of fossil fuels and nuclear power. This mean our gasoline-powered vehicles and instruments would be useless and there would be no air travel... The architects fail to explain how they would rebuild the economy they would decimate." Congressman Fulcher demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Rep. Fulcher makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman co-sponsored a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)).00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/AAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/AAnti Climate
Gosar, Paul A.Arizona9RCongressman Paul Gosar disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a 2022 Tweet, Gosar said in a Tweet "On some bills I vote no, not because of the infrastructure, but because Pelosi and the radical left includes crap like climate change and other nonsense." In another Tweet, Gosar said "The left is afflicted with group hysteria about Covid, the “insurrection”, Ashli Babbitt, the multi-millennia climate fluctuations and a host of other issues."00Congressman Gosar demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. Gosar regularly votes against climate action, and is given a lifetime score of 4% by the LCV. In 2017, Gosar called on the United States to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, saying "This liberal pipedream abdicates our sovereignty in favor of a global redistribution of wealth."0Congressman Gosar makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. In a 2019 press release on the Green New Deal, Congressman Gosar stated, "Democrat socialists made clear today that they want to use climate change as a means to abolish capitalism and implement massive taxation, expropriation and government control." In a 2014 op-ed for the Arizona Republic on President Obama's Clean Power Plan, he stated, "Knowing he can’t lawfully enact a carbon-dioxide tax plan, Obama is unlawfully directing his EPA to impose strict limits on carbon emissions from existing coal and gas-fired facilities." Congressman Gosar was a co-sponsor and voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Graves, SamMissouri6RCongressman Sam Graves disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a September 2019 tweet, the Congressman wrote, "Cattle farmers have enough difficulties to deal with without politicians promising to tax away their profits. It’s time for the ‘cattle are a driving force behind climate change’ myth to die."00In an op-ed written in the Washington Times, regarding the Green New Deal, the Congressman wrote, "The Green New Deal isn’t about the environment at all. It’s about making America a socialist country.” Congressman Graves demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Graves makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman was a co-sponsor and voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Greene, Marjorie Taylor Georgia14RCongresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. During a town hall in March 2021, the congresswoman claimed “Maybe perhaps we live on a ball that rotates around the sun, that flies through the universe, and maybe our climate just changes.” In an article in 'Gizmodo' she states, "The Earth is more green than it was years and years ago, and that’s because of the Earth warming, it’s because of carbon, because plants do need carbon. Their whole argument is not even scientific."00During a town hall in March 2021, the congresswoman inquired, "How much taxes and how much money did the people back in the Ice Age spend to warm up the earth?” Congresswoman Greene demonstrates a lack of leadership with dangerous public statements, advocacy and votes against climate action.0Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. In a tweet posted in May 2021, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed "The Earth’s climate has always changed, and there is NO amount of taxes or government that can change it." 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Griffith, MorganVirginia9RAccording to the Briston Herald Courrier, Congressman Griffith stated, "The climate is changing. Any plan of action must reflect the reality that most countries in the world will continue to use fossil fuels. Our goal as a worldwide leader and energy exporter should be to develop cleaner, more efficient ways to utilize the wealth of energy resources our country possesses." In an op-ed to the 'Roanoke Times,' posted on his website, the Congressman says, "The America of the Green New Deal is no leader. That plan expects us to dismantle our economy and fundamentally alter our lifestyle to cut carbon emissions." On his 'Energy and Environment' page he says, "We need to increase current coal production..." 00According to Congressman Morgan Griffith's website's 'Energy and Environment' page, Griffith states, "I support coal use and production. Coal is a vital component of the American economy, with a third of the nation’s electricity being generated from it. We need to increase current coal production and eliminate overly burdensome regulations that hurt the industry with little to no environmental gains. I also support research into technologies to burn coal more efficiently." The page is also headed with a large image displaying a piece of coal. Congressman Griffith demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Griffith makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman was a co-sponsor and voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/AAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Hern, KevinOklahoma1RCongressman Kevin Hern disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. A 'Business Insider' article says, "The New York Times characterized Hern in a January 2019 reports as 'the aerospace engineer elected in Oklahoma, [who] has questioned whether human activity is the primary cause of climate change.'" In a 2019 House Budget Committee hearing on the Costs of Climate Change, the Congressman stated, "Climate change must be addressed without sacrificing our country's economic and fiscal wellbeing through destructive policies like the Green New Deal."00The Congressman stated in a 2019 interview with Newsmax that climate advocates, "don't truly understand the impact of fossil fuels." According to a 2019 Oklahoma Energy Today article, the Congressman opposed the Green New Deal, stating, "It’s simple, the Green New Deal is bad for Oklahoma and bad for America." Congressman Hern demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Representative Hern makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. According to a 2019 article by Americans for Tax Reform, the Congressman was applauded for offering, "an amendment to an upcoming spending package that would block any funds in the bill from being used towards implementing a carbon tax." The Congressman co-sponsored a 2019 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res 41). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/AAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Higgins, ClayLouisiana3RCongressman Higgins disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a 2017 interview with PBS News Hour, the Congressman Higgins stated, "I certainly do not disagree with the fact that climate change happens, but I do think it is reasonable to question very carefully the science that has used models, which has sometimes come under fire for having been sort of fraudulently manipulated in order to produce a result... Climate change has existed for well before human history. So the question is not whether or not our climate changes across the planet, nor is it really a question that the human race does have some sort of impact upon climate change..." 00The Congressman ignored the true causes of coastal erosion. On his campaign page, instead of correctly blaming sea level rise and oil spills, he claimed that coastal erosion was caused by decreased sediment, stating, "Throughout history, the Louisiana marshland was replenished by river sediments – land-building deposits derived from the Mississippi River overflowing its banks. But in the early 1900s, a decision was made to levee the river as we know it today. So for the last 80 or 90 years, south Louisiana has been lacking that natural re-building process." In a 2022 Press Release, Higgins criticized climate action, the Green New Deal, and activist Raya Salter saying "Her opening statement was delivered with seething vitriolic hate. She was trembling, unhinged with Green New Deal madness [...] Congressman Higgins made her look inept, because that’s what happens when Democrats are faced with hard truth." Congressman Higgins demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0The Congressman makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. In an interview on PBS News Hour the Congressman stated, "When we talk about spending the people's treasure, and the very concept that we can fix climate change with some sort of a tax, is something that I certainly take very seriously with regards to having an intelligent debate about." Congressman Higgins voted for a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). He did not sign the Americans for Prosperity “No Climate Tax” pledge.00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/AAnti Climate
Huizenga, BillMichigan4RCongressman Bill Huizenga disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In an article in 'Vice," he is referred to as a "climate denier," and quoted there saying, "I do not believe that further congressional action is needed to address climate change...Today's global warming doomsayers simply lack the scientific evidence to support their claims. A host of leaders in the scientific community have recognized that the argument for drastic anthropogenic global warming is no longer based on science, but is being driven by irrational fanaticism."00In a 2022 press release, the Congressman stated "The SEC is engaging in these rulemakings to advance the Biden Administration’s environmental agenda. The intellectual foundation for these rulemakings leaves little doubt that the purpose of these rulemakings is not truly an attempt to provide financially material information to investors for all companies; the real intent is to fight climate change. Congress, however, has not passed any securities-related law that would allow for that to be a legitimate aim of Commission rulemaking. If and until that happens, the Commission must act consistently within its historical bounds, or rulemakings like these should and likely will be thrown out in federal court." Congressman Huizenga demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Huizenga makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman was a co-sponsor and voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119).00 Opposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Issa, DarrellCalifornia48RCongressman Darrell Issa disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a 2020 interview with the 'San Diego Union-Tribune,' Congressman Issa stated, "It got a lot warmer before we were ever burning, uh, extracted, uh, net extracted carbon. And we don’t know what man’s impact is. We don’t know how to affect it." He later said “Climate change is occurring if humans all died today.”00In a 2020 interview with the 'San Diego Union-Tribune,' Congressman Darrell Issa said "We need to promote an all-of-the-above approach to clean energy, including clean natural gas..." An 'all-of-the-above' energy approach does not eliminate the use of fossil fuels, an essential step to combating climate change. Congressman Issa demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0Congressman Darrell Issa makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. In a 2018 interview with the 'San Diego Union-Tribune,' when asked if he supported a carbon tax, the congressman stated "Uh, the answer is no. Uh, I think the carbon tax is too simplistic." He voted for a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)).00 RoeN/AN/AN/AN/AAnti ClimateN/AAnti Climate
Johnson, MikeLouisiana4RCongressman Mike Johnson disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a 2017 USA Today posted a video of the Congressman, stating, "I am not a big proponent of climate change data because I have seen data on the other side... The climate is changing. But the question is, is the climate changing because of natural cycles in the atmosphere... or is it changing because we drive SUVs."00Congressman Johnson demonstrates a lack of leadership by supporting President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. In a 2017 op-ed in the Shreveport Times, the Congressman wrote, "President Donald Trump did us all a service this month by removing our country from the lopsided Paris climate agreement... Fourth, and very importantly, the Paris agreement accomplished almost nothing in exchange for all those extraordinary costs. Even the most optimistic studies projected that if all its conditions were met, the agreement would reduce global temperatures by only 0.2 degree Celsius. That’s a far cry from 'saving the planet.'" Congressman Johnson is a supporter of oil and gas exploration, stating in a press release, that, "The Trump administration’s decision to allow enhanced exploration, leasing and development within the Outer Continental Shelf, previously closed to such activities, prioritizes home-grown energy production and puts the United States one step closer to achieving energy dominance." Congressman Johnson demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0Congressman Johnson makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman co-sponsored a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/AAnti Climate
Jordan, JimOhio4RCongressman Jim Jordan disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to an article by 'MIC,' "Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, who has taken a cool $200,000 from fossil fuel firms, said 'God bless Chevron' for their plans to increase oil production rather than shrink their carbon emissions."00Congressman Jordan supported the president's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, stating in a 2017 press release, "The Paris accord is a treaty that should have had a vote in the Senate. President Trump did the right thing by withdrawing us from an agreement that was not properly ratified. The Paris treaty would hurt American companies and American workers by depressing economic output, keep companies from creating jobs and drive millions more out of the country." He has also opposed the Green New Deal, stating, "The Green New Deal is not new, but it is devastating.” Congressman Jordan demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0Congressman Jordan makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. He voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). In 2008, Rep. Jordan was the first to sign Americans for Prosperity No Climate Tax Pledge. He has also said that "[He] will oppose any legislation relating to climate change that includes a net increase in government revenue."00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/AAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Kelly, MikePennsylvania16RCongressman Mike Kelly disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a 2013 press release responding to a speech President Obama gave on climate change, the Congressman stated, “In spite of serious, ongoing crises in trouble spots around the world, President Obama recently flew abroad to name climate change, of all things, the ‘global threat of our time.’ Despite the thousands of jobs that the Keystone XL pipeline is guaranteed to create and the vast public support it enjoys, the president refuses to approve it. Despite the hundreds of thousands of jobs derived from our nation’s coal industry – including more than 40,000 jobs in Pennsylvania – and the affordable energy it provides our communities, the White House’s climate advisor has shockingly declared that ‘a war on coal is exactly what’s needed.'" 00In a 2017 press release supporting the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, the Congressman stated, "Today’s announcement is great news for the American people. It is a victory for our economy, our sovereignty, and our Constitution. The Paris Agreement – which should have been considered a treaty from the very beginning – was written with Americans and their elected representatives as an afterthought. It would result in unfair domestic harm for American workers, taxpayers, consumers, manufacturers, and energy producers. We would shoulder most of the cost and gain no measurable reward. There’s a reason President Obama never submitted this accord to the Senate for proper approval: it would have been rejected as a very bad deal for America, and rightly so." Congressman Kelly demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Kelly makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman co-sponsored a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Loudermilk, BarryGeorgia11RCongressman Barry Loudermilk disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a 2017 press release advocating for sound science to be used in the Environmental Protection Agency, the Congressman stated, "For several years, the EPA and other government bureaucracies have been pushing out environmental regulations based on new scientific ‘discoveries’ relating to climate change. However, the data on which these ‘discoveries’ are based have not been made available to the general scientific community for review or fact-checking. This has brought into question the overall motives of the EPA and other agencies who are demanding more environmental regulations. All regulatory decisions should be based on factual scientific information that is open and available for public viewing. Americans deserve common sense reform, and this bill is a positive step to bring honesty and sound science to the EPA.”00Congressman Loudermilk shows a lack of leadership by tweeting in support of the President's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, stating, "President Trump is making the right decision withdrawing from the #ParisAgreement on climate change, and I fully support his decision." Along with fellow House Republicans, Rep. Loudermilk submitted an amicus briefing to the Supreme Court opposing the Clean Power Plan. In a press release, he stated, "The EPA’s regulations on new and existing power plants would be devastating to our economy if they are implemented. In my home state of Georgia alone, electricity prices would be expected to increase by 12 percent; and, with the average