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2024 Climate Heroes in the U.S. Senate

NameTermsStatePartyPositionLeadershipPosition ScoreVote ScoreLeadership ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose RoeVote [Expanding Dirty and Dangerous Offshore Drilling]Vote [Build Back Better Budget Resolution]Vote [Eliminating Safeguards on Fossil Fuel Production]Vote [Repealing Assault on Methane Pollution Safeguards]Vote [Inflation Reduction Act]
Murphy, Chris2ConnecticutDSenator Chris Murphy understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On his official website, Murphy speaks of his drive for environmental stewardship in the Senate "where I am pushing for strong policies to combat climate change, curb pollution, and invest in renewable energy." In a Tweet, the Senator said "My kids don’t understand why I work on anything other than climate change. Why does anything else matter if you don’t fix this, they wonder."Senator Murphy has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. He has taken pro-climate action such as co-authoring the Super Pollutants Act and co-sponsoring S.Res.173, a resolution calling on the creation of a Green New Deal. The Green New Deal is a set of laws meant to "wean the United States from fossil fuels and curb planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions across the economy" while also "(guaranteeing) new high-paying jobs in clean energy industries." The Senator has praised President Biden for the Inflation Reduction Act and rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, and promises " I am helping lead the fight to enact aggressive policies to combat climate change."100100100Senator Murphy publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Senator co-sponsored the Save Our Future Act, saying in a press release "Putting a price on localized air pollution as well as greenhouse gases is one of the best ways we can hold polluters accountable for the damage they do to our environment and to the health of our communities. I’m glad to support legislation to provide a market-based solution that would reduce a broad spectrum of harmful emissions, generate revenue to support American workers and local communities, and get us on the path toward a cleaner, healthier future."100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Sanders, Bernie3VermontISenator Bernie Sanders understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. In a speech to the Senate, Sanders said "M. President: As the father of 4 and the grandfather of 7, I very much wish that I did not have to say this. But the most serious challenge facing our country and the entire world today far and away is the existential threat of climate change. That’s not just Bernie Sanders talking. That’s what the scientific community is telling us in a virtually unanimous voice. The latest report from the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is very clear and it is very foreboding. If the United States, China and the rest of the world do not act extremely aggressively in cutting carbon emissions our planet will face enormous and irreversible damage. In fact, the world that we will be leaving our children and future generations will be increasingly unhealthy and uninhabitable."Senator Sanders has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. Urging climate action, he said in an op-ed "Either we maintain the status quo and continue to see more heat waves, drought, floods and extreme weather disturbances or we move away from fossil fuels and do our best to make sure that the planet we leave our kids and future generations is healthy and habitable." The Senator has taken climate action, having been a repeated sponsor and advocate for a Green New Deal.100100100Senator Sanders supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. An aggressive carbon tax was a central goal of his 2016 presidential campaign, and introduced the American Clean Energy Investment Act of 2015 which would establish a carbon tax. Of the bill, the Senator said "It is absolutely vital that we do what many economists tell us we must and that is put a price on carbon. It is the simplest and most direct way to make the kind of cuts in carbon pollution that we have got to make if we are going to successfully transition away from fossil fuel to energy efficiency and sustainable energy.”100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Whitehouse, Sheldon3Rhode IslandDSenator Sheldon Whitehouse understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. In a speech to the Senate, Whitehouse began saying "As we examine the looming economic dangers of climate change, today we’ll learn about the strain it’s placing on our defense and national security operations. Climate change is a catalyst of conflict, while also threatening our military’s infrastructure and operational readiness—all at significant cost." Whitehouse goes in-depth into how the effects of climate change have national security repercussion and concludes saying "As many national security experts have recognized, climate change is causing environmental damage that affects global stability, our national safety, and our long-term fiscal health. That comes home to roost in the budget. If you don’t believe me, read the Pentagon’s and Intelligence Community’s own reports."Senator Whitehouse has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a speech criticizing how bipartisan climate action has become and criticizing big oil's influence in politics, Whitehouse said "Before Citizens United, there was an active heartbeat of Republican activity on climate change. Since then, the evidence has only become stronger. But after Citizens United uncorked all that big, dark money, and allowed it to cast its bullying shadow of intimidation over our democracy, Republicans—other than those few who parrot the polluter party line that climate change is just a big old hoax— they have all walked back from any major climate legislation [...] As I have said before seventy-four times, and as I say tonight for the seventy-fifth time, it is time for us to wake up." Since 2012 Whitehouse has spoken weekly to the Senate about climate change, notably delivering his 250th speech on the matter in 2019. The Senator backs his pro-climate rhetoric with action. He has sponsored or co-sponsored nearly 200 environment-focused pieces of legislation as Senator, including the Safeguarding America's Future and Environment Act and the Green New Deal.100100100Senator Whitehouse supports and advocates for U.S. fee on carbon. In a panel discussion held as part of Harvard Climate Action Week, the Senator said “If we want a path to climate safety, it’s going to require us to do what is economically and morally right, which is to price carbon pollution.” Whitehouse has repeatedly introduced legislation and amendments aimed at creating a tax on carbon, such as the Clean Competition Act.100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate

2024 Climate Heroes running for the U.S. Senate

NameStatePartyPositionPosition ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose Roe
Blunt Rochester, LisaDelawareDRepresentative Blunt Rochester understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her Climate page, it states “Lisa understands the urgency of the climate crisis we face and believes that everyone deserves access to clean air and water.”100Representative Blunt Rochester publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. Representative Blunt Rochester co-sponsored the America Wins Act (H.R. 4142), which aimed to put a tax on carbon pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 52% in ten years. 100100 Supports Roe
Costello, DavidMaineDDavid Costello understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. In an opinion piece for the Press Herald, Devid Costello wrote that “to adequately tackle climate change, we need to do more – a lot more than we have done to date. Specifically, we need to employ stronger regulations and incentives to ensure that we come very close to zeroing out our greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050, and we need to draw down significant amounts of carbon from our atmosphere for many, many years thereafter.”100David Costello publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. In the same opinion piece for the Press Herald, he wrote “we need to immediately develop and implement an aggressive national, science-based climate action plan. This ambitious and comprehensive plan would include, among other elements: initiatives to progressively price and limit greenhouse-gas emissions.”100100 Supports Roe
Schiff, AdamCaliforniaDRepresentative Adam Schiff understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Climate and Environment page of his website, Representative Schiff states “Adam believes that climate change is the most urgent and existential crisis facing the U.S. and international community today and that, if left unchecked, it will bring about disastrous consequences for our environment, our food and water supply, the global economy, and our national security.”100Representative Adam Schiff publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. 100100,Congressman%20Schiff%20on%20Supreme%20Court%20Decision%20to%20Strike%20Down%20Roe,century's%20progress%20and%20legal%20protectionsSupports Roe

2024 Climate Heroes in the U.S. House

NameStateDistrictPartyPositionPosition ScoreVote ScoreLeadershipLeadership ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose RoeVotes [Attacking International Climate Collaboration (House Roll Call 27)]Vote [Advancing Climate Action in the COMPETES Act (House Roll Call 18)]Vote [Repealing Assault on Methane Pollution Safeguards (House Roll Call 185)]Vote [Pro-Environment Funding Package (House Roll Call 247)]Vote [Transformative Climate, Jobs, and Justice Investments (House Roll Call 385)]Vote [Investing in Climate-Smart and Pro-Wildlife Infrastructure (House Roll Call 201)]Vote [Inflation Reduction Act (HR 5376)]
Adams, AlmaNorth Carolina12DCongresswoman Alma Adams understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's, 'Energy and Environment,' page, it states, "There is no denying that Climate Change and the rise in global temperatures results in extreme ecological changes. As a member of the Congressional Safe Climate Caucus, Congresswoman Adams is pushing for strong and proactive environmental policies that combat climate change, curb pollution, invest in renewable energy, and promote sustainable development solutions. She believes it’s time to start investing in more renewable energy sources and develop new green technologies. Investing in energy and the environment is effectively investing in the economy."100100Congresswoman Adams has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2020 post on 'Twitter,' The Congresswoman stated, "CLIMATE CHANGE ISN’T NEW. We’ve known the damaging impacts of it for years and we can’t afford to not take action. That’s why I’m proud to support the Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act in order to put a #PriceOnPollution and reduce our carbon emissions by 90% by 2050." The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a press release on a 2017 Executive Order that curtailed America's ability to tackle climate change, the Congresswoman stated, "This Executive Order lets companies off of the hook and shifts environmental cleanup costs onto American taxpayers who are expected to be charged as much as $58 Billion by 2030. The President’s actions roll back critical protections to our air and water supplies and significantly reduce our ability to effectively fight climate change. As long as this administration continues to put big business first, its American families who will pay the greatest price.” Rep. Adams makes climate change a priority issue as well. She demonstrated this by becoming a co-sponsor of the Green New Deal. 100Congresswoman Adams publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763). This bill would put a $15 per metric ton price on carbon emissions. She voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Aguilar, PeteCalifornia33DCongressman Peter Aguilar understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's website, Aguilar states "It is our responsibility to future generations to conserve our resources, protect our environment and do our best to mitigate effects the climate crisis has on our planet. For the past couple of years, we’ve seen unprecedented fire seasons, devastating hurricanes, extreme drought, rising sea levels and more devastate thousands of communities globally. We need to take immediate action, or soon it will be too late. Rep. Aguilar is committed to advancing a climate-forward agenda that promotes opportunity for Inland Empire workers, businesses and entrepreneurs and puts us on a path to win the economic competition of the 21st century."100100Congressman Aguilar has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. The Congressman passed two amendments to lower inland automobile emissions as part of the Moving Forward Act (H.R. 2), stating, "I was proud to help pass this bill because it will bring real investment to our region and create good-paying jobs in our community. This forward-thinking legislation will help us work our way out of the recession caused by the coronavirus pandemic and will allow us to modernize our crumbling infrastructure, reduce pollution and fight climate change.” Congressman Aguilar also makes prominent public statements on the issue. Rep. Aguilar's campaign website, states, "I take the effects of climate change and pollution very seriously and have worked in Congress to reduce our carbon footprint and prioritize the health and safety of our communities." Congressman Aguilar makes climate change a top priority issue. In a January 2022 tweet, the Congressman stated "I had a chance to talk about how the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will help prevent wildfires. We know we must do more to combat climate change and we will — thanks to the @VP’s leadership."100Congressman Aguilar publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. He voted against a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)).100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Auchincloss, JakeMassachusetts 4DCongressman Jake Auchincloss understands the importance of climate action but not as a top priority issue. According to a July 2021 article from 'The Hill,' "At the event co-sponsored by Walmart and Environmental Defense Fund, Rep. Jake Auchincloss (D-Mass.), said he’s 'not really waiting another decade for Republicans to decide ‘yeah, maybe we should group together climate change with infrastructure.’” “You can get on board or you can not. But we’re going to do it, because it is pertinent and it is necessary,' said the first-term lawmaker..."100100Congressman Jake Auchincloss has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In an October 2020 interview with 'WCVB Channel 5 Boston,' when asked "What steps do you believe are the most necessary to deal with global climate change?" Congressman Auchincloss answered "We've got to invest in green R&D, green infrastructure, and green jobs. That means putting a price on carbon. That means asserting muscular federal oversight over protecting our clean water and our clean air provisions..." The congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a February 2020 interview with 'WCVB Channel 5 Boston,' Congressman Auchincloss stated "Climate change will steal this planet from the next generation. That’s not just a political and environmentally reality... We are talking any federal investment in infrastructure. Not transportation, we are missing an opportunity. Transportation is 40% of what drives climate change in Massachusetts. We put together a progressive plan to reinvent transportation in Massachusetts." The congressman makes climate change a top priority issue. On his campaign website, Congressman Auchincloss lists "Meet the climate crisis head-on" as a priority, where he states "Jake has a track record of delivering progressive solutions to address climate change. On the city council, he voted with Green Newton priorities 100% of the time."100Congressman Jake Auchincloss publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. On his campaign website, to "Meet the climate crisis head-on," he includes "Tax[ing] carbon to curb the pollution that causes climate change." According to a 2021 New Boston Post article, " a Zoom event put together by the Foxborough Democratic Town Committee... Auchincloss said that he sees a carbon tax as essential to fighting climate change." In addition, Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. 