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U.S. Governors

NameStatePartyElection YearPositionPosition ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesRoe
Abbott, GregTexasRepublican2022Governor Greg Abbott disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to the 'Texas Tribune,' "Abbott said in an interview with Sean Hannity in the middle of a crisis that 'the Green New Deal would be a deadly deal for the United States of America.' Ignoring that experts and officials agreed that a disruption in energy powered by fossil fuels was the biggest culprit behind Texas' outages, Abbott added that losses in wind and solar energy 'thrust Texas into a situation where it was lacking power in a statewide basis.'" Abbot has repeatedly refused to acknowledge the existence of climate change as a result of burning fossil fuels, and has spread misinformation in an attempt to undermine efforts to combat climate change. 012.5 Roe
Cox, SpencerUtahR2020Governor Cox agrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. He spoke positively about the diversification of Utah's energy sector, saying that diversification and decreased emissions are improving air quality and helping with climate change.5031.25 Roe
DeSantis, RonFloridaRepublican2022Governor Ron DeSantis disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to 'NPR,' DeSantis stated, "I am not in the pews of the church of the global warming leftists. I am not a global warming person. I don't want that label on me."06.25 Roe
DeWine, MikeOhioRepublican2022Governor Mike DeWine does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.2525 Roe
Dunleavy, MikeAlaskaRepublican2022Governor Mike Dunleavy does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a 2018 interview with the 'Daily News,' Governor Dunleavy stated, "The issue of global warming, in many respects, it’s still being debated as to how to deal with it, what exactly is causing it. I know there’s a lot of folks and scientists who believe that man is contributing to this. But the question is, what is Alaska’s role in this?"2525 Roe
Evers, TonyWisconsinD2022Tony Evers understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. In a 2021 tweet, he stated, "Climate change is real and it's a threat to our way of life and our state's economy, from our tourism to our agricultural industries. We're working to address climate change in Wisconsin head-on because this crisis is urgent and there's too much at stake."10062.5 Roe
Gianforte, GregMontanaR2020Governor Gianforte agrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. Speaking to the Montana Free Press, Gianforte recognized that human activity plays a driving role in climate change and that is manifesting for Montanans in the forms of drought and wildfires. Gianforte also recognizes that carbon emissions should be reduced, advocating for carbon sequestration to do so.5025 Roe
Gordon, MarkWyomingR2022Mark Gordon understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. At a 2020 campaign event, Gordon "took the stage and announced his agreement that climate change is the 'single-most important issue on earth.'"10062.5,23607 Roe
Green, Josh HawaiiD2022Josh Green understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On his website, he has climate change as a priority issue, asserting "my administration will take the threat of climate change seriously," and "we will take immediate action to protect Hawaii from the local effects of rising sea levels and destructive storms, and the long term global impacts of rising temperatures." He also stressed the urgency of climate action, writing in a tweet, "Climate change is not some far away threat, it’s happening now and the world is noticeably feeling the effects, including here in #Hawaii."10087.5 Roe
Healey, MauraMassachusettsD2022Maura Healey understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her website, it states, "The climate crisis is our greatest risk and our greatest opportunity. Our choice is clear: to protect our families, communities, and the environment that sustains us, we must rapidly transition to clean energy. As Governor, Maura will make climate change a top priority. "10087.5 Roe
Hobbs, KatieArizonaD2022Katie Hobbs understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her website, Katie has emphasized the importance of protecting Arizona's environment and natural resources, and investing in a cleaner future. She's well aware of the climate change emergency; as stated on her website, "Climate change is not some hypothetical threat to be dealt with in the distant future. Arizonans are already feeling its effects through wildfires, extreme heat, and prolonged drought. Addressing this fundamental challenge requires swift action — including from our state government." 10087.5 Roe
Huckabee Sanders, Sarah ArkansasR2022Sarah Huckabee Sanders disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In 2018, when presented with a climate study developed by multiple federal agencies, Huckabee Sanders replied that the study was “not based on facts” and argued that modeling the climate “is never exact." The former Trump Press Secretary went on to assert that “The president’s certainly leading on what matters most in this process, and that’s on having clean air, clean water,” and that "the United States continues to be a leader on that front.”012.5 Roe
Ivey, KayAlabamaRepublican2022Governor Kay Ivey does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. On Ivey's campaign website, climate change is not listed as a priority or issue of importance.2525 Roe