American household already spending $15,000 a year on hidden regulatory taxes, the Clean Power Plan is simply unworkable." Congressman Loudermilk demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Loudermilk makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. In a 2016 press release advocating against a federal carbon fee, the Congressman stated, "The last thing that the federal government needs to do is to add more tax burdens on hardworking Americans. The President’s plan to tax carbon is yet another attempt to grow the government and cut private sector jobs. While environmental issues are important, the solution is not to make gas and electricity more expensive for consumers. Instead, we need to further encourage businesses to explore alternative energy options, so we can protect the environment and allow Americans to keep their hard-earned money in their pockets.” The Congressman also co-sponsored a 2019 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res 41). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Massie, ThomasKentucky4RCongressman Thomas Massie disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In an article in the Washington Times, Congressman Massie, was quoted saying, “I would challenge him [President Obama] to show us the linkage — the undeniable linkage — between droughts and the change of weather, and some kind of human activity.”00Congressman Massie demonstrates a lack of leadership by supporting President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. In a press release, the Congressman stated, "There is no way to meet the level of CO2 emissions that President Obama signed up for in the Paris Climate Accord without drastically raising the price of energy on every consumer in the United States and hurting our economy. Pulling out of this agreement was the smart thing to do and I applaud President Trump on his decision." In an article in The Liberty Conservative, the Congressman was quoted making this statement on climate change. "I took a trip once to one of the inland glaciers in the Canadian Rockies, and there were stakes in the ground showing how much it had receded since the 1800s. And it was obvious to me that it had been melting since preindustrial times… Most of the public is still debating whether the earth is heating up. But I think the real question is by how much? I’m still looking for an answer I can hold onto… I think the jury is still out on the contribution of our activities to the change in the earth’s climate." Congressman Massie demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Massie makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman co-sponsored a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
McClintock, TomCalifornia5RCongressman Tom McClintock disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In an op-ed published in the Tahoe Daily Tribune, titled, 'Tom McClintock column: On climate change — the sky is not falling (opinion),' the Congressman wrote, "And despite what we are told, there is a vigorous debate within the scientific community over how much human activity influences climate compared with vastly more powerful natural forces that have driven climate change for 4.5 billion years. As Chicken Little belatedly discovered, there is a big difference between an acorn and the sky." McClintock repeats this sentiment in speaking to The Valley Citizen saying "The Earth’s climate is constantly changing and has been since the planet formed over four billion years ago [...] I firmly believe that the United States should not hamstring its economy in an attempt to combat climate change."00According to The Sacramento Bee, In a 2018 Congressional debate, Congressman McClintock, when asked about climate change, stated, "The planet’s been warming on and off since the last Ice Age... The climate has been changing for 4.5 billion years. The extent to which human activity has a role to play is being hotly debated right now.” He added that “there’s a lot we still don’t know about the feedback mechanisms within or climates.” Congressman McClintock demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0Congressman McClintock makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The congressman co-sponsored a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)).00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Mooney, AlexWest Virginia2RCongressman Alex Mooney disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to a 2017 Vice News article, "Mooney said the debate about man-made climate change belongs in the 'climate change community' but that debate is not resolved."00According to Congressman Mooney's campaign website's 'Energy and Environment,' page, "Congressman Mooney is also working to ensure that federal tax dollars do not go towards funding international projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions." According to the Charleston Gazette-Mail the Congressman supported the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. Congressman Mooney demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Mooney makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman co-sponsored a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)).00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Newhouse, DanWashington4RCongressman Dan Newhouse disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to the Alliance to Save Energy the Congressman made the following statement on climate change: "Congress should have an honest and respectful debate about this issue. Those of us who are wary of the negative economic impact to America caused by schemes like Cap and Trade have been branded ‘climate deniers,’ which only hardens people's positions on both sides. Of the global warming proposals I've seen, the proposed benefits have been vague and hard to quantify, while the negative economic impact in the form of higher energy costs has been severe, especially when countries like China aren't bound to the same agreements and limits.”00The Congressman supports the continued development of fossil fuels, stating on the energy page of his website, "We must continue to increase the development of domestic energy sources to ensure greater