100100 Supports RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Carbajal, SaludCalifornia24DCongressman Salud Carbajal understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'Energy and Environment,' page, it states, "Having raised my children on the Central Coast, I understand the importance that environmental preservation and energy efficiency has for our community. The Central Coast is already experiencing major climate change impacts like wildfires and drought. We can save lives, property, and money when we work to proactively mitigate these increasingly destructive events. I believe we cannot afford inaction on the most significant challenge of our time."100100Congressman Carbajal has demonstrated leadership on climate change by advocating for climate action. In 2018 the Congressman introduced the, Climate Change is Real Act (H.R.5552) which would have required EPA to reinstate the information about climate change that was removed from, or redacted on, the EPA's website during the period beginning on January 20, 2017." The Congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 press release introducing the Coastal State Climate Preparedness Act (H.R. 3541), the Congressman stated, “Climate change is real and we cannot wait another minute to tackle the problem from every angle. My Coastal State Climate Preparedness Act will help communities across the nation, especially ones like our Central Coast, that are vulnerable to climate disasters and need more help on the front lines of this crisis." Rep Carbajal makes climate change a top priority issue. From a June 2020 press release, "On Tuesday, the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis unveiled a comprehensive congressional climate action framework, which includes two of Congressman Carbajal’s bills: H.R. 2470, the Clean Water Infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability Act and H.R. 2199, the Central Coast Heritage Protection Act.The Clean Water Infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability Act, establishes a competitive funding program at the Environmental Protection Agency for the development of innovative water-related infrastructure projects built with the threats of climate change in mind.In addition, the Central Coast Heritage Protection Act designates four new wilderness areas in the Carrizo Plain National Monument and expands nine existing wilderness areas in Los Padres National Forest. The wilderness designation is the highest form of protection the government can give to a public land and would prohibit any commercial development on the land, including oil and gas drilling."100Congressman Carbajal publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. Rep. Carbajal is also a co-sponsor of the 'MARKET CHOICE Act' (H.R.4520), legislation that intends to "(impose) a tax on the greenhouse gas emissions of fossil fuels, certain industrial processes, and certain product uses." He voted against a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)).100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Chu, Judy California28DCongresswoman Judy Chu understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her energy and environment page, she states, "Our economy is inextricably intertwined with our long-term energy and conservation strategies. By investing in renewable energy and protecting our natural wonders, we can address climate change while modernizing our economy. I am committed to taking aggressive action to reverse the effects of climate change. That is why I am committed to reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, promoting policies that keep our air and water clean, supporting a marketplace where green energy technologies and jobs can thrive, protecting our environment through conservation, and connecting communities to the outdoors."100100Congresswoman Chu has demonstrated leadership on climate change by advocating for climate action. She is a co-sponsor of the 'Climate Action Now Act' (H.R. 9), legislation that "requires the President to develop and update annually a plan for the United States to meet its nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement on climate change." The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on climate change. In a 2019 press release introducing the Climate Resiliency Service Corps Act of 2019 (H.R. 5176) to establish a new AmeriCorps program to promote community adaptation, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery from the effects of climate change, the Congresswoman stated, "Climate change is a national threat, affecting every region of the country. And it is one that demands immediate action." Rep. Chu makes climate change a top priority issue as well. According to a press release, "Today, Representatives Judy Chu (CA-27) and Jimmy Panetta (CA-20) introduced the National Climate Service Corps and Careers Network Act of 2021 to create a National Climate Service Corps within AmeriCorps. The corps would allow Americans to serve their communities through public service projects focused on community adaptation, mitigation, and resiliency."100Congresswoman Chu publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman/woman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. She voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86).100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Cicilline, DavidRhode Island1DCongressman David Cicilline understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'Energy and Environment,' page, it states, "David is fighting to address climate change, and the undeniable science that tells us carbon pollution is threatening the health of our environment and the public. David knows that to protect Rhode Island’s air, water, and other natural resources today and years into the future, we need to end our reliance on the fossil fuels that pollute and degrade our ecosystem."100100Congressman Cicilline has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2019 press release endorsing the Green New Deal, the Congressman stated, "This is a 10-year plan that we can achieve if we come together to rise to this challenge and finally address the threat of climate change.” Rep. Cicilline also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 press release, supporting the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), the Congressman stated, "We can’t afford to ignore it – especially in Rhode Island. If climate change continues, it will devastate our fishing and tourism industries, which support nearly 90,000 Rhode Island jobs and more than $7 billion in economic activity for our state each year.” Congressman Cicilline makes climate change a top priority issue. According to The Brown Daily Herald, in 2018 the Congressman joined Senator Sheldon Whitehouse in visiting the Climate Development Lab at the Urban Environmental Lab, in an attempt to elevate the work the lab was conducting. 100Congressman Cicilline publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. In a 2018 press release reintroducing The American Opportunity Carbon Fee Act (H.R. 4926), Rep. Cicilline stated, "It is time for polluters to pay their fair share. We cannot simply continue to ignore the overwhelming science that climate change is happening and presents a serious threat to our national security, our economy and the health and well-being of millions of Americans. The federal government should not be in the business of subsidizing carbon pollution, and I applaud Senator Whitehouse and Senator Schatz for their leadership on this important legislation.” The Congressman voted against a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Clarke, Yvette D.New York9DCongresswoman Yvette Clarke understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. As Vice Chair of the Energy and Commerce committee, she has introduced various bills to help "tackle the progression of the climate crisis," as stated on her website. During a press conference announcing her efforts to reintroduce climate legislation at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Rep. Clarke said, "climate change is a crisis, [O]ur duty in Congress is to take bold action to tackle climate-warming emissions and protect the American public from future climate impacts." 100100Congresswoman Clarke has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. She is the sponsor of the Climate Justice Act of 2021, legislation that "requires the President to establish a Climate Justice Working Group that must advise federal entities on a just and equitable transition towards a clean, climate-resilient, and zero-emission economy." Rep. Clarke also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2020 press release supporting the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis action plan, which highlighted several of the Congresswoman's bills, she stated, "I am proud to see my colleagues in the House come together to take meaningful action on the critical issue of climate change and environmental protection. My bills that have been highlighted in the Climate Crisis Action have the potential to be invaluable tools in ensuring our environment is preserved for future generations.” Congresswoman Clarke makes climate change a top priority issue. She is the sponsor of the FEMA Climate Change Preparedness Act of 2019, a bill that would require "the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to revise its 2018-2022 Strategic Plan to ensure that the plan explicitly mentions climate change and addresses the implications of climate change."100Congresswoman Clarke publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763). This bill would put a $15 per metric ton price on carbon emissions. She also voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Cleaver, EmanuelMissouri5DCongressman Emanual Cleaver understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On Congressman Cleaver's energy page it states, "As early as 1859, British scientist John Tyndall discovered that carbon dioxide (CO2) can trap heat. Since Charles Keeling began measuring atmospheric CO2 in the late 1950s, scientists have accumulated a wealth of evidence documenting the increase of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, the rise of global average temperature and the influence of human activities on the Earth’s climate."100100Congressman Cleaver has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2021 article from the Martin City Telegraph, detailing an "an online meeting of the South Kansas City Alliance on Sept. 13," it stated, "The energy-themed meeting began with a pre-recorded talk by U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II, who announced he would be working in the next 90 days with the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority to launch an ambitious program to provide free rides on electric buses in three 21st century corridors. The corridors (which are yet to be determined) would provide charging stations for electric vehicles. “It will be no emissions and no admissions,” he quipped. 'This will be a major part of what I’m doing in the next session of Congress as a response to climate change.'" The Congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 tweet regarding the climate impact on black communities, he stated, "It’s no secret that #ClimateChange affects communities of color the hardest. That’s why @TheBlackCaucus is working hard to ensure these communities are protected from the consequences that will come with a warming climate." Rep. Cleaver makes climate change a top priority issue. As chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on National Security, International Development, and Monetary Policy, the Congressman held a hearing on how Climate Change is already impacting America’s economy and national security, as well as the extraordinary costs that are expected to arise as the planet’s climate continues to warm.100Congressman Cleaver publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments.The Congressman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Cohen, SteveTennessee9DCongressman Steve Cohen understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'environment,' page, it states, "In February 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the leading international network of scientists, for the first time concluded that global warming is "unequivocal" and that human activity is the main driver of it, causing most of the rise in temperatures since 1950... Recently, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released a report that expounds upon the IPCC findings and claims that climate change is undeniable and is the reason why the past decade is the warmest in the history of record-keeping."100100Congressman Cohen has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In an op-ed written in December of 2019, the Congressman wrote, "I am alarmed by the increasing threat that climate change and other industrially created damage pose to the environment and recognize that bold actions must be taken to reverse the causes, as well as address the consequences." Rep. Cohen also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a press release supporting the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), the Congressman stated, "President Trump’s ill-advised attempt to withdraw from the Accord is irresponsible and this bill makes it clear that a majority in this Congress intends to prioritize the needs of the future by addressing climate change." Congressman Cohen makes climate change a top priority issue. During the 16th Annual Environmental Justice Conference, the Congressman expressed his support for the Green New Deal, stating, "The Green New Deal is something that should be passed into law to ensure the safety of the future generations that inhabit the earth, but there are members of the Republican Party that fail to see that."100Congressman Cohen publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. Rep. Cohen co-sponsored the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019 (H.R. 763). The Congressman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Craig, AngieMinnesota 2DCongresswoman Craig understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's, 'Environment,' page, the opening statement says, "There’s no denying it – climate change is happening and we have to address it now. In Minnesota, we’ve already seen milder winters, heat waves, droughts, and floods. Climate change is a threat to our environment and the health and safety of all Americans."100100Congresswoman Craig has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. She introduced the Resilience Revolving Loan Fund Act of 2019 (H.R. 3779), which according to the Congresswoman would make loans available for projects that minimize the risk of wildfire, earthquake, flood, storm surge. The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a press release on the bill she stated, "As the impact of climate change gets closer and closer to home, we need to make sure our communities have the resources they need to be resilient in the face of increasing natural disasters.” She makes climate change a top priority issue. Regarding the 'Inflation Reduction Act,' she said, ""This bill is going to really motivate young voters across the nation,' said Democratic U.S. Rep. Angie Craig, who's in a tough re-election battle in the swing Second Congressional District. 'We've delivered on the single biggest bill to address climate change in the history of our country.'" It is the first issue mentioned on her 'Environment' page on her website.100In a 2021 tweet, Congresswoman Craig wrote, "As extreme weather events continue to intensify in the U.S. & abroad, we must take action to address climate change. That’s why I support legislation backed by @citizensclimate to put a price on carbon & return 100% of the revenue to American families." The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. The Congresswoman was not in Congress for a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Crow, JasonColorado6DCongressman Jason Crow understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's campaign website, it states, "Climate change is a severe threat to the planet, people, and our nation. Congress must act to reduce carbon pollution and other emissions to protect against further impacts of climate change, but it must also work to help communities adapt to an already changing climate. It is essential that Congress act to address climate change because, as we have seen, presidential action alone may be undone quickly under a future administration." 100100Congressman Crow has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In 2019 the Congressman hosted a forum on the impact of climate change on public health, stating in a press release, "Community conversations like this are vital to finding solutions to the threats that climate change poses. It’s time for Congress to lead on climate change and pass legislation that will protect our communities and children.” Congressman Crow also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 press release announcing a provision to the National Defense Authorization Act, which would require large military installations to include assessments of climate change and mitigation efforts in their master plans, the Congressman stated, "Our military has seen firsthand the impact of climate change on national security and the first step of countering any threat is to create a baseline understanding of what we’re up against. My provision will ensure we understand the threat so we can improve our military's resiliency to global warming and the dangerous impacts of extreme weather.” Rep. Crow makes climate change a top priority issue. In a 2020 Facebook post, supporting the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9) the Congressman wrote, "Climate change is affecting extreme weather events, public health, and our national security. It’s time for America to be a global leader and work to address climate change and reduce our carbon footprint. We need #ClimateActionNow."100Congressman Crow publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. The Congressman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H.Con.Res.87).100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