Kelly, LauraKansasDemocrat2022Governor Laura Kelly understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. According to 'NPR,' Kelly has repeatedly tried to form a strong energy plan to combat climate change, but has been blocked by the state legislature. 'NPR' states, "Schreiber introduced a bill this year that would have demanded the state create a state energy plan. The bill died. A year earlier, the Legislature killed Gov. Laura Kelly’s plans to remake the state’s energy office." Kelly has had some success, passing an energy initiative aimed at increasing Kansas' reliance on renewable energy. According to Kelly's official governor's website, Kelly states, “Renewable energy is good for the environment and the Kansas economy – particularly as we work to overcome COVID-19-related economic challenges. Today’s announcement from Evergy is further showing Kansas’ position as a regional and national leader in the development and expansion of wind power.”10043.75 Roe
Kemp, BrianGeorgiaRepublican2022Governor Brian Kemp does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.2525 Roe
Kotek, TinaOregonD2022Tina Kotek understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her campaign website, it states, "It is also our responsibility to do what we can to combat climate change, which is a real and present danger that Oregonians are already experiencing firsthand...she is committed to making sure Oregonians do our part."10087.5 Roe
Lamont, NedConnecticutDemocrat2022Governor Ned Lamont understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. In a joint statement, Lamont stated, "The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report authored by 200 climate scientists again confirms what we know, that burning fossil fuels and other human activities have caused unprecedented climate change, and if we don’t continue to take steps to immediately reduce greenhouse gas emissions global warming will continue to accelerate in Connecticut and around the world. We must adapt and become resilient to the impacts that the report confirms are already locked into our future, and we must rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate further damage."10081.25 Roe
Lee, BillTennesseeRepublican2022Governor Bill Lee does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to the 'Tennessean,' when asked about climate change, Lee responded by stating, "I wish I were scientifically smart enough to know the reasons for climate change, and I don't."2525 Roe
Little, BradIdahoRepublican2022Governor Brad Little understands the importance of climate action but not as a top priority issue. According to the 'Associated Press, Little states, "Climate is changing, there’s no question about it. Sometimes what you do from a regulatory standpoint might be counter to what the right thing to do is, but you’ve got to recognize it. It’s here. We’ve just got to figure out how we’re going to cope with it. And we’ve got to slow it down. Now, reversing it is going to be a big darn job.” However, on Little's campaign website, climate change is not listed as a priority.7543.75 Roe
Lombardo, JoeNevadaR2022Joe Lombardo does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.2531.25 on Roe
Lujan Grisham, MichelleNew MexicoDemocrat2022Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. According to the 'Associated Press,' Grisham states, "We are dead set against allowing climate change to bring about the next public health crisis." Grisham also addresses the importance of climate change on her official governor's website, stating, "It is essential that climate change be prioritized. In the interest of developing a new, more sustainable federal-and-state climate policy that is so urgently needed to protect our planet, a review of all climate-related policies, including energy policies, will ensure we do this right – across the country and here in New Mexico."10062.5 Roe
Mills, JanetMaineDemocrat2022Governor Janet Mills understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. According to Mills' campaign website, Mills states, "My Administration will chart a new direction – one that will see Maine reclaim its place as a national leader in energy efficiency and renewable energy. We can reduce our spending on fossil fuels by billions of dollars, and at the same time create thousands of new jobs. We can reduce pollution, keep our air, water, and earth clean, and embrace our historic legacy as a state that champions its natural resources."10068.75 Roe
Moore, WesMarylandD2022Wes Moore understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On his website, it states, "Wes will re-establish Maryland as the national and global leader we should be by setting aggressive clean energy and emissions reductions standards."10087.5 Roe
Murphy, PhilNew JerseyDemocrat2021Governor Phil Murphy understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. According to the official New Jersey governor's website, Murphy states, "Climate change is the single greatest long-term threat currently facing humanity, and our state and economy are uniquely vulnerable to its devastating effects. Confronting climate change requires decisive and intentional action across all sectors and levels of government." Murphy also stated, “New Jersey faces an imminent threat from climate change, from rising seas that threaten our coastline to high asthma rates in some of our most vulnerable communities due to fossil fuel pollution. Successfully implementing the strategies outlined in the Energy Master Plan will drastically reduce New Jersey’s demand for fossil fuels, reduce our carbon emissions, greatly improve local air quality, and related health impacts."10062.5 Roe
Newsom, GavinCaliforniaDemocrat2022Governor Gavin Newsom understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. While touring areas devastated by wildfires in September 2020, Newsom stated, "I'm a little bit exhausted that we have to continue to debate this issue. This is a climate damn emergency."10087.5's%20California%20Comeback%20Plan,and%20addressing%20environmental%20justice%20priorities. Roe
Noem, KristiSouth DakotaRepublican2022Governor Kristi Noem does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to the 'Rapid City Journal,' when asked if climate change was real and caused by the use of fossil fuels, Noem stated, “I am extremely worried about the thousands of families who can’t afford the electricity cost spikes that the President’s proposal will result in. The vast majority of South Dakotans who have reached out to me on this issue have been opposed to the President’s proposal for this and other reasons." 2525 Roe