economic security for Washington State and the U.S. In order to maintain access to affordable energy for Central Washington’s residents, it is essential that the U.S. continue to develop a safe, domestic, all-of-the-above energy strategy." Congressman Newhouse demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0Congressman Newhouse makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. He was the original sponsor of H.Res.1001 — 115th Congress (2017-2018), "Providing for consideration of the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 119) expressing the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy." He voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Norman, RalphSouth Carolina5RCongressman Norman does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels, but 'Inside Climate News' reports, "The House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to cut funding from key climate protection rules and rejected an attempt to save regional offices of the Environmental Protection Agency from being closed...Offered by Rep. Ralph Norman, a Republican from South Carolina, the amendment's cuts would have come close to the 31 percent reduction sought by President Donald Trump." 00In a 2018 Tweet, Congressman Norman announced, "Today, I introduced a bill that would eliminate the Global Climate Change Initiative (GCCI) within the US Agency for International Development (USAID)." Norman made a blog post on his website, warning that "Few people understand the ~massive~ environmental damage we face if Biden and far-left Democrats get their way on fossil fuels." Congressman Norman demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Norman makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman co-sponsored a 2019 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 41).00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/AAnti Climate
Palmer, GaryAlabama6RCongressman Gary Palmer disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a committee hearing, Palmer said “There’s a number of examples that indicates that the science is not completely settled, although I think that the consensus is that the climate is changing, I’m not sure the consensus is that it’s all anthropomorphic— I’m certain the consensus is that it’s not all anthropomorphic.”00During a 2019 Congressional hearing on carbon emissions, Congressman Palmer stated, "Apparently some folks take as the gospel truth whatever these esteemed scientists project and for instance, in his book Farewell to Ice Peter Wadhams, a professor of ocean physics at Cambridge University predicted that the polar ice in the Arctic would be gone by mid decade. Not only is the ice still there but at points between 2012-2016 it actually increased by about 50 percent. I went from 2.2 million square miles to 3.3 million square miles, so my point is, I guess my question is, do each of you believe that the science on climate is settled?" Congressman Palmer demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Gary Palmer makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. In an April 2021 blog post on Republican Leaders, Representative Palmer states "...the truth behind the carbon tax – it is bad policy that increases costs, mainly on the poorest among us, and will not achieve the global goals its proponents claim it will."00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Perry, ScottPennsylvania10RCongressman Scott Perry disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to a 2018 Penn-Live Patriot News article, the Congressman when asked about climate change, stated, "The climate's changing, without a doubt. I think we contribute to it. I don't know exactly how, and that becomes the rub." The article also stated that the Congressman believed reports that "suggest global surface temperature data often used to corroborate climate change over time has been 'adjusted' to make the planet appear cooler in the past." The Congressman was quoted again, stating, "It opens up an opportunity for skepticism... and I think it's right because what we're talking about is the things we do impact peoples' lives. And we want to proceed based on the facts; not based on suppositions or the facts we hope that we have."00In 2016, Congressman Perry introduced the Energy Sovereignty Act (H.R. 4544), which looked to block the Clean Power Plan. The Congressman stated that, "’[Hydropower] only one part of the solution – but it’s much better than this attempt to delegate nearly unlimited power over the energy sector to the unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats at the EPA. Such expansive authority of the EPA would be economically devastating and could threaten the reliability and viability of our Nation’s energy sector." The Congressman sought to cut climate change reporting from the 2018 defense budget according to the York Daily Record, stating that, "My goal with this amendment is to prioritize our limited defense resources on efforts that pose an immediate and direct threat to our national security. A litany of other federal agencies deal with environmental issues." Congressman Perry demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Perry makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. He co-sponsored a 2019 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res 41) and voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/AAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Rogers, MikeAlabama3RCongressman Mike Rogers disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In response to the 2014 U.S. National Climate Assessment which reported that heatwaves and more intense storms would be exacerbated by global warming, the Congressman was quoted in a press release found on Rep. Roby's page, which stated that, "President Obama and his Administration will stop at nothing to push his radical environmental policies onto our economy. This report is another chapter of the EPA's War on Coal, and lays the groundwork for yet another regulatory end run around Congress. These policies, if not stopped, will cost American families in higher electricity rates and hurt good paying jobs." 00According to the Alabama Political Reporter in June 2021, "Alabama Congressman Mike Rogers, R-Alabama, and Rep. Ken Calvert, R-California, wrote an op-ed Tuesday in Defense News" where they state that "... 'the administration redirects nearly $650 million in critically needed military modernization and procurement funding to climate change and to monitor the social media accounts of our servicemembers,” Rogers and Calvert wrote. "These initiatives have nothing to do with ensuring we have a lethal force ready to “fight tonight”. When we dedicate scarce defense funding to global climate change, biofuels initiatives, and social engineering experiments with military personnel you can almost hear the cheers and laughter of our adversaries.'” Congressman Rogers demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Rogers makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. According to, during a 2019 town hall, when asked if he supported carbon fee legislation the Congressman said he would not. He also voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/A
Rouzer, DavidNorth Carolina7RCongressman David Rouzer disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In the posted transcript on PBS for the film, "Climate of Doubt," he states on climate change that, "Well, you know, I don't necessarily listen to any one person. And I can't, you know, tick off a whole list of scientists that are pro-sea level rise and a whole list of scientists that aren't. I'm just coming at it from a common sense standpoint. The earth has been warming and cooling since day one. And you know, the effect on sea level change, what do we know about it?"00Congressman Roouzer supported executive actions by President Trump, which fast tracked the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines. According to his website, in a press release, the congressman stated, "He(Trump) is wasting no time in getting down to business and acting on his promises to Make America Great Again. Already, President Trump has made it clear that he will put America first by clearing the path for approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the Dakota Access Pipeline, both of which will create good paying jobs, increase our access to affordable energy and make America an even more dominate energy supplier for the world." The Congressman also supported the President's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement stating in a 2017 press release, "It simply isn’t fair for American manufacturers and other businesses to be held to a standard that their competitors in India and China are not. This was a bad deal for America and as promised during his campaign, President Donald Trump is putting American jobs and growth first." Congressman Rouzer demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Rouzer makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman co-sponsored a 2019 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res 41). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/AAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Roy, ChipTexas21RAccording to a 2018 Huffington Post article when asked about climate change, Congressman Chip Roy stated, "I don’t know. What I know is that our lives are made so immeasurably better by the availability of affordable, abundant energy.” The same article quoted the Congressman stating that there is a, "hysteria around climate change." 00In 2017, the Congressman co-wrote an op-ed in The Hill titled, 'Trump should kill the failing Paris agreement.' In a press release, Roy said "Climate czar John Kerry is the poster child for the Biden administration's anti-energy policies that are destroying both our economy and national security. Now John Kerry is visiting China - the top threat to our national security and the world's number one polluter - to further hamstring energy freedom. It's time to defund anti-energy climate bureaucrats like John Kerry once and for all." Congressman Roy demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Roy makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. In a 2018 op-ed written for Texas Policy, he wrote, "But supporters of a carbon tax are wrong. Carbon isn’t a commodity. And it’s not a form of injustice. It’s a building-block of life. Without it, plants, animals, and humans alike would not exist. Moreover, carbon-based fossil fuels have supported unmatched economic prosperity since the Industrial Revolution.We know what the effects of a carbon tax would be in America because we can already see them happening from such destructive policies in Europe where outrageously high prices of basic goods are forcing people to choose between food on the table and heating in the home." Congressman Roy was not in Congress to vote on a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 00 RoeN/AAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/AAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Scalise, SteveLouisiana1RCongressman Scalise disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a 2019 interview with CBS This Morning, when asked about climate change the Congressman, stated, "First of all, we do know that the earth's temperature changes -- it goes up and down... In the 1970's, they said we were entering a new cooling period." In a quote published by The Times-Picayune, the Congressman stated on climate change that, "While their global warming agenda continues to lose support, it's ironic that radical environmentalists are at it again, less than a month after NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), announced the Great Lakes had the most widespread ice coverage in over 35 years... Thirty years ago liberals were using global cooling to push new radical regulations. Then they shifted their focus to global warming in an effort to prop up wave after wave of job-killing regulations that are leading to skyrocketing food and energy costs." 00According to the The Times-Picayune, the Congressman supported President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, stating, "The radical United Nations Paris Accord on global warming is more about wealth redistribution than protecting the environment. It's a plan to allow the U.N. to take control of America's purse strings and take billions of dollars a year away from the United States and send it to other countries under the veil of a misguided global warming agenda, and I applaud President Trump for pulling out of this disastrous agreement." In a press release on the Paris Agreement, the Congressman stated, "The Obama Administration needs to finally abandon their radical climate change agenda that is killing jobs and increasing costs for American families.” Congressman Scalise demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0The Congressman demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy and votes against climate action. He is the lead sponsor of a 2021 resolution that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH). He lead the charge for the same resolution in 2016, 2018, 2019. In a press release supporting the 2018 resolution, he stated, ""I think the case is very clear by anybody who's looked objectively at what a carbon tax would do to the economy. It would be devastating to our manufacturing base, it would kill jobs, and I think most devastating, Mr. Speaker, it would rise in increased cost for families all across this country." He also signed the Americans for Prosperity “No Climate Tax” pledge. In 2013, Rep. Scalise proposed an amendment that would have required Congress's approval before passing a carbon tax (H. Amdt. 448 to H.R. 367). In a press release he stated, "President Obama’s plan to impose a tax on carbon would cause household electricity rates to skyrocket while destroying millions of American jobs. The House sent a strong bipartisan message to President Obama that a tax on carbon would devastate our economy and he needs to drop any idea of imposing this kind of radical regulation." 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Simpson, MikeIdaho2RCongressman Mike Simpson disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. On the Congressman's climate change page, it states, "Many scientists agree that the earth’s climate is changing, and these assertions are backed up by land managers who are witnessing changes in plants and animal behavior as the climate shifts. While scientists cannot explain the climate changes of the past few decades without including the effects of elevated greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations resulting from the use of fossil fuels, there is widespread disagreement as to the magnitude of human influence on the climate and the degree to which any effort by humanity to reduce carbon output would slow or reverse the effects of climate change."00In a 2019 press release opposing the Green New Deal, the Congressman stated, "Proposed as an economic and environmental transformation, the Green New Deal is an irresponsible ploy that should have our nation green with nausea rather than envy... The crusade against “farting cows” might be considered noble or a bit funny by some in the Bronx, but to the ranchers who are up before the sun feeding cows, this isn’t a joke." Congressman Simpson demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0Congressman Simpson makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. On his climate change page, he states, "I am concerned, however, regarding efforts to tax carbon output or to layer so many regulations on top of carbon-based energy sources that it they become unfeasible. I don’t think this is an answer to the energy crisis facing our nation—not only does it make energy production so expensive that American families will see their energy bills increase to unsustainable rates, but it also forces us to continue depending on foreign sources of energy." Congressman Simpson voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119).00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/AAnti Climate
Stefanik, EliseNew York21RAt first glance, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik appears to understand the importance of climate action as a top priority issue, but it's all a lie. In an interview with Mountain Lake PBS, the Congresswoman when asked about climate change stated, "It is urgent and it's a generational issue. I'm one of the younger members of Congress no longer the youngest but this is something that my generation is going to inherit. I've been a leader when it comes to not only the acknowledgment of climate change but also the focus on science-based solutions. I've been a leader when it comes to promoting renewable energy both nationally but specifically in the district." According to Adirondack Daily Enterprise, "Elise Stefanik is funded by gas, oil, fracking, coal interests, Koch brothers and Karl Rove’s American Crossroads, yet she claims she takes climate change seriously. She invokes her 'all-of-the above' position – a phrase as uninforming as it was when President Obama used it. It indicates nothing about priorities."00Congresswoman Stefanik misrepresents everything about her position and action on climate change. The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the 2021 Growing Climate Solutions act, legislation that she says would "help solve technical entry barriers that prevent farmers and private landowners from participating in carbon markets." This is beneficial, because, as stated by the Congresswoman herself, "farmers play a critical role in reducing global greenhouse emissions and creating sensible climate policy, and we must equip them tools and resources to be successful." Over 200 farmer, farmworker, environmental justice, climate, environmental, faith-based, animal welfare, and other groups rejected ‘Growing Climate Solutions Act.’0Congresswoman Stefanik makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. She voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Wagner, AnnMissouri2RCongresswoman Ann Wagner disagrees with the scientific consensus that that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to the Riverfront Times, Rep. Ann Wagner was quoted stating, "The field of climate science is in its relative infancy and it appears that some within the public policy world have made dubious assessments of scientific information in order to further their own political agenda. Our policy response to this dilemma should not be based on inconsistent and unsound science or driven by the fear of a supposed catastrophe."00On Congresswoman Wagner's, 'Energy,' page, it states, "I believe we must fully cultivate our oil resources by ending drilling moratoriums, increasing onshore and offshore production, and approving permits that would assist in transporting oil from North Dakota's Bakken." Congresswoman Wagner demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congresswoman Wagner makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman was a co-sponsor and voted for a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). The Congresswoman co-sponsored a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)). 00 Opposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Walberg, TimMichigan5RAccording to a 2017 Time Magazine article, during a town hall when asked his stance on climate change, the Congressman stated, "I believe there’s climate change. I believe there’s been climate change since the beginning of time. Do I think man has some impact? Yeah, of course. Can man change the entire universe? No... Why do I believe that? Well, as a Christian, I believe that there is a creator in God who is much bigger than us. And I’m confident that, if there’s a real problem, he can take care of it.”00In a September 2019 interview on the Steve Gruber Show, the Congressman stated when asked about climate change, "These last several weeks of August it has been a huge issue especially when you see the Democratic candidates talking about it and the Green New Deal, but that is not going to work." In a 2023 press release, Walberg talked about introducing a bill which would greatly reduce the EPA's abilities to enforce emission regulations. Congressman Walberg demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0Congressman Walberg makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. In a 2016 press release, after voting to oppose a national carbon tax, the Congressman stated, "For the Michigan families struggling each month to pay their bills, a new $10 oil tax would be yet another blow to their pocketbooks. During a time of sluggish economic growth, the last thing we need is a misguided tax that will increase energy prices and hurt job creation. America's energy policies should encourage more innovation and production, not try at every turn to make energy more expensive for consumers." Congressman Walberg was a co-sponsor and voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). The Congressman co-sponsored a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)).00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Weber, RandyTexas14RCongressman Randy Weber disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In an article on 'Vice,' they refer to Congressman Weber as a "climate change denier," and quote him saying, "I may want to get your cell phone, because if we go through cycles of global warming and then back to global cooling, I need to know when to buy my long coat on sale. I just don't know how y'all prove those hypotheses going back fifty, hundred, what you might say is thousands if not millions of years, and then postulate those forward." 00In a 2019 press release supporting the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, Congressman Weber stated, "This legislation would bind us to the Paris Climate Accord and would be a step backwards. Staying in the Paris Climate Accord could mean losing 2.7 million American jobs and losing over $250 billion in GDP by 2025. Money funneled into the Paris Climate Accord is better spent investing in the private sector, which leads the way in technology and emissions reduction. Withdrawing from the Accord is not about seeking to do harm to the environment. Far from it. Instead, this is about investing in people and innovation. Regulation and false promises serve only to stifle real progress.” Congressman Weber demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. ge leadership.0Congressman Weber makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman was a co-sponsor and voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/AAnti Climate

2024 Climate Zeros Running for U.S. House

NameStateDistrictPartyPositionPosition ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose Roe
Boerbert, LaurenColorado4RLauren Boebert disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.0Lauren Boebert makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. In an interview with Newsweek, Boebert said the carbon tax is "designed to wipe out all fossil fuels and destroy our economy in the process."00 Roe
Herrell, YvetteNew Mexico2RYvette Herrell disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. Herrell said “I can’t see the connection there with fossil fuels,” Herrell said of the wildfires. “We can all go back and look at trends with the weather." She added that "“At the end of the day, I think we all take for granted the fossil fuel industry. If we’re getting into climate, wouldn’t it be smarter to rely on American companies? We know our energy is cleaner and better for the environment."0Yvette Herrell makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The former congresswoman co-sponsored a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)).00 Roe
Kane, CarolineTexas7RCaroline Kane disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a Tweet, she says "The Climate change agenda is a fraud." 0Caroline Kane makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. In a Tweet, she challenges Elon Musk to question his own logic in response to him calling for a tax on carbon.00 Roe
Mackenzie, RyanPennsylvania7RRyan MacKenzie disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. On his campaign website, he criticizes plans that "prioritize a radical climate agenda," and when asked if the climate is changing said "the science is all over the place." 0Ryan Mackenzie makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. On his campaign website, Mackenzie voices opposition to "cap-and-tax schemes" calling them a part of a radical climate agenda.00 Roe

Climate Zeros

Climate Zeros are candidates that deny man made climate change, vote against climate friendly policies, actively work against climate action, and oppose a fee on carbon emissions.