DeGette, DianaColorado1DCongresswoman Diana DeGette understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's, 'Combatting the Climate Crisis,' page, it states, "Rep. DeGette believes the ongoing climate crisis is the single greatest threat facing our planet. In Congress, DeGette is leading the charge to cut our nation’s carbon emissions, curb methane waste and pollution, and create the nation’s first-ever federal clean energy standard."100100Congresswoman DeGette has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2019 press release outlining a plan to get America to net-zero emissions by 2050, the Congresswoman stated, "If we are going to avoid the worst effects of our climate crisis, the U.S. has to take drastic steps now to cut our carbon emissions. By creating a national clean-energy standard that all U.S. power companies will have to adhere to, we will be able to spur the innovation and deployment of the new technologies we’ll need to solve this crisis.” The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a press release introducing the Clean Energy Innovation and Deployment Act (H.R. 7516), the Congresswoman stated, "To truly solve this climate crisis, we need to start driving the innovation and deployment of new clean-energy technologies today,” DeGette said. “This legislation will not only do that, but it will also help bring down the cost of these technologies so other countries can quickly follow suit.” Rep. DeGette makes climate change a top priority issue. In a 2020 press release on the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis highlighting the Congresswoman's proposed legislation as necessary to combatting climate change, she stated, "If we are going to be serious about solving this crisis, we must take steps now to lower our emissions, increase our use of renewable energies and protect more of our public lands." 100Congresswoman DeGette publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. The Congresswoman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H.Con.Res.87).100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
DeSaulnier, MarkCalifornia10DCongressman Mark DeSaulnier understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On his 'Energy and the Environment' page, he writes, "Congressman DeSaulnier recognizes climate change for the existential threat that it is and, beginning with his time as a member of the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), he has been a proud champion of policies that promote sustainability, protect the environment, and mitigate the harmful effects of climate change. He is a firm believer that the challenges of climate change also present enormous opportunity and strong, forward-looking energy and environmental policy will be a key driver of growth, innovation, and competitiveness. While fueling economic growth, rigorous environmental protections will protect the health of all Californians."100100Congressman DeSaulnier has demonstrated leadership on climate change by advocating for climate action. In a 2021 press release, the Congressman introduced the 'Jobs for a Carbon Free Transportation System Act' (H.R. 5896), "landmark legislation to help transition our economy off fossil fuels to cleaner, renewable energy while simultaneously supporting workers, communities, and state and local governments." Congressman DeSaulnier also makes prominent public statements on the issue. According to a 2019 Lamorinda Weekly article, the Congressman hosted a climate change town hall, where he stated, "The costs of not responding to climate change must be approached from an economic standpoint. We must not weaken our goals to slow down climate change, but aspire to save the planet for future generations." Rep. DeSaulnier makes climate change a top priority issue. He is a co-sponsor of the Green New Deal. The Green New Deal is a set of laws meant to "wean the United States from fossil fuels and curb planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions across the economy" while also "(guaranteeing) new high-paying jobs in clean energy industries." 100Congressman DeSaulnier publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. In a 2018 version of the DeSaulnier's Digest, regarding the anti-carbon tax resolution in the U.S. House, the Congressman stated, “A carbon tax has the potential to be an important tool for fighting climate change, and the Republican resolution is counterproductive." The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. He voted against a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Escobar, VeronicaTexas16DCongresswoman Veronica Escobar understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. In a January 2020 Tweet, the Congresswoman wrote, "Climate change is an urgent global crisis that demands a strong and swift response. As Congress continues to push for ambitious climate action, we must also ensure we harness foreign policy to combat this threat and protect our planet for future generations."100100Congresswoman Escobar has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. According to the Congresswoman's website, she states, "I was proud to sponsor the Department of Defense Climate Resiliency and Readiness Act to ensure that one of the largest producers of greenhouse gasses prioritizes necessary developments in renewable technologies, builds on the success of NetZero pilots, and makes judicious use of taxpayer dollars. I also introduced the Targeting Environmental and Climate Recklessness Act (TECRA), to modernize the use of sanctions - a key foreign policy tool - to meet one of our most pressing global challenges: climate change." Congresswoman Escobar also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 Tweet, the Congresswoman wrote, "This is the consequence of climate change—and our shameful unwillingness to make the sacrifices and changes necessary to slow it down. Too late to stop it, but never too late to act to try to slow it down some. Oh, what tragedy our children have inherited." Rep. Escobar makes climate change a top priority issue. According to a 2019 press release, "Congresswoman Escobar successfully added two amendments to the NDAA that will make our military more adept at mitigating climate change." 100Congresswoman Escobar publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. Rep. Escobar co-sponsored the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019 (H.R. 763). The Congresswoman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Evans, DwightPennsylvania3DCongressman Dwight Evans understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'Environment,' page, it states, "Scientific research proves climate change is real and its consequences are serious and evident. Sea level rise, droughts and rising temperatures across the nation show the serious impact of climate change. Climate change is directly related to our national security, economic prosperity and food supply. It is time to take our energy policy down a new path that reduces carbon pollution and promotes a sustainable, greener tomorrow for future generations."100100Congressman Dwight Evans has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. The Congressman opposed President Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, stating in a 2017 press release, "I will continue to act on climate because our future generations depend on it and we have a lot to lose if not. In fact, 59% of Americans believe in climate change and know protecting our earth is crucial. Nevertheless, President Trump’s action to withdraw the US from the Paris Climate Agreement, does not mean that my colleagues and I will advocate less for what is in the best interest of the Philadelphians, Pennsylvanians and the American people." On his website's 'Environment' page, Congressman Evans states, "Scientific research proves climate change is real and its consequences are serious and evident. Sea level rise, droughts and rising temperatures across the nation show the serious impact of climate change. Climate change is directly related to our national security, economic prosperity and food supply. It is time to take our energy policy down a new path that reduces carbon pollution and promotes a sustainable, greener tomorrow for future generations." The Congressman also supported the Better Future Act (OFF Act) (H.R. 3671) in 2018, which would eliminate tax giveaways to the fossil fuel industry. Congressman Evans makes climate change a top priority issue.100Congressman Evans publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763). This bill would put a $15 per metric ton price on carbon emissions. He voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Garamendi, JohnCalifornia8DCongressman Garamendi understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. In a 2022 press release for Earth Day, he stated, “There is no Planet B. On this Earth Day, I am recommitting myself to doing everything in my power to protect our air, water, and ecosystems for this generation and those to come. 2020 was tied for the hottest year on record, and recent climate reports paint a grim picture for the future of our planet if we don’t act now,” Garamendi said. “Mother nature is crying out for help, and we must all heed her warning and answer the call before the climate crisis permanently upends our lives and our world. As a public servant, I have and will continue to spend my career fighting to address the existential threat of climate change" 100100Congressman John Garamendi has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. On the Congressman's, 'Environment,' page, it states, "America must take the climate crisis seriously. Congressman Garamendi is a passionate advocate for investments in clean energy, building weatherization, public transit, and biking amenities, because these are the key ways we can lower our carbon footprint." The congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a speech on the House floor, he stated, “Global warming is real. Take a look at California. We are in the midst of the fourth year of a very severe drought. You can debate whether this drought is or is not the result of climate change, but you cannot debate the fact that CO2 in our atmosphere is approaching 400 parts per million – highest it’s ever been in over 800,000 years. You cannot debate the fact that it’s a heck of a lot warmer in California in the last decade than it’s ever been in recorded time. You cannot debate the fact the snow level in California is rapidly rising up the Sierra Nevada and the Siskiyou Mountains leaving us with an ever smaller snow reservoir." Congressman Garamendi makes climate change a top priority issue. In a 2022 press release announcing his support and vote for the 'Inflation Reduction Act,' he stated, "This historic legislation provides over $369 billion—the single largest investment ever—to tackle the climate crisis. With the clean energy programs funded in this bill, we will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030. This critically important funding will make the air we breathe and the water we drink cleaner and spur a once-in-a-generation investment in research and technology to mitigate the risks posed by climate change" 100Congressman Garamendi publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. Rep. Garamendi voted against a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)).100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Garcia, ChuyIllinois4DCongressman Chuy Garcia understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'Environment,' page, it states, "This generation faces an unprecedented and urgent climate crisis that threatens our economy, our national security, and our planet. As a nation and member of the global community, we must aggressively confront human-caused climate change. To do so, policy makers must promote a transition to sustainable technologies in the 21st century.100100Congressman Garcia has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2019 press release calling for infrastructure policies to address climate change, Rep. Garcia stated, "The fact is, climate change is causing more extreme weather events and will put more strain on our crumbling infrastructure." The Congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 speech endorsing the Green New Deal, the Congressman stated, "The greatest challenge to our generation combating and reversing the effects of global climate change." Congressman Garcia makes climate change a top priority issue. In a 2019 speech on the EPA, he stated, "It is important to acknowledge the growing crisis of climate change in our times. Yet President Trump wants to severely cut funding for the atmospheric reduction programs."100Congressman Garcia publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. He was not in Congress to vote on a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Grijalva, RaulArizona7DCongressman Grijalva understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On Congressman Grijalva's, 'Combatting Global Climate Change,' page it states, "According to the Environmental Protection Agency, global average temperatures have risen by 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 100 years. Without a proactive national strategy to reduce emissions from greenhouse gases and contain other man-made drivers of climate change, temperatures will continue to rise. Some members of Congress deny the challenges presented by climate change and prefer to ignore the overwhelming scientific data available on the issue. Rep. Grijalva continues to believe in the need for comprehensive energy legislation that meets the nation’s energy needs, creates green jobs and decreases greenhouse gas emissions. He understands the importance of investing in clean energy and preventing the potentially catastrophic effects global warming could have on our farms, coasts, and oceans."100100Congressman Grijalva has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2024 press release, Grijalva spoke at length about the threats that climate change poses to Arizonans, and the steps Arizonan democrats are taking to combat it. He encouraged the passage of new climate bills and calls on Republican members of congress to take climate action. On his, "Carbon Dioxide & Climate Policy," page, it states, "Climate disruptions will cause the spread of invasive species, threaten native species, endanger watersheds, cause habitat loss, and increase the intensity and length of the fire season on our public lands. It is difficult to imagine Glacier National Park without glaciers or Joshua Tree National Park without trees. Yet the evidence is clear that we may be facing just that kind of future." Rep. Grijalva makes climate change a top priority issue. He is a co-sponsor of the Green New Deal, saying in a press release, “What I heard yesterday is what I’ve been hearing for years: this economy needs to be cleaner and more sustainable if we want a livable future. The Green New Deal is the right framework for the work we need to do, in Congress and across the nation, to reduce our fossil fuel use, create green jobs, and protect our country and our planet for the long term.” 100Congressman Grijalva publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. In 2015 as the Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Grijalva helped create a competing budget proposal to that of the then-Republican majority called the "Peoples Budget." The proposal looked to implement a carbon fee of $25 per ton emitted. Congressman Grijalva voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Hayes, JahanaConnecticut5DCongresswoman Jahana Hayes understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her campaign website, Hayes says "Climate change is both an environmental issue and a civil rights, economic, and public health issue. Stopping and reversing climate change, protecting public lands and waters, reducing air pollution, transitioning to green energy supplies, and investing in sustainable agriculture is a top priority of mine as your representative."100100Congresswoman Hayes has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2019 press release supporting the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9) the Congresswoman stated, "Like the overwhelming majority of Americans, I understand that climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. If we do not adhere to the promises we made as a nation in the Paris Climate Agreement, our children and grandchildren will pay the price." The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2020 press release on the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis's recommending the Clean School Bus Act, a bill the Congresswoman introduced, she stated, "“Climate change has been threatening the lives of our children and the health of our environment for decades. COVID-19, which directly threatens our respiratory health, has made it crystal clear that we need to address air pollution caused by our school bus fleet immediately.” Rep. Hayes makes climate change a top priority issue. In a 2020 tweet, the Congresswoman stated "The negative effects of climate change are happening in real time all over the country. We must take real action now." 100Congresswoman Hayes publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. The Congresswoman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H.Con.Res.87).100100 Supports RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Holmes Norton, EleanorDistrict of Columbia1DCongresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. In a press release on the increasing frequency on natural disasters, Congresswoman Norton stated, "Climate change has exposed to country to the increasingly numerous and severe natural disasters that are occurring in areas never previously recorded. We have a moral and civic obligation to be upfront with the American people about federal, state, and local unpreparedness for new and unanticipated disasters. Both the funding and thinking in Congress is locked somewhere in the 20th century, failing to take into account what climate science already shows is occurring on an annual basis.”1000Congresswoman has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2020 press release advocated for the INVEST in America Act, which was included in the Moving Forward Act (H.R. 2) and would reauthorize funding for DC public transit. In the press release, she stated, "The use of technology in transportation and the bill’s many climate change innovations make this a break from prior bills to become the nation’s first 21st century transportation and infrastructure bill. The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. According to a 2017 press release, the Congresswoman during an Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management Subcommittee hearing on disaster mitigation and recovery called climate change “the elephant in the room.” Rep. Holmes makes climate change a top priority issue. From a July 2021 press release, "Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), Chair of the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, released her House floor remarks on the INVEST in America Act, the surface transportation infrastructure bill, which Norton held write and which the House passed today." The Congresswoman stated "However, today's bill, for example, for the first time tackles climate change in recognition that transportation leads as a source of greenhouse gas emissions. The need to reduce burning fossil fuels is a priority in this bill to move us more quickly to zero emissions."100Congresswoman Norton Holmes publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. ”The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments.The Congresswoman also co-sponsored the America Wins Act (H.R. 4142), which aims to put a tax on carbon pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 52% in ten years.100100NOTE: THIS CANDIDATES DID NOT VOTE ON ANY OF THE VOTES ABOVE, SO THE VOTE SCORE DOES NOT FACTOR INTO HER CLIMATE CALCULATION. HER VOTE SCORE IS IMPUTED BASED ON THE AVERAGE OF HER POSITION, LEADERSHIP AND FEE ON CARBON SCORES. RoeN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Houlahan, ChrissyPennsylvania6DCongresswoman Chrissy Houlahan understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. According to her website's 'Energy and Environment' page, Congresswoman Chrissy states, "As an engineer and a scientist, I understand the grave threat that climate change poses to America and the world at large. Let’s be clear: climate change is real, and human behavior is making it worse. The adverse effects will impact not only the natural environment but also our national security and our economic vitality. I am committed to fighting for binding legislation with actionable measures to mitigate these negative impacts and stop climate change in its tracks."100100Congresswoman Houlahan has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a press release supporting The Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9) the Congresswoman stated, "Climate change is happening. And we are causing it. Inaction on this threat harms our economy, national security, and health. I refuse to stand by and do nothing. This is a fight for our country, for our children, and for humanity." Rep. Houlahan also makes prominent public statements on the issue. Congresswoman Houlahan penned a 2019 op-ed for the Daily Loca, where she wrote, "Let us be frank: Climate change is happening. The effects will be disastrous. And it’s caused by human activity. But this recognition cannot be reserved to one day a year. We need to be acting every day from here on out to combat climate change and reverse the negative impacts it has had on our world and will continue to have if we don’t take aggressive action quickly." Rep. Houlahan makes climate change a top priority issue. The Congresswoman proposed an amendment to The Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9) which, "encourages the United States to go above and beyond the requirements outlined in the Paris Agreement and aggressively employ diplomacy to work with our partners around the world to take swift and decisive action to combat climate change."100Congresswoman Houlahan publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman co-sponsored the Climate Action Rebate Act of 2019 (H.R. 4051), which imposes a carbon fee on the use, sale, or transfer of certain fossil fuels and fluorinated gases that emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Rep. Houlahan voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Huffman, JaredCalifornia2DCongressman Huffman understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'Climate Action,Energy & Environment,' page, it states, "Addressing climate change is the greatest imperative of our time. The stakes are enormous for our environment, our economy, and our planet. Confronting climate change will require major investments in infrastructure, new technologies, well-paying jobs, and energy independence. Pursuing these projects will not only make progress on climate change- they will also make our country stronger, healthier, and more prosperous. As a climate leader and an original cosponsor of the Green New Deal resolution, these priorities are front and center in all my work for California’s Second District."100100Congressman Huffman has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2020 press release introducing Resources for Workforce Investments, not Drilling Act (ReWIND Act) he stated, "The Trump administration has proven time and again that it cannot be trusted to act in the country’s -- or the planet’s -- best interests. Any large allocation of money invites misuse, and Congress must take the necessary precautions to ensure that Trump doesn’t use taxpayer money to provide handouts to the fossil fuel industry.” The Congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 press release supporting the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), Rep. Huffman stated, "It’s time to draw a line against the Trump administration’s attempts to take us backward, worsen the climate crisis, and make the United States an international laughing stock." Congressman Huffman makes climate change a top priority issue. In an op-ed co-written with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, the Congressman writes, "Denial is no longer an option; mockery of the Green New Deal is not a constructive answer. It is time for serious action." 100Congressman Huffman publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. In 2015 the Congressman introduced the Gas Replacement Act, which according to his site would, "Replace the chronically-underperforming federal gas tax with a life-cycle assessment-based carbon tax on gasoline and diesel fuels that will accurately reflect the carbon emissions of the fuel." The Congressman co-sponsored the Climate Action (H.R. 4209) which would place a tax on carbon pollution to raise money for infrastructure projects. Congressman Huffman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86).100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Jacobs, SaraCalifornia51DCongresswoman Sara Jacobs understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her campaign website, Jacobs states, "Climate change is one of the biggest threats faced by humanity, and we need to do far more to stop it." Jacobs recognizes the "the value and urgency of the Paris Climate Agreement and will push to re-enter it."100100On her campaign website, Congresswoman Jacobs states that "Congress must also maintain, establish, and fully enforce environmental regulations that protect our ecosystems, natural resources, and public health." In a 2020 interview with the 'San Diego Union-Tribune,' the congresswoman stated that "As the climate crisis worsens, it is my sincere hope that more Republicans will rejoin the efforts to address climate change with the urgency it deserves, and I will gladly work with them to that end." In a tweet posted in 2020, Congresswoman Jacobs said "Climate change is one of the biggest threats we face, but Washington has failed to act & our young people will be forced to live with the consequences. We need to send a new generation of leaders to Congress who will address climate change with the urgency it requires." The Congresswoman's website and position papers advocate for climate action as a top priority issue. 100Congresswoman Sara Jacobs publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. She voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H.Con.Res.87).100100 RoeN/AN/AN/AN/APro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Jayapal, PramilaWashington7DCongresswoman Pramila Jayapal understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's campaign website, it states, "Pramila is standing up to climate change deniers in Congress and fighting for immediate action on climate change — pushing to reduce carbon emissions in the U.S. and around the world. She is a proud co-sponsor of the "100 by '50" Act, which lays out a road map to achieve 100 percent renewable energy by 2050, including a just transition for workers in the fossil fuel industry. Pramila understands the dire consequences any further delay will have on our environment, public health, and local fishing and tourism industries."100100Congresswoman Jayapal has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. The Congresswoman brought a climate scientist as her guest to the 2019 State of the Union, stating in a press release, "Climate change is creating refugees, claiming lives and costing taxpayers billions of dollars. The Trump administration continues to push our planet down a path of destruction. Instead of tackling the problem head-on, President Trump is burying his head in the sand and handing out favors to his friends in the coal industry.” Congresswoman Jayapal also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2020 Twitter post, the Congresswoman stated, Boldly taking on climate change isn’t something we can compromise on — the fate of our communities and our planet is at stake." Rep. Jayapal makes climate change a top priority issue as well. She demonstrated this by becoming a co-sponsor of the Green New Deal.100Congresswoman Jayapal publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. In a 2019 E&E News article, the Congresswoman claimed the progressive movement had been, "a little bit all over the place," on carbon taxes and that, "No one wants to take it off the table... And at the same time, we want to recognize that there are some challenges inherent to each of these methods." The Congresswoman was also a supporter of Washington Initiative 1631, a 2018 ballot initiative in Washington state, which would have implemented a fee on carbon. Congresswoman Jayapal voted against a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Johnson Jr., Henry C.Georgia4DCongressman Johnson understands the importance of climate action but not as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'Environment,' page, it states, "We cannot achieve or maintain a high standard of living if our environment is severely degraded or damaged. The window of opportunity to secure our natural environment against existential threats produced by human activity is rapidly closing. Humans are in large part responsible for climate change, a potentially devastating threat to our security and health that must immediately be addressed."100100Congressman Johnson has demonstrated leadership on climate change through advocating for climate action. In a 2018 press release being recognized for his 100% environmental voting record by Environment Georgia, the Congressman stated, "Protection of our imperiled planet is the central challenge of our time. Climate change is real and threatens our health, the environment, national security and our economy, and I’m committed to working with anyone on Capitol Hill, the White House and the Fourth District to invest in clean-energy technologies and jobs.” The Congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2020 meeting with Climate Climate Lobby volunteers, the Congressman stated, "Every American and indeed every person on this planet is affected by this public health crisis, but yet, in these times of isolation, self-reflection, and fervent politicking, it is all the more important that we take a step back and acknowledge the effect we are having on our planet." Rep. Johnson makes climate change a top priority issue as well. In a 2022 press release, "Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) criticized Shell for a 2020 company statement, saying that its operating plans, outlooks, budgets and pricing assumptions “do not reflect” its emission reduction targets. 'How can we take Shell’s climate mitigation goals seriously when they do not even consider these goals in their current budgets, outlooks and prices?” he asked.'" 100Congressman Johnson publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. He also voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Larson, John B.Connecticut1DCongressman John Larson understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On Congressman Larson's, 'Energy and Environment,' page it states, "The scientific evidence is clear: climate change poses an existential threat. This crisis cannot wait. Rep. Larson and Congress are enacting legislation now to ensure we have healthy and safe planet."100100Congressman Larson has demonstrated leadership on climate change by advocating for climate action. During a 2019 House Ways and Means Committee hearing, the Congressman on The Economic and Health Consequences of Climate Change the Congressman stated, "The science is clear, we are in a midst of a climate crisis and must act now. Climate change is real, it is caused by human activity, and without action, the consequences for the planet will be dire." The Congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2022 tweet, the Congressman stated, "Climate change isn't going anywhere. We need to act NOW. That's why I support multiple bills to address this dire need...” Rep. Larsen also makes climate change a top priority issue as well. On his campaign website, the Congressman states "Climate change is here now. In Connecticut and around the world, we are already seeing its effects on our air quality, wildlife, the severity of natural disasters, and more. We can’t wait any longer to cut our emissions and create new green energy jobs while we’re doing it. John knows this. That’s why he hasn’t waited for gridlock to clear in Washington to take bold action and get results. As a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, John has spearheaded numerous clean energy tax credits, which have sparked a boom in solar, wind, and other zero emission technologies."100Congressman Larson publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman introduced the American Wins Act (H.R. 4142), which aims to put a tax on carbon pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 52% in ten years. The Congressman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H.Con.Res.87).100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Levin, MikeCalifornia49DCongressman Mike Levin understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. The Congressman's, 'Climate Change & Natural Resources,' page, it states, "Rep. Levin knows that the climate crisis is the defining issue of our time. With California experiencing worsening droughts, heat waves, and rising sea levels, Rep. Levin believes we must take aggressive action now to limit the worst effects on our planet and preserve our natural resources for future generations. Rep. Levin is proud to serve on the House Natural Resources Committee and the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. He knows that we can grow our economy, create new jobs in America, and combat the climate crisis at the same time, and he has introduced a number of bills to achieve those goals."100100Congressman Mike Levin has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2019 op-ed published in The Hill on pressing the Interior Secretary on climate change, the Congressman wrote, "Climate change is a defining issue of our time, and if we don’t take bold action to address this crisis, our children and grandchildren will suffer the worst consequences." Congressman Levin also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a Q&A with the San Diego Union Tribune, the Congressman when asked about climate change, stated, "I think that the fossil fuel industry had an opportunity to invest in technology and innovation and to change their business model but instead they decided to invest in politicians. And that’s what they’ve done. And I’ve got colleagues, I don’t want to name them but smart, Republican colleagues who their own districts are facing climate change today." Rep. Levin makes climate change a top priority issue. According to a 2021 press release, "U.S. Representative Mike Levin (CA-49) led a letter signed by 133 House Members calling on President Biden to ensure infrastructure legislation includes robust investments to combat the climate crisis."100The Congressman publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. Rep. Levin is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. He voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H.Con.Res.87).100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Lieu, TedCalifornia36DCongressman Lieu understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On Lieu's House website, he says "it's clear to me that to solve climate change, we need America to do what California has done, and then for America to get other countries to do what California has done." In a press release, Lieu said "Climate Change is the greatest existential threat to humanity. We must act now and act fast to protect our planet and future generations from the impacts of climate change. Across the world, we’ve seen more and more extreme weather events, including the recent wildfire on Maui and the floods in Libya, which have resulted in thousands of deaths. At home in my congressional district, my constituents have seen wildfires, landslides, and other natural disasters that have destroyed homes and livelihoods. Unless we take extreme action now, it will only get worse."100100Congressman Lieu has demonstrated leadership on climate change by advocating for climate action. Congressman Lieu introduced the Climate Solutions Act of 2019 (H.R. 2958), which would require 100 percent of electricity sold in the United States be generated from renewable sources by 2035, stating in a press release, "There is no threat greater to our nation’s security than climate change. Failing to protect our planet will endanger the lives of millions, hurt our economy and jeopardize our children’s future. The wildfires in my district were worsened by drought conditions and are a sliver of what is in store if we fail to act." Rep. Lieu also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 op-ed in the Brentwood Residents Association Newsletter, the Congressman wrote, "When it comes to our future, there is no greater threat than climate change. I believe that strong federal action is necessary to protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the world our children will inherit. Having a clean environment should not be a partisan issue." Congressman Lieu makes climate change a top priority issue as well. According to a March 2021 article from 'The Hill,' "Speaking at The Hill’s “The Loss of Nature: A Global Threat” event, Lieu said climate change has prompted an upheaval in biodiversity, with policies needed at the state, federal and international to address the problem. “Climate change is an existential threat, not just to California or America, but to the entire world. And the way that we solve this is we get the rest of America to do what California did and the rest of the world to do what America hopefully will do soon," Lieu told The Hill’s Steve Clemons.“The good news is a number of countries are taking climate change seriously. I think they can all do more, but we’ve shifted in just a decade or so from a bunch of people denying that climate change even is happening to now people who are acknowledging it and that’s a very good first step,” said Lieu, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee."100Congressman Lieu publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. In a press release condemning a resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise, which opposed a carbon fee, he stated, "A majority of the American people and even ExxonMobil support a carbon fee. I call on my House Republican colleagues to stop the shenanigans and work across the aisle to help solve our climate crisis.” He voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86).100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Lynch, Stephen F.Massachusetts 8DCongressman Stephen Lynch understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'Energy and Environment,' page, it states, "The seminal Fourth National Climate Assessment, recently released by the federal U.S. Global Change Research Program, only reinforced the current and potential impact of climate change on U.S. national security. According to the report, produced by thirteen federal agencies: “[c]limate change and extremes increase the risk to national security through direct impacts on U.S. military infrastructure and by affecting factors, including food and water availability, that can exacerbate conflict outside U.S. borders.” Moreover, climate change is already affecting our defense readiness by “damaging roads, runways, and waterfront infrastructure.” 100100Congressman Lynch has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. The Congressman introduced the Climate Change National Security Strategy Act of 2019 (H.R. 1201), which, "calls on the Federal Government to step up and lead the fight against the greatest global threat facing the earth," according to a press release announcing an earlier version of the bill. The Congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2017 press release condemning President Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, stating, "President Trump risks irreparably damaging America’s future generations by abandoning the Paris Climate Agreement." Rep. Lynch makes climate change a top priority issue. In a December 2018 Tweet, the Congressman announced his support for a Green New Deal, writing, "I am happy to support the Resolution for a Standing Committee on a #GreenNewDeal."100Congressman Lynch publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. Rep. Lynch is a co-sponsor of the America Wins Act (H.R. 4142), which would implement a fee on carbon. The Congressman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
McGovern, JamesMassachusetts 2DCongressman James McGovern understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'Energy and Environment page,' it states, "Our climate is changing. Our children's future depends on investing in clean, sustainable energy sources -- and taking bold steps to address the damage we have already done to our fragile planet. I will continue to fight for big, bold solutions to the climate crisis that will usher in a healthier, more equitable, and more resilient economy for everyone."100100Congressman McGovern has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In September 2019, the Congressman gave a speech at a climate strike in front of the Capitol Building. Rep. McGovern also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a March 2019 interview with the Daily Hampshire Gazette, the Congressman was quoted stating, "The amount of young people that are engaged on this issue is amazing to me. Middle, high school kids, and college students — they are so articulate, and they are so motivated. I think climate change is this generation’s Vietnam.” The Congressman makes climate change a top priority issue. According to the Boston Globe, while discussing his support for the Green New Deal, Congressman McGovern stated, "We need to listen to the scientists more than the corporate executives who run fossil fuel companies, and more than these people who peddle conspiracy theories. The bottom line is that what is at stake is the future of our planet.”100Congressman McGovern publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. The Congressman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Meeks, Gregory W.New York5DCongressman Gregory Meeks understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's Health Issues webpage, "Climate change and other environmental issues pose an enormous threat to global public health. Extreme weather, crop destruction, changes to ecosystems, and the mere presence of air and water pollutants are all serious threats to people’s well-being across the globe. We must fight climate change and protect the environment like our lives depend on it, because they very much do."100100Congressman Meeks has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. He is a co-sponsor of 'Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal' (H.Res.332) bill, legislation that "calls for the creation of a Green New Deal." The Green New Deal aims to invest in fighting climate change and reducing GHG emissions while also creating new jobs in the American economy. Rep. Meeks also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In an Op-ed for The Hill, he states, "While the people who have historically inhabited the Western Hemisphere...are among the most vulnerable to the climate crisis, they are also the key to its survival. It is the responsibility of those in power — including myself as chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee — to make systemic change that empowers those at the forefront of climate change to be at the core of its solution." Congressman Meeks makes climate change a top priority issue. He is a co-sponsor of 100% Clean Economy Act of 2019 (H.R.5221), legislation that "sets a national goal of achieving a 100% clean economy (economy-wide, net-zero greenhouse gas emissions) by no later than 2050."100Congressman Meeks publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763). This bill would put a $15 per metric ton price on carbon emissions. He voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Meng, GraceNew York6DCongresswoman Meng understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's, 'Energy and Environment,' page, it states, "Recent disasters such as Hurricane Sandy have highlighted how vulnerable our coastline is to climate change. The only response to this crisis is to proactively reduce carbon emissions and invest in programs that promote energy efficiency. I support an energy plan that has a balanced approach, helps consumers now, boosts production of energy from alternative sources, draws from a diverse energy supply, stresses conservation, and protects the environment. Addressing America’s reliance on fossil fuels by investing in renewable-energy sources is essential for protecting our environment and ensuring our nation’s energy security."100100Congresswoman Meng has demonstrated leadership on climate change by advocating for climate action. As part of the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), the Congresswoman included an amendment that stresses the critical link between climate change and food security. The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 article by Queens County Politics, the Congresswoman was quoted the importance of climate change education, stating, "The magnitude of climate change will continue to grow and challenge how we live. That is why it is imperative that we bring the issue into our schools.” Meng makes climate change a top priority issue. She is a co-sponsor of the Green New Deal, a set of laws meant to "wean the United States from fossil fuels and curb planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions across the economy" while also "(guaranteeing) new high-paying jobs in clean energy industries." 100Congresswoman Meng publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763). This bill would put a $15 per metric ton price on carbon emissions. She voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Morelle, JosephNew York25DCongressman Joseph Morelle understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'Protecting our Envrionment,' page, it states, "There is no debate here: climate change is real and it’s wreaking havoc all over the globe. Each day our country fails to act on climate change, we threaten the future of our children and grandchildren and the long-term vitality of our planet. I have always stood up to protect our environment by supporting measures that reduce our carbon emissions, protect our critical natural resources, and ensure our planet’s well-being for future generations."100100Congressman Morelle has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. The Congressman is a supporter of the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), stating in a 2019 press release, “Climate change is, without a doubt, the most pressing threat not only to the future of our nation, but our entire planet.” The Congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 press release announcing his sponsorship of the Climate Emergency Resolution (H. Res. 52), which calls for a comprehensive, large-scale approach to address climate change, the Congressman stated, "The science is clear: climate change is real, it is already occurring, and it is a global emergency. We must take action now to protect our planet for future generations. That’s why I’m declaring a climate emergency and strongly supporting the Climate Emergency Resolution to demand immediate and comprehensive action." Rep. Morelle makes climate change a top priority issue. The Congressman introduced the 100% Clean Economy Act, which sets a national goal of achieving a 100% clean economy by 2050. In a press release on the bill the Congressman stated, "The effects of climate change pose an existential threat to our environment as we know it – we need bold, unprecedented action to combat this crisis and protect our planet for future generations.”100Representative Morelle publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763). This bill would put a $15 per metric ton price on carbon emissions. He voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Moulton, SethMassachusetts 6DCongressman Seth Moulton understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'Climate Change,' page, it states, "No community is immune to the dangers of climate change, and the urgency to combat the threat gets greater by the day [...] When it comes to the environment, action matters, and it’s only going to cost our economy more the longer we wait. The U.S. should lead the way in sustainability, resiliency, and innovation, setting an example for the rest of the world. We owe it to our children and our grandchildren to get this right."100100Congressman Moulton has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a November 2019 Tweet, the Congressman stated, "Climate change is a threat to our national security. The U.S. shouldn't just re-join the Paris accord—we need to be leading on this issue, at every level of government and in the private sector and academia." Congressman Moulton also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 interview with the Milken Institute, the Congressman stated, "We need to start providing some leadership [on climate change] here at home in America that means reducing our carbon footprint but also actually leading in green technology." Rep. Moulton makes climate change a top priority issue. In a 2018 press release, the Congressman announced his support for the Green New Deal, stating, "No issue is more important today for our children and our grandchildren than addressing climate change. And if we do so successfully, our nation will be stronger, our economy will be stronger, our communities will be more resilient, and the futures of our children and grandchildren will be much brighter.”100Congressman Moulton publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon.The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. The Congressman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Neal, RichardMassachusetts 1DCongressman Richard Neal understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'Environment and Climate Change,' page, it states, "One of his top priorities as Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee is making the environment we share cleaner and safer, while also promoting renewable energy that creates thousands of jobs in the process. That’s why he held the first Ways & Means hearing on climate change in over a decade. It's why he cosponsored the Climate Action Now Act, which would enter the US back into Paris Climate accords, and set hard limits on carbon emissions."100100Congressman Richard Neal has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In May 2019 as the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Congressman Neal hosted the first hearing on climate change in 12 years for that committee. The Congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2017 press release condemning the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, Congressman Neal stated, "The administration that consistently denies the existence of climate change has now abandoned an international effort to preserve and protect our environment." Congressman Neal makes climate change a top priority issue. "As Chairman, Richie is also a champion of the GREEN Act, which would be Congress’s largest tax investment ever in combating climate change and promoting clean energy. The act extends current renewable energy tax incentives, and creates new models to increase the use of green energy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions." 100Congressman Neal publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. In a speech on the House floor in opposition to a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise Expressing the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H.Con Res 119), the Congressman stated, "Listen. If you want to debate a carbon tax, let’s hold some hearings. Let’s find out what it would mean for the economy, for Big Oil, for families in Springfield. Let’s find out what impact it would have on fossil fuel emissions and on economic growth. Let’s think strategically about how it would affect our geopolitics. If you want to have this debate, let’s have this debate." Congressman Neal voted against a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119).100100 Supports RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Neguse, JoeColorado2DCongressman Joe Neguse understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's campaign website, it states, "Joe firmly believes climate change is an existential threat, and one that must be addressed with bold action [...] Joe believes in building a brighter future for the next generation, by safeguarding our planet, tackling climate change and investing in a clean energy economy."100100Congressman Neguse has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. The Congressman introduced the Climate Readiness Act of 2020 (H.R. 6119), which would require the Department of Defense to submit to Congress a report outlining the threats both domestic and abroad of climate change to United States national security. The Congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 press release introducing the Thirty by Thirty Resolution to Save Nature (H.RES. 835), the Congressman stated, "Climate change is the existential threat of our time, one that cannot be ignored or idled on, but one that must be met with bold and pragmatic solutions that protect our future and our planet.” Rep. Neguse makes climate change a top priority issue. According to a 2021 Colorado Politics article, "U.S. Rep. Joe Neguse of Lafayette is taking credit for landing more than $50 billion in stimulus money for the proposed 21st Century Climate Conservation Corps. The first $10 billion would go to hire thousands of young people and veterans starting out at $15 an hour, followed by $40 billion for local resilience and wildfire preparedness projects and other work to cut emissions, administered by the Department of Interior and the U.S. Forest Service."100Congressman Neguse publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. In a 2018 interview with the League of Women Voters, when asked about climate change, the Congressman stated, "I believe we should have stronger federal emissions standards, a federal carbon tax, and an end to the massive subsidies currently provided in our tax code to oil and gas companies who contribute so greatly to climate change." The Congressman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H.Con.Res.87).100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Ocasio-Cortez, AlexandriaNew York14DCongresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's official website, she states, "We must treat Climate Change like a serious, existential threat to our planet." When speaking about the large-scale changes that would have to be implemented by the Green New Deal, legislation that would implement economic reforms to cut carbon emissions while boosting the economy, she said that ""Even the solutions that we have considered big and bold are nowhere near the scale of the actual problem that climate change presents to us."100100Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. According to the Congresswoman's, 'Green New Deal,' page, she introduced and sponsored the Green New Deal Resolution (H.R. 109), "to recognize the scale of the climate crisis and provide a roadmap to evaluate policies that can protect our planet and uplift our communities. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a speech introducing the Climate Emergency Resolution (H. Con. Res 52) the Congresswoman stated, "Climate change represents not only our greatest threat but one of our greatest opportunities. Working to solve the climate crisis will create tens of millions of union jobs, empower communities, and improve the quality of life for people across the globe.” The Congresswoman makes climate change a top priority issue. According to a 2019 AP article, when discussing the Green New Deal, the Congresswoman said there is, "no middle ground” when it comes to climate change. 100Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. According to an article in Politico, "Even some progressives who support a carbon tax, such as Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), are promoting it as just one possible element of a sweeping 'Green New Deal' that includes pouring huge amounts of money into renewable energy." An article in 'The World,' said, "The Post's Editorial Board recently laid out its own argument for a Green New Deal that, unlike the AOC-Markey plan, includes carbon pricing and stops short of broader progressive goals. Stephen Stromberg of the Post, who authored the editorial, expressed some surprise that the Green New Deal did not include carbon pricing, noting that in 2009, Sen. Markey co-sponsored a carbon-pricing bill that, at the time, was considered 'the premier global warming/climate change legislation' of the Obama era.'” Rep. Ocasio-Cortez was not in Congress to vote on a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Panetta, JimmyCalifornia19DCongressman Panetta understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'Environment,' page, it states, "We must remain committed to protecting our environment for future generations by confronting and attempting to reverse the effects of climate change to support the health of our community, country, and planet. As your Member of Congress, I am working to deliver thoughtful and innovative action on climate change to protect public health, and clean air and clean water; advance our economy and global preeminence in green technology; defend our national security; and to pass on a healthy and sustainable future for our children."100100Congressman Panetta has demonstrated leadership on climate change by advocating for climate action. In a 2019 press release supporting the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9) the Congressman stated, "United States leadership was crucial in the widespread adoption of the Paris Climate Agreement. Withdrawing our nation from the agreement undermines U.S. global leadership on combating climate change and threatens the future of our planet." Congressman Panetta makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 press release introducing The Climate Action Rebate Act (H.R. 4051), the Congressman stated, "Climate change is a severe and serious threat to our coastal communities, agricultural economies, public health, and national security. It’s beyond time for our government to do its part to respond to this crisis by reducing carbon emissions and promoting a financially feasible transition to a clean energy economy.” Rep. Panetta makes climate change a top priority issue. From a June 2020 press release, "the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis unveiled a comprehensive congressional climate action framework, which includes Congressman Jimmy Panetta’s (CA-20) legislation, the Green Bus Tax Credit Act... By tackling climate change through the tax code and incentivizing the adoption of clean energy technologies, these bills will help meet the report’s ambitious but attainable climate goals."100Congressman Panetta publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. Congressman Panetta, along with Senators Coons and Feinstein, introduced 'The Climate Action Rebate Act' (H.R. 4051) which would put a price on carbon and use the revenue to fund infrastructure and other government programs. He voted against a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)).100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Peters, ScottCalifornia50DCongressman Peters understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, "Energy and Environment," page, it states, "I am dedicated to combating climate change and fostering renewable energy. Unfortunately, San Diego is facing some of the consequences of climate change--from droughts, to wildfires, and floods from rising sea levels. Therefore, we must not only work to curb climate change but prepare for the effects it has on our region and nation as well. San Diego is home to many innovative green energy and cleantech companies that are important to our environment and economy. I will work in Congress to make sure these companies, as well as the premier research institutions in our region, get the support they need. We owe it to the next generation to ensure they, too, get a chance to enjoy our great outdoors."100100Congressman Peters has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. The Congressman published a "Climate Playbook" on his website, stating, "The threat posed by climate change and the cost of inaction are undeniable. Climate change and its effects include: less habitable coastal regions due to rising sea levels, entire cities underwater from floods, homes and centers of commerce destroyed, devastating weather events that worsen every year, and water and food scarcity. Policymakers in the United States must confront this existential crisis head on, and time is of the essence." Congressman Peters also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 press release announcing the Super Polluters Act (H.R. 4113), which would aim to slow climate change by regulating black carbon, hydrofluorocarbons, the Congressman stated, "As oceans warm, sea levels rise, and droughts sear our world, we must find immediate ways to slow and reverse climate change or face these dire consequences of inaction." Rep. Peters makes climate change a top priority issue. In a press release highlighting his contributions to the House Climate Crisis Action Plan, stated, "The climate crisis requires urgent, comprehensive action. We cannot wait to get to where we need to be without major policy change,” said Rep. Peters. “The Select Committee report published today provides Congress with a pragmatic and substantive agenda that we must act on swiftly, including the bipartisan bills I introduced last year, to protect our environment and public health.” 100Congressman Peters publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. He voted against a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Pingree, ChellieMaine1DCongresswoman Chellie Pingree understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her house website, Pingree says "Climate change is real, caused by human activity, and an urgent threat to our way of life. For too long, scientific warnings were ignored and now we’re at a crisis point. To avoid a major, irreversible catastrophe, we must take bold action to become carbon neutral by 2050."100100Congresswoman Pingree has demonstrated leadership on climate change by advocating for climate action. The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2020 press release supporting the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, she stated, "I’m proud that after years of inaction, Congress has turned the page on climate denial. As we face our post-coronavirus economic reality, Congress’ work to put our climate at the forefront is more important than ever." Rep. Pingree makes climate change a top priority issue. In a 2020 tweet, the Congresswoman wrote "Climate change isn’t like Santa Claus. It is real whether you believe in it or not." 100Congresswoman Pingreepublicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments.100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Raskin, JamieMaryland8DCongressman Jamie Raskin understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. In a testimony in the Senate Budget Committee, Raskin criticized Big Oil for avoiding climate accountability. Raskin said 'In the 1960s, the science of global warming was well understood by Big Oil. Instead of telling the world about the perils of global warming and working to change their business model, the companies suppressed relevant scientific findings for decades and came to challenge and contradict urgent calls by scientists to take climate change seriously as a global threat. As the experts told us, this pattern of lying and evasion set the country back decades in our ability to seriously address and manage climate change."100100Congressman Raskin has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. The Congressman co-wrote an editorial for the Baltimore Sun, which stated, "With no time left to debate the delusional dogmas of climate denialism, we must develop policies to break quickly and permanently from the carbon economy and invest in renewable energy and a far more resilient national infrastructure." Rep. Raskin also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a September 2019 press release urging President Trump to prioritize climate change in the renegotiated NAFTA deal, the Congressman stated, "The Paris Agreement represents the type of global cooperation that our trade deals should aspire to, and has the support of 185 countries, including our NAFTA trading partners. This is the most basic lens through which we should negotiate all trade deals.” Congressman Raskin makes climate change a top priority issue. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal (H.Res 109). 100Congressman Raskin publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. On his campaign sites, 'Climate Change,' page, it states, "Jamie will champion a sweeping carbon tax along with market-based solutions to stimulate renewable energy development and steadily and dramatically reduce carbon fuel consumption." Congressman Raskin voted against a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Ross, Deborah North Carolina2DCongresswoman Deborah Ross understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her campaign website, the congresswoman writes, "Climate change is one of the most imminent threats facing our country, and we must take immediate action to address it. I have been a champion on environmental and climate issues, voting repeatedly to protect our land and water for future generations. As a state legislator, I voted to support clean energy, oppose fracking, and address climate change in North Carolina. We must modernize our electric grid to increase the distribution of renewable energy and we need to create incentives to expedite battery storage for intermittent renewable resources. These measures will reduce our need to use fossil fuels for energy."100100Congresswoman Deborah Ross has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2020 questionnaire from 'Indy Week,' when asked about policies she supports to address climate change, Congresswoman Ross answered "I have been a longtime champion of environmental issues in North Carolina and will continue to be a champion as a member of Congress...I have promoted renewable energy investments in North Carolina and will continue to do so. We must modernize our electric grid to increase the distribution of renewable energy, and we need to create incentives to expedite battery storage for intermittent renewable resources." The congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a tweet posted in July 2021, Congresswoman Ross wrote "Wildfires on the West Coast are spreading smoke all the way to Raleigh. We have to put aside partisan politics and address climate change NOW. We can't wait to act." Congresswoman Deborah Ross makes climate change a top priority issue. According to the 'League of Conservation Voters,' "She understands the urgent need to fight the climate crisis, invest in our clean energy future, and protect the country’s natural beauty. In Congress, Ross will continue this leadership by working to advance the clean energy economy, diversify transportation, and make addressing climate change a top priority."100Congresswoman Deborah Ross publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the 'Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act' (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. She voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Schakowsky, JanIllinois9DCongresswoman Jan Schakowsky understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's, 'Climate Change,' page, it states, "Climate change is real and it is in large part the result of human activity. It is the most serious threat to our environment, our health, and our way of life. We have taken some steps to reduce the risks of global warming, but much more can and should be done."100100Congresswoman Schakowsky has demonstrated leadership on climate change by advocating for climate action. She did this through combating President Trump's climate change agenda, stating in a press release that, “More pollution, less science – that’s President Trump’s plan. Climate change is real, and it’s happening at an alarming rate. The majority of Americans and the rest of the world are clamoring for more aggressive and decisive action to combat climate change." The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a tweet opposing the President's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, the Congresswoman wrote, "Science matters. Climate change is real. We must act now, and you better believe we’re #Stillin — all the way." Rep. Schakowsky makes climate change a top priority issue. She is a co-sponsor of the Green New Deal, a set of laws meant to "wean the United States from fossil fuels and curb planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions across the economy" while also "(guaranteeing) new high-paying jobs in clean energy industries." 100Congresswoman Schakowsky publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. She also voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Schneider, BradIllinois10DCongressman Schneider understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's environment page, it states, "Nothing is more fundamental than the air we breathe and the water we drink. And there is nothing more important for us to do than to protect our planet for the next generation. Climate change is a grave threat to the ecological and environmental health of our nation and planet. While some chose to deny the overwhelming scientific consensus, I recognize that the failure to address this challenge will, with certainty, result in further environmental degradation and incalculable damage to the world we pass on to our children."100100Congressman Schneider has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. According to a 2021 press release, "Congressman Brad Schneider (IL-10) led 142 original cosponsors in introducing a resolution expressing support for the upcoming 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, also known as COP26, as well as reaffirming American support for global cooperation in combatting climate change." Rep. Schneider also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2022 press release responding to SCOTUS's decision to limit the EPA's ability to regulate carbon emissions, he states, "In today's ruling in West Virginia v. EPA, the Supreme Court is fundamentally hampering the EPA's ability to fulfill its mission. Climate change poses an existential threat that requires urgent federal and global cooperation. By restricting the authority of the EPA to regulate dangerous greenhouse gas emissions and protect public health, this decision takes away a critical tool in our fight against climate change. The clock is ticking on our window to take meaningful climate action. We cannot, and I will not, allow this set back to deter our efforts to protect the environment and secure our future from the dangers of climate change." Congressman Schneider makes climate change a top priority issue. In 2020 the Congressman introduced The Greener Transportation for Communities Act (H.R. 7318), stating in a press release, "Our country needs to get serious about transitioning to and ultimately achieving net-zero emissions. Transportation is a key contributor to emissions so we need to rapidly move to electrify our car and truck fleets."100Congressman Schneider publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. When asked on whether he supported a carbon fee (which he called a carbon tax) during a forum hosted by the Tenth Congressional District Democrats, he stated that, “I think a carbon tax is an example of a market mechanism and I think there are ways we can use the market that will create incentives for companies and consumers to lower their emissions. Yes.” Congressman Schneider voted against 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Schrier, KimWashington8DCongresswoman Kim Schrier understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's campaign website, it states, "Climate change is real and we need to take immediate action. Dramatic, destructive weather systems and forest fires have grabbed the attention of our nation and the world, while the impacts of climate change run exponentially wider than that. From species extinction to oceanic ecosystems collapse, communities across America deserve to understand how their region’s forests, water resources, agricultural industries, and native species held dear will be impacted. Here in the 8th, we will see more wildfires, earlier growing seasons, reduced snowpack, warmer temperatures in our tributaries, a spike in waterborne infectious diseases affecting fish, and species extinction. We have the unique opportunity to champion policies that will create new, sustainable, clean energy jobs and grow our economy."100100Congresswoman Schrier has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. On her campaign website, Rep. Schrier states, "As we face the increasing threat of climate change, significant investments in forest management, wildland firefighting and mitigation, and agriculture research will allow for better wildfire preparedness and help specialty crop farmers. This legislation (The Build Back Better Act) also includes electric vehicle tax credits and other rebates that help save families money while moving our country toward a cleaner, more energy efficient future." The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 op-ed in The Hill, the Congresswoman wrote, "There is no denying it: climate change is one of the biggest public health threats facing our country and planet. From increased air pollution to worsening extreme weather disasters, to greater risks for diseases, climate change impacts every aspect of our health and safety. Americans need action on climate change, and they need it now." Rep. Schrier makes climate change a top priority issue. In a speech on the House floor supporting the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), the Congresswoman stated, "In order to combat the effects climate change, we are all going to have to work together. Ours is a country that has always banded together to take on the greatest challenges of our times, and this is no exception. This is a time for the U.S. to not just partner, but lead the world in protecting this planet for our children and future generations."100Rep. Kim Schrier publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. In an August 2018 interview with the Seattle Times, Rep. Schrier expressed support for the 2018 Washington State ballot initiative that would have implemented a fee on carbon. Rep. Schrier voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Sherman, BradCalifornia32DCongressman Sherman understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'Protecting our Environment,' page, it states, "I co-sponsored the Climate Emergency Act, which will require the President to declare a national climate emergency under the National Emergencies Act, and take active steps to mitigate the climate crisis."100100Congressman Sherman has demonstrated leadership on climate change by advocating for climate action. On the Congressman's, 'Protecting Our Environment,' page he advocates for protecting the Environmental Protection Agency, stating, "This administration and the EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt have shown time and time again that they do not fully believe in climate change or man’s contribution to it... It is a dangerous precedent to have an EPA Administrator that ignores decades of scientific research and studies." The Congressman makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 tweet defending the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) he writes, "Ignoring #ClimateChange won't make it go away. The Trump Admin’s latest effort to undo vital environmental protections would let federal agencies move forward with projects without factoring in the #ClimateCrisis. I joined 140 of my colleagues demanding that we #ProtectNEPA." Rep. Sherman makes climate change a priority issue as well. In a 2019 tweet, the Congressman stated "I’m proud to stand and work with them to solve the #ClimateCrisis by co-sponsoring the #GreenNewDeal, the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019, and many other vital pieces of legislation that will help safeguard our environment."100Congressman Sherman publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. He voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimateN/APro Climate
Stevens, HaleyMichigan11DCongresswoman Haley Stevens understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's, 'Protecting Our “Pure Michigan Environment,' page, it states, "I believe climate change is a serious problem and needs to be addressed immediately before it is too late. When an overwhelming number of scientists around the world have cited the realities and dangerous implications of climate change, this is not a partisan issue, but the global challenge of our generation that requires dedicated leadership to tackle."100100Congresswoman Stevens has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2020 tweet, the Congresswoman stated, “Climate change is real. The evidence is all around us. It’s time to take action to combat climate change and save our planet for future generations.” Rep. Stevens also makes prominent public statements on the issue. During a Science, Space, and Technology, Subcommittee on Energy hearing pertaining to climate change, the Congresswoman stated, "Climate change is not just an environmental challenge. Unless we act now, we are putting our infrastructure, our economy, our public health, and our national security at risk." Congresswoman Stevens makes climate change a top priority issue. In a press release supporting the Coastal and Great Lakes Communities Enhancement Act (H.R. 729), the Congresswoman stated, “Coastal communities in Michigan and around the country are especially vulnerable to severe weather events, chronic flooding, and coastal erosion as the climate crisis worsens. The Coastal and Great Lakes Communities Enhancement Act will help coastal communities plan and prosper for a resilient future while preserving natural habitats and biodiversity.”100Congresswoman Stevens publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. 100100 Supports RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Swalwell, EricCalifornia14DCongressman Eric Swalwell understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On Congressman Swalwell's, 'Energy and Environment,' page, it states, "I am working to encourage innovation in the field of renewable energy and energy conservation. Addressing the climate crisis is imperative for our national security, the ecosystems that feed us, our public health and safety, and our future economic well-being." On his campaign website, Swalwell said "Climate change is a real and looming threat to our national security, our economy, our environment, and our future. That is why I unapologetically support the Green New Deal."100100Congressman Swalwell has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. On his House website, he states that "We have a responsibility to ensure that this country is preparing for a safe, reliable and secure energy future." In Congress, Swalwell has cosponsored bills such as the Green New Deal (H.Res.332), the Clean Energy Hydrogen Innovation Act (H.R.1788), and the GREEN Act of 2021 (H.R.848). 100Congressman Swalwell publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon.The Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. He voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86).100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Titus, DinaNevada1DCongresswoman Dina Titus understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. In 2022, the Congresswoman spoke on the House Floor regarding Build Back Better, saying that "We must wake up to the realities of climate change, and the increasing intensity and cost of natural disasters. This (Build Back Better) will help to make our nation more resilient, and I ask my colleagues to support it."100100Congresswoman Titus has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2021 tweet, she stated, "Climate change is the existential threat of our time...Let's get to work." Rep. Titus also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a letter with other House Dems to President Biden regarding forming better climate provisions in Build Back Better, she stated, "The need to act on the climate crisis while centering environmental justice and creating and sustaining millions of good-paying union jobs has never been more important. In communities across the country, we are already seeing staggering climate damages. Climate change is driving more severe drought and wildfires in the West, larger and more frequent floods in the Midwest, and sea level rise and greater storm damage along our coasts." The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Climate Action Now Act (H.R.9), legislation that "requires the President to develop and update annually a plan for the United States to meet its nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement on climate change." Congresswoman Titus makes climate change a top priority issue.100Congresswoman Titus publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. The Congresswoman voted against a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Torres, NormaCalifornia35DCongresswoman Norma Torres understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's, 'Energy and Environment,' page, it states, "I have demonstrated a commitment to taking on challenges like drought and climate change that are impacting California. I’m proud to work hard to ensure that the land, air, and water are kept clean through supporting sensible legislation aimed at preventing pollution while balancing economic development and environmental conservation. My priorities include promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy sources like solar, as well as increasing investments in water infrastructure and funding development of new technologies that have the capacity to expand water recycling and desalination capabilities." 100100Congresswoman Torres has demonstrated leadership on climate change by advocating for climate action. In a 2019 press release, the Congresswoman announced a legislative proposal that would have prevented President Trump from limiting cities and states, like California, from taking ambitious actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2021 tweet, the Congresswoman stated, "Fighting climate change is about our kids and grandkids. If we don't do our job, they're expected to live through three times as many wildfires, floods, and droughts. We're in a crisis—and we've got to take it seriously." Rep. Torres makes climate change a top priority issue. In a 2020 Facebook post the Congresswoman stated, "#ClimateChange is real whether the Trump Administration likes it or not. Inserting false information into environmental reports is dangerously misleading, undermines our government’s credibility, and worst of all, puts the future of younger generations at risk. This all-out attack on our environment for the sake of higher profits must end!."100Congresswoman Torres publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763). This bill would put a $15 per metric ton price on carbon emissions. She voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H.Con.Res.87). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Watson Coleman, BonnieNew Jersey12DCongresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's, 'Energy and Environment,' page, it states, "Climate change is a crisis that affects everyone. For this reason I have co-sponsored the Green New Deal. It is crucial that the United States demonstrates to the international community that many Americans still support the Paris Climate Agreement even though our President may not. We must reaffirm our commitment to the agreement and our effort to combat climate change." The Green New Deal is a set of policies that aim to fight climate change while also investing in the economy.100100Congresswoman Coleman has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. The Congresswoman is the co-sponsor of H.Con.Res.31, legislation that "recognizes the need for the departments and agencies of the executive branch with delegated authority over energy and climate policy to prepare a climate recovery plan that puts the United States on a trajectory consistent with reducing global atmospheric carbon dioxide to below 350 parts per million by the year 2100." Rep. Coleman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a joint letter to President Biden with 59 of her colleagues, the Congresswoman called for change, saying that the "climate catastrophe is no longer some distant is here and now." Congresswoman Coleman makes climate change a top priority issue. She is a co-sponsor of the Fracking Ban Act (H.R.5857), legislation that "prohibits federal agencies from issuing permits for the expansion of fracking or fracked oil and natural gas infrastructure, including infrastructure intended to extract, transport, or burn natural gas or oil."100Congresswoman Coleman publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. The Congresswoman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 x RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Wilson, FredericaFlorida24DCongresswoman Frederica Wilson understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's, 'Energy and Environment,' page, it states, "I am also convinced that climate change poses a serious threat to our state and our nation. As President Obama said in his Second Inaugural Address, we can no longer ignore devastating fires, crippling drought, dangerous storms, and rising sea levels. I am committed to smart energy policies that fight climate change by cutting carbon emissions and boosting renewable fuel production. As the solar industry has demonstrated, by investing in new clean technologies, we can not only protect our planet but also create new high-wage jobs."100100Congresswoman Wilson has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. According to a 2020 press release, the Congresswoman was able to include provisions in The Moving Forward Act (H.R. 2), which would, "establish several new programs that will reduce emissions, invest in new technologies, and improve resiliency." The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2017 press release condemning the president's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, the Congresswoman stated, "And, denying the obvious and claiming that global warming is a hoax is especially disconcerting for Floridians, where issues like the greenhouse effect on water levels and flooding are a major concern." Rep. Wilson makes climate change a top priority issue. In a 2018 tweet, Congresswoman Wilson stated "Warmer temperatures from #ClimateChange are expected to expand the range of mosquitoes and ticks that carry diseases like Zika, yellow fever and West Nile virus. Congress must #ActOnClimate to protect the health and wealth of the American people. #ClimateFriday" 100Congresswoman Wilson publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. She voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate

2024 Climate Heroes Running for the U.S. House

NameStateDistrictPartyPositionPosition ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose Roe
Anderson, ElizabethAlabama6DElizabeth Anderson understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her campaign page, she states that "The climate crisis requires urgent action, and I am committed to passing comprehensive legislation like President Biden's 2022 Inflation Reduction Act to invest in green energy and climate change mitigation."100Elizabeth Anderson publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. On her campaign page, she states that Congress must "implement a federal carbon tax to incentivize the transition to clean energy."100100 Roe
Cisneros, GilCalifornia31DGil Cisneros understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. Cisneros' campaign website states that "Gil understands the need for urgent action to protect our communities from climate disasters and supports legislation that invests in infrastructure that supports clean energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and ensures a sustainable future for our planet." This sentiment is echoed in a Tweet where he stated that "Climate change is here, and we cannot afford to sit on the sidelines any longer. We need real, coordinated action now to fight climate change."100Gil Cisneros publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. As a former U.S. House Representative, he cosponsored Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019 (H.R.763). In a Tweet announcing his cosponsorship, he stated that "We must do everything in our power to combat climate change and reduce our carbon footprint."100100 Roe
Driscoll, JohnMontana2DJohn Driscoll understands the importance of climate change as a top priority issue. In an interview with the Montana Free Press, Driscoll said "After threats to our constitutional democracy, the greatest threat our country faces is climate change." In a recent, Driscoll quoted the UN saying "'The stakes could not be higher’: world is on edge of climate abyss,’" encouraging improvements to the electrical grid. 100John Driscoll publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. In a Tweet responding to Representative Ryan Zinke criticizing a carbon tax, Driscoll accused him of being bought by the fossil fuels industry "who know how effective will be a tax on carbon emissions," accusing him of lying on the matter.100100 Roe
Keller, MauraGeorgia3DMaura Keller understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her campaign website, Keller states "Every year, the planet is changing in front of our eyes [...] Maura champions a bold stance on climate justice, for both the planet and the people. If we don’t take action now, the damage to our planet will soon be irreversible."100Maura Keller publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. Speaking to LaGrange Daily News, Keller said “Climate change is a huge bit [...] While everybody is saying that climate is just weather, we have to say no, it isn’t. We’ve got to find better ways, more research and development. We need to look at carbon tax, so we can put money back into our budgets."100100 Roe
Liccardo, SamCalifornia16DSam Liccardo understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On his campaign website, it warns that "Given the march of climate change in the coming years, it will get worse before it gets better." He has also Tweeted frequently about it, promising to "meet the crisis of climate change w/ bold & immediate action" and listing climate change among the nation's greatest challenges. 100Sam Liccardo publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. On his campaign website, he lists one of his climate action priorities as implementing a carbon dividend, which he promises to be "the most powerful market-based approach to holding the fossil fuel industry accountable."100100 Roe
Lopez, MannyFlorida17DManny Lopez understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On his campaign website, he reaffirms the Democratic Environment Caucus' platform stating that "The climate crisis is upon us, and Florida’s welfare and natural resources are at the epicenter of climate risks."100Manny Lopez publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. On his campaign website, it calls to "develop a state-level program to support the carbon fee & dividend concept."100100 Roe
Marshall, DerekCalifornia23DDerek Marshall understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On his campaign website, a page is dedicated to his climate action plan where he recognizes "this era of rapid climate change" and calls for a climate Marshall Plan. He lays out numerous detailed strategies for eliminating carbon emissions, switching to green energy, and taking other impactful climate action steps.100Derek Marshall publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. On his campaign website, he promises to work on creating mandatory carbon fees while in Congress. 100100 Roe
McClain-Delaney, AprilMaryland6DApril McClain-Delaney understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her campaign website, it states "April believes climate change poses an existential threat to our planet’s future. The climate crisis is a threat to national security, our economic prosperity, the world’s species and our environmental stability. The Inflation Reduction Act was transformative – it needs to be protected – but more needs to be done."100April McClain-Delaney understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her campaign website, it implored Congress to enact carbon pricing, and promises "In Congress, April will both work for a low carbon future and be an unwavering champion for protecting our natural world, including by protecting the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts."100100 Roe
Morrison, KellyMinnesota3DFLKelly Morrison understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. Morrison's campaign website states "Kelly also believes that as we see more wildfires, floods and other extreme weather [...] we need to take swift action to tackle climate change and plan mitigation strategies. This will not only help avert catastrophic warming and protect our environment – it will also create good, clean energy jobs." 100Kelly Morrison publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. Morrison has frequently stressed the importance of reducing carbon emissions, and is listed as a supporter of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act.100100 Roe
Wells, TomFlorida3DTom Wells understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On his campaign website, he states "We are rushing headlong into the abyss of Global Climate Collapse. The donor-owned Congress, by denial of science, has allowed this problem to fester. And Congress is where we must resolve the problem." In a Tweet Wells echoes that sentiment, saying "Under the actual Constitution we'd address Climate at a WWII 42% GDP scale - that's what's needed."100Tom Wells publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. Wells has Tweeted several times encouraging a carbon tax, and Newton Borough Council reported Tom Wells encouraging local municipalities to call upon Congress to pass the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2019 (H.R.763).100100 Roe
Wright, GlennUtah3DGlenn Wright understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On his campaign website, Wright states "Climate Change is real. It is causing increased natural disasters, increasing involuntary migration, and producing trillions in economic losses. The principal effects on Utah are Drought, poor air quality, and forest fires. I support comprehensive plans to slow and reverse Climate Change."100Glenn Wright publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. Wright had been involved in lobbying retiring incumbent Representative Curtis to vote for a climate fee. “I'm hoping to not only give my point of view, but maybe even move him a little bit in our direction. And one of the activities I'm getting engaged with here in Summit County is with Citizens Climate Lobby, which is pushing the carbon fee and dividend, which is really a conservative, originally Republican point of view on how do we address climate change. So I would try to encourage him to move a little bit further on that and actually propose it in Congress and vote for it.”100100 Roe

Climate Heroes

Climate Heroes are candidates that believe climate change is real and human made, vote in favor of climate friendly policies, show leadership advocating for climate action, and support a fee on carbon emissions.