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U.S. Senate Incumbents

NameTermsStatePartyPositionLeadershipPosition ScoreVote ScoreLeadership ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose RoeVote [Blocking Forced Approval of the Mountain Valley Pipeline]Vote [Obstructing Money-Saving Energy Efficiency Codes]Vote [Blocking Limits on Pollution from Trucks]Vote [Ignoring Climate Risks to Retirement Savings]Vote

U.S. Senate Challengers

NameStatePartyPositionPosition ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose Roe
Gallego, RubenArizonaDRepresentative Gallego understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Environment & Climate Change page of his website, it states “It’s a fact: the climate is changing and we need to act. That’s why Ruben has made environmental issues a top priority.”100Representative Gallego makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. Congressman Gallego voted for the 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke expressing the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H.Con.Res.86). 085 Supports Roe
Lake, KariArizonaRKari Lake disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In an interview, Lake said "So don’t tell me that we’re in some sort of a weird heating trend. I don’t believe that for a minute. I’m not going to be afraid of the weather. I don’t believe people will fall for it."0Kari Lake has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.507.5 Roe

U.S. House Incumbents

NameStateDistrictPartyPositionPosition ScoreVote ScoreLeadershipLeadership ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose RoeVotes [Attacking International Climate Collaboration (House Roll Call 27)]Vote [Advancing Climate Action in the COMPETES Act (House Roll Call 18)]Vote [Repealing Assault on Methane Pollution Safeguards (House Roll Call 185)]Vote [Pro-Environment Funding Package (House Roll Call 247)]Vote [Transformative Climate, Jobs, and Justice Investments (House Roll Call 385)]Vote [Investing in Climate-Smart and Pro-Wildlife Infrastructure (House Roll Call 201)]Vote [Inflation Reduction Act (HR 5376)]
Biggs, AndyArizona5RCongressman Andy Biggs disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to a 2017 candidate survey by the Arizona Republic, the Congressman stated, “I do not believe climate change is occurring... I do not think that humans have a significant impact on climate. The federal government should stop regulating and stomping on our economy and freedoms in the name of a discredited theory.” 00According to the Arizona Republic, when asked about climate change by a constituent Congressman Biggs stated, "There are credible scientists who say climate change exists; we aren’t sure why... There are credible scientists who say it doesn’t.” During a 2017 Congressional hearing on the social cost of carbon, the Congressman also stated, "The previous administration disregarded scientific integrity by overestimating climate change resulting from greenhouse gas emissions. In order to push an expensive regulatory agenda, the administration inflated the SCC to justify costly regulations in response to the allegedly terrible damage CO2 emissions will cause in the future." Congressman Biggs demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Briggs makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. According to a 2017 article by The Guardian, when addressing a price on carbon pollution Congressman Biggs stated, "It is simply not right for Americans to be bearing the brunt of costs when the majority of benefits will be conferred away from home." Congressman Biggs voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Ciscomani, JuanArizona6RCongressman Ciscomani does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In an interview, he said "Keeping Arizona and our world protected, especially our air and water, are important [...] We should be able to responsibly care for our environment and our beautiful state while simultaneously supporting the economic growth of our booming economy." However, Ciscomani fails to take a position on climate change.250Congressman Ciscomani demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. He has a poor record with the League of Conservation Voters, demonstrating a history of voting against climate action. Ciscomani has cosponsored bills such as the Natural Gas Tax Repeal Act, which would remove incentives for petroleum and natural gas systems to reduce emissions.0Congressman Ciscomani opposes or votes against a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86).2512.5 Roe
Crane, EliArizona2RRepresentative Crane disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In an interview, Crane said "It does feel like things are getting warmer. It does feel like things are getting drier, but that could be because I'm getting older [...] Climate change could play a role in that but think the earth goes through cycles."00In 2023, Representative Crane signed onto a letter encouraging the EPA to reconsider air quality standards for Arizona. Rep. Crane has cosponsored bills such as the No American Climate Corps Act (H.R.6215) and Preventing Executive Climate Overreach Act (H.R.3256). Representative Crane demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0Congressman Crane opposes or votes against a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86).256.25 Roe
Gosar, Paul A.Arizona9RCongressman Paul Gosar disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a 2022 Tweet, Gosar said in a Tweet "On some bills I vote no, not because of the infrastructure, but because Pelosi and the radical left includes crap like climate change and other nonsense." In another Tweet, Gosar said "The left is afflicted with group hysteria about Covid, the “insurrection”, Ashli Babbitt, the multi-millennia climate fluctuations and a host of other issues."00Congressman Gosar demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. Gosar regularly votes against climate action, and is given a lifetime score of 4% by the LCV. In 2017, Gosar called on the United States to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, saying "This liberal pipedream abdicates our sovereignty in favor of a global redistribution of wealth."0Congressman Gosar makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. In a 2019 press release on the Green New Deal, Congressman Gosar stated, "Democrat socialists made clear today that they want to use climate change as a means to abolish capitalism and implement massive taxation, expropriation and government control." In a 2014 op-ed for the Arizona Republic on President Obama's Clean Power Plan, he stated, "Knowing he can’t lawfully enact a carbon-dioxide tax plan, Obama is unlawfully directing his EPA to impose strict limits on carbon emissions from existing coal and gas-fired facilities." Congressman Gosar was a co-sponsor and voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 00 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Grijalva, RaulArizona7DCongressman Grijalva understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On Congressman Grijalva's, 'Combatting Global Climate Change,' page it states, "According to the Environmental Protection Agency, global average temperatures have risen by 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit over the past 100 years. Without a proactive national strategy to reduce emissions from greenhouse gases and contain other man-made drivers of climate change, temperatures will continue to rise. Some members of Congress deny the challenges presented by climate change and prefer to ignore the overwhelming scientific data available on the issue. Rep. Grijalva continues to believe in the need for comprehensive energy legislation that meets the nation’s energy needs, creates green jobs and decreases greenhouse gas emissions. He understands the importance of investing in clean energy and preventing the potentially catastrophic effects global warming could have on our farms, coasts, and oceans."100100Congressman Grijalva has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2024 press release, Grijalva spoke at length about the threats that climate change poses to Arizonans, and the steps Arizonan democrats are taking to combat it. He encouraged the passage of new climate bills and calls on Republican members of congress to take climate action. On his, "Carbon Dioxide & Climate Policy," page, it states, "Climate disruptions will cause the spread of invasive species, threaten native species, endanger watersheds, cause habitat loss, and increase the intensity and length of the fire season on our public lands. It is difficult to imagine Glacier National Park without glaciers or Joshua Tree National Park without trees. Yet the evidence is clear that we may be facing just that kind of future." Rep. Grijalva makes climate change a top priority issue. He is a co-sponsor of the Green New Deal, saying in a press release, “What I heard yesterday is what I’ve been hearing for years: this economy needs to be cleaner and more sustainable if we want a livable future. The Green New Deal is the right framework for the work we need to do, in Congress and across the nation, to reduce our fossil fuel use, create green jobs, and protect our country and our planet for the long term.” 100Congressman Grijalva publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. In 2015 as the Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Rep. Grijalva helped create a competing budget proposal to that of the then-Republican majority called the "Peoples Budget." The proposal looked to implement a carbon fee of $25 per ton emitted. Congressman Grijalva voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 100100 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Schweikert, DavidArizona1RCongressman David Schweikert disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In 2014, Schweikert called climate change folklore and said "I don't see the data."00In a 2019 tweet on the Green New Deal, the Congressman wrote, "If we are going to talk about a green agenda, we must look at how technology & science can help us. There are tech solutions available already that would not crash our economy, or require all straws to be taken out of restaurants." In 2014, according to a press release, the Congressman co-sponsored an amendment to the Electricity Security and Affordability Act that would limit the EPA's ability to curb greenhouse gasses (H.Amdt.576 to H.R. 3826). Congressman Schweikert demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0Congressman Schweikert opposes or votes against a U.S. fee on carbon. He voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86).256.25 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Stanton, GregArizona4DCongressman Greg Stanton understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. In a 2019 press release he said, Making a statement on the CHIPS and Science Act, Stanton said in 2024 "Our CHIPS and Science Act is turbocharging innovation here in the Valley, not just in advanced manufacturing, but in addressing the existential threat of climate change and drought." According to a 2021 Facebook post, the Congressman stated, "As climate change continues to impact the southwest with rising temperatures, forest fires and drought, protecting our water supply remains one of my top priorities.”100100Congressman Stanton has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a 2019 press release in support of the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), the Congressman stated, "Arizona is already experiencing the effects of climate change—extreme heat, prolonged drought, stress on our water sources, dangerous wildfires—we have to do our part and take bold action to reverse this trend.” The Congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. According to a press release supporting The 100% Clean Economy Act of 2019 (H.R. 5221) Congressman Stanton, stated, "Climate change is ravaging the Southwest, and Congress has an obligation to take bold action to combat it." Rep. Stanton makes climate change a top priority issue. In a 2018 interview with Green Living when asked about his top priorities in his then-upcoming run for Congress, he stated, "We need to better support cities on the climate change action that they are taking."100Congressman Stanton has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon. He voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke expressing the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86).5087.5 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate

U.S. House Challengers

NameStateDistrictPartyPositionPosition ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose Roe
Ansari, YassaminArizona3DYassamin Ansari understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her campaign website, Ansari says "The climate crisis is the defining issue of our time. As a climate policy expert, Yassamin has pushed for international solutions to climate change at the United Nations and led bold efforts to clean up our air and water in Phoenix."100Yassamin Ansari has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5092.5 Roe
Butierez, DanielArizona7RDaniel Butierez does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. 25Daniel Butierez has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5028.75 Opposes Roe
Cooper, KellyArizona4RKelly Cooper does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Kelly Cooper has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5028.75 Roe
Engel, KirstenArizona6DKirsten Engels understands the importance of climate action but not as a top priority issue. On her campaign website, she states that "I'm prepared to tackle the water and climate crisis that threatens Southern Arizona’s future." She has Tweeted frequently about the importance of tackling climate change, asserting that "small solutions won't solve this" and that "we need to address climate change comprehensively."75Kirsten Engels has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5071.25 Roe
Hamadeh, AbrahamArizona8RAbraham Hamadeh disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. Hamadeh criticized Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes saying, of her advocacy for fighting climate change, that it is akin to fighting the weather. In a Tweet, Hamadeh posted two maps of drought conditions in western states, saying "Stop climate hysteria."0Abraham Hamadeh has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.507.5 Roe
Nez, JonathanArizona2DJonathan Nez understands the importance of climate action but not as a top priority issue. In a testimony to House of Representatives while he was President of the Navajo Nation, he stated that "climate change is real and the effects from climate change are directly impacting our way of life as Navajo people" as well as delving into its impacts on air quality, water access, and land rights for the Navajo Nation. Addressing a legal challenge to a revised federal rule which undercut the Clean Water Act, he also stated "At this point in time, with climate change occurring around the world, it’s more prudent than ever to protect our land, water and air."75Jonathan Nez has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5071.25 Roe
Schaffner, KatrinaArizona5DKatrina Schaffner understands the importance of climate action but not as a top priority issue. On her campaign website, she states that "The climate crisis, economy, and healthcare system go hand in hand" and calls for action to protect air and water quality while holding Big Oil accountable for "price gouging while wrecking havoc on the planet."75Katrina Schaffner has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5071.25 Roe
Shah, AmishArizona1DAmish Shah understands the importance of climate action but not as a top priority issue. In a debate, Shah listed fighting climate change among the things that are the most important to him.75Amish Shah has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5071.25 Roe
Smith, QuacyArizona9DQuacy Smith understands the importance of climate action but not as a top priority issue. On his campaign website, it states that "He emphasizes international collaboration to address global environmental challenges and advocates for well-crafted regulations to address environmental concerns", recognizing the role of traditional energy source in climate change while supporting a "gradual and realistic" transition to clean energy.75Quacy Smith has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5071.25 Roe
Whitten, GregArizona8DGreg Whitten does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In an interview in Yahoo News he said, "By and large, the Biden Administration’s policy on climate change has been one of hysteria, fear, and misuse of taxpayer monies to reward political allies. I would work to tone down the rhetoric and gather real data on whether or not 'climate change' is as perilous as some on the Left claim it is."25Greg Whitten has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon dividend.5028.75 Supports Roe
Zink, JeffArizona3RJeff Zink does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Jeff Zink has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5028.75 Roe

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How is each climate score determined?

For current senators and representatives, please read the details in the 2024 Voter’s Guide Scoring Criteria for Incumbents.  For challengers, please read the details in the 2024 Voter’s Guide Scoring Criteria for Challengers.

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