Pillen, JimNebraskaR2022Jim Pillen does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.2531.25 Roe
Polis, JaredColoradoDemocrat2022Governor Jared Polis understands the importance of climate action but not as a top priority issue. According to 'The Denver Channel,' Polis stated, "Coloradans know that bolder actions must be taken if we’re going to end the costly cycle of destruction brought on by climate change."7575 Roe
Pritzker, JayIllinoisDemocrat2022Governor Jay Pritzker understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. According to Pritzker's official governor's website, Pritzker states, "We can't outrun or hide from climate change - not to the north, where the Boundary Waters burn; not to the south, where Ida swallows lives and livelihoods in the blink of an eye." According to 'Capitol News Illinois,' Pritzker stated, “Never in human history has the world faced a more urgent climate emergency than the one we face today... Make no mistake, the days we hoped would never come, the consequences that decades worth of scholars and scientists have warned us about, are here. As the governor of one of the largest states in the U.S., I can tell you that not a week goes by where my state is not tackling a crisis or planning for the next one brought on by the effects of climate change.”10081.25 Roe
Reynolds, KimIowaRepublican2022Governor Kim Reynolds does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to 'Little Village Magazine,' when asked if climate change is real and caused by humans, Reynolds responded by stating, "I think it’s a factor. I think it’s overstated. But I believe that we are working hard every day to do our part, especially when it comes to renewables [wind energy and ethanol].”2525 Roe
Scott, PhilVermontRepublican2022Governor Phil Scott understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. According to Scott's campaign website, Scott is, "Committed to Vermont’s goal of achieving 90% renewable energy by 2050." Scott has also protested the Trump administrations efforts to undermine climate action. According to Scott's official governor's website, in a joint letter between Scott and Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, Scott wrote, "Our states, working individually and in multi-state efforts, have already made tremendous progress in reducing our carbon emissions. We believe maintaining this commitment and the U.S. leadership on climate change is the right action for the protection of our children, grandchildren and future generations."10050 Roe
Shapiro, Josh PennsylvaniaD2022Josh Shapiro understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On his campaign website, he writes that he will be "an environmental champion who will protect the water we drink and the air we breathe, and not be afraid to hold polluters accountable." Furthermore, in an October 2021 statement, he argued, "We need to take real action to address climate change, protect and create energy jobs and ensure Pennsylvania has reliable, affordable and clean power for the long term."10087.5 Roe
Stitt, KevinOklahomaRepublican2022Governor Kevin Stitt does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.2518.75 Roe
Sununu, ChrisNew HampshireRepublican2022Governor Chris Sununu disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to the 'Columbian Law School,' when asked if he believes in climate change, Sununu stated, "I don’t know for sure. And I’ve studied this at MIT. I studied earth and atmospheric sciences with some of the best in the world. And I’ve looked at the data myself...I think we should keep looking at it. We have to keep studying it, understand all the impacts, whether they’re to the environment, social, economic, or other factors that might come into play. Is carbon the leading reason why the earth has warmed up pretty much continuously over the last 150 years, I’m not sure. It could be.”06.25 Roe
Walz, TimMinnesotaDemocrat2022Governor Tim Walz understands the importance of climate action but not as a top priority issue. In an official proclamation, Walz stated, "Climate change threatens the very things that make Minnesota a great place to live, from our magnificent 10,000 lakes to our farmable land and clean air..."10056.25,office%2C%E2%80%9D%20said%20Governor%20Walz.Supports Roe
Whitmer, GretchenMichiganDemocrat2022Governor Gretchen Whitmer understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. According to the official Michigan governor's website, Whitmer states, "The science is clear – climate change is directly impacting our public health, environment, our economy, and our families. This dangerous reality is already causing harm throughout Michigan, with communities of color and low-income Michiganders suffering disproportionately, which is why I’m taking immediate action to protect our state. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to leave them a cleaner, safer and healthier world."10068.75,9309,7-387-90499_90640-540289--,00.html Roe
Youngkin, GlennVirginiaRepublican2021Virginia Gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to the 'American Independent,' when asked if human made greenhouse gas emissions were responsible for climate change, Youngkin stated, "I don't know what's responsible for climate change, in all candor." Youngkin has also repeatedly spread doubt on the reliability of renewable energy. According to 'Facebook,' when asked in a debate about climate change, Youngkin responded with, "We’re going to turn Virginia into California. And, get ready, brownouts and blackouts are coming. And the reason why Ford doesn't want to come here is one of them is they don’t trust our power supply.”012.5 Roe

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