U.S. Senate Incumbents

NameTermsStatePartyPositionLeadershipPosition ScoreVote ScoreLeadership ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose RoeVote [Expanding Dirty and Dangerous Offshore Drilling]Vote [Build Back Better Budget Resolution]Vote [Eliminating Safeguards on Fossil Fuel Production]Vote [Repealing Assault on Methane Pollution Safeguards]Vote [Inflation Reduction Act]
Rubio, Marco 2Florida RSenator Marco Rubio does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to a 2016 'CNN,' article, Senator Rubio stated, "humans are contributing to what's happening in our climate, there's no consensus on how much of the changes that are going on are due to human activity." However, according to a 2019 'South Florida Sun Sentinel,' article, Senator Rubio stated, "climate change is an issue that the state currently faces, and that it must be addressed by real solutions... People can have a debate about what we can do about climate change and the causes, but the bottom line is that the rising of sea levels is immeasurable in Florida... So, if you represent South Florida or live in South Florida, it's really not something you can ignore."According to a 2019 op-ed he wrote for 'USA Today,' Senator Rubio stated, "The world is not going to end in 12 years as some climate alarmists claim, but I can tell you Florida will be forced to continue making adjustments in the coming decades because of the changing climate... The good news is these problems are manageable... Americans, particularly Floridians, are right to be concerned about the changing climate. But they are also right to be concerned about a regressive overreaction." However, according to his website, Senator Rubio stated, "Changes in our climate, such as the rise of sea levels, are measurable facts. Many communities in Florida are already dealing with the consequences of these changes and will have to adapt to and mitigate against their impact for decades to come... I look forward to working with my colleagues to find real and responsible solutions in a bipartisan way.” Senator Marco Rubio does demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.2500Senator Marco Rubio makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. According to the 'Herald-Tribune,' Senator Rubio stated, "Attempting to reverse engineer the U.S. economy to absolve our past climate sins — either through a carbon tax or some ‘Green New Deal’ scheme — will fail." The Senator was a co-sponsor of (S. Res 472) a 2016 resolution, which would have expressed the sense of the Senate that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the economy of the United States.06.25https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/11/politics/marco-rubio-climate-change/index.html https://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/commentary/fl-op-com-reams-rubio-climate-change-national-spotlight-20191125-h7aihtql35gubbjwcf2lkksr6u-story.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/08/19/rubio-on-climate-change-we-should-choose-adaptive-solutions-column/2019310001/ https://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2020/2/rubio-joins-bipartisan-senate-climate-solutions-caucus https://www.heraldtribune.com/news/20190819/marco-rubio-calls-climate-change-a-real-problem-but-rejects-aggressive-efforts-to-curb-emissions https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/senate-resolution/472/cosponsors?r=56&s=1&searchResultViewType=expanded https://endcitizensunited.org/latest-news/press-releases/marco-rubio-supports-decision-to-overturn-roe-v-wade-to-take-away-our-fundamental-freedoms-and-right-to-privacy/Opposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate

U.S. Senate Challengers

NameStatePartyPositionPosition ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose Roe
Demings, ValFloridaDCandidate Val Demings understands the importance of climate action, but not as a top priority issue. On Candidate Demings' official campaign website, it states, "Chief Val Demings takes threats to our environment seriously, because they are threats to Floridians’ jobs and way of life. That’s why she opposes offshore drilling off Florida’s coasts, and why she has delivered funding to combat the toxic algae that impacts our shores and waterways. Chief Demings knows the threat of climate change is real, and that’s why she supported the bipartisan infrastructure bill which will fund billions of dollars of climate change-resistant infrastructure in Florida and create thousands of new jobs." 75Candidate Val Demings publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. In her previous tenure as Congresswoman, Candidate Demings voted against a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). The Congresswoman co-sponsored the America Wins Act (H.R. 4142), which aims to put a tax on carbon pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 52% in ten years. 10078.75https://valdemings.com/issues/ https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/4142/ https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://demings.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-demings-scotus-abortion-decisionSupports Roe

U.S. House Incumbents

NameStateDistrictPartyPositionPosition ScoreVote ScoreLeadershipLeadership ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose RoeVotes [Attacking International Climate Collaboration (House Roll Call 27)]Vote [Advancing Climate Action in the COMPETES Act (House Roll Call 18)]Vote [Repealing Assault on Methane Pollution Safeguards (House Roll Call 185)]Vote [Pro-Environment Funding Package (House Roll Call 247)]Vote [Transformative Climate, Jobs, and Justice Investments (House Roll Call 385)]Vote [Investing in Climate-Smart and Pro-Wildlife Infrastructure (House Roll Call 201)]Vote [Inflation Reduction Act (HR 5376)]
Bilirakis, Gus M.Florida12RCongressman Bilirakis agrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to the Congressman's 'Environment, Energy Production, and Infrastructure' page on his website, "Congressman Bilirakis believes that climate change is real and has been active in Congressional hearings focused on reducing carbon emissions, boosting renewable energy options, and modernizing the nation’s power generation. The Congressman wants clean air, clean water, and environmental protection..."500Congressman Bilirakis lacks leadership by advocating against the Paris Agreement. According to Politifact, the Congressman stated in an email that, "A study by the National Economics Research Association showed that the (Paris climate) deal could cost 2.7 million lost jobs in the U.S. by 2025 should our country adhere to the commitments made by the Obama Administration." Politifact deemed the study referred to as unreliable, stating, "The study is unreliable, using an extreme model that does not consider the possible benefits of carbon regulation and rules out investment, flexibility or technology that would lead to more jobs." According to the Congressman's 'Environment, Energy Production, and Infrastructure' page on his website, " Congressman Bilirakis firmly supports an “all of the above” energy strategy that includes increasing domestic production, providing incentives for the development of renewable resources, and promoting conservation. " Congressman Bilirakis demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Bilirakis makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman co-sponsored a 2021 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 34 (IH)).012.5https://bilirakis.house.gov/issues/energy-production http://www.politifact.com/florida/statements/2017/jun/21/gus-bilirakis/gus-bilirakis-cites-flawed-study-defend-us-wit/ https://bilirakis.house.gov/issues/energy-production https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-concurrent-resolution/119/cosponsors?searchResultViewType=expanded https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-concurrent-resolution/34/cosponsors?r=1&s=1 https://bilirakis.house.gov/media/press-releases/bilirakis-applauds-historic-scotus-decision-uphold-sanctity-lifeOpposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Buchanan, VernFlorida16RCongressman Vern Buchanan does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.250He advocated on behalf of the Paris Agreement. In a 2019 tweet, supporting the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), Congressman Buchanan stated, "Moments ago I voted for legislation to keep the United States part of the international Paris Climate Accord. Global warming is a serious threat - especially to a state like #Florida with two coastlines vulnerable to rising waters. #Sayfie." Congressman Buchanan does not oppose climate action. 25Congressman Buchanan opposes or votes against a U.S. fee on carbon. He voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 2518.75https://buchanan.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/buchanan-urges-trump-reconsider-climate-accord https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://twitter.com/VernBuchanan/status/1540364317161308160?ref_src=twsrc%5EtfwOpposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Cammack, Kat Florida3RCongresswoman Kat Cammack does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.250On her campaign website, Congresswoman Kat Cammack states "I strongly support an 'all of the above' energy policy. Everything from the development of oil, liquid natural gas, clean coal, and other fossil fuels as well as alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, hydro-power, nuclear, geothermal, and biomass must be on the table." However, Congresswoman Cammack expressed in a 2021 tweet that "Re-entering the Paris Climate Accords undermines our economic growth and competitiveness with strict requirements, giving the upper hand to the #CCP who get off with just a warning." Congresswoman Kat Cammack demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0Congresswoman Kat Cammack has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5018.75https://www.katforcongress.com/policy https://mobile.twitter.com/repkatcammack/status/1352073882405113859?lang=ar-x-fmOpposes RoeN/AN/AN/AN/AAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Castor, KathyFlorida14DCongresswoman Kathy Castor understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. In a 2021 article published by the Guardian, regarding climate change, Congresswoman Castor states, 'We just don’t have any more time to waste,” the Florida congresswoman said in an interview with the Guardian ahead of crucial UN climate talks in Scotland. “We have got to act now or else we’re condemning our children and future generations to a really horrendous time.'”100100Congresswoman Castor has demonstrated leadership on climate change by advocating for climate action. The Congresswoman introduced the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), stating in a 2019 press release, "Speaking as a Floridian who boarded up and fled my home with my family as Hurricane Irma spun its destructive winds and storm surge towards my hometown a year and a half ago, I understand we must act with urgency on the climate crisis.” The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. As the Chairwoman of the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, she released the "Solving the Climate Crisis” plan, stating in a 2020 WMNF article, "We are releasing a transformative roadmap for solving the climate crisis. We have a plan for building the 100% clean energy economy. And we are going to do it in an equitable and inclusive way. Our task is urgent. The last five years are the hottest on record. And it’s getting hotter." Rep. Castor makes climate change a top priority issue. During 2019 Hispanic Heritage Month, the Congresswoman rallied with the Sierra Club, Green Latinos, and Mom's Clean Task Force, stating, "Combating climate change means enacting solutions that work for all of us. Those who are most impacted by our rapidly changing climate are our frontline communities who can’t afford flood insurance, families who can’t pay higher electric bills or those who don’t have places to turn when disaster strikes." 100Congresswoman Castor supports a U.S. fee on carbon but does not advocate for it. She voted against a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119).7593.75https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/21/kathy-castor-interview-climate-crisis-democrats https://castor.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=398936 https://www.wmnf.org/kathy-castor-announces-solving-the-climate-crisis-plan/ https://castor.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=403085 https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://castor.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=403900Supports RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Cherfilus-McCormick, SheilaFlorida20DCongresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. During her 2022 Democratic Primary, Congresswoman Cherfilus-McCormick demonstrated her support for climate action as she worked for "$100 million into the South Florida market to make sure that, not only are we moving towards environmental resiliency, which is building more infrastructure for our waterways and building more infrastructure when it comes to emissions."10083Congresswoman Cherfilus-McCormick has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. On August 1, 2022, Congresswoman Cherfilus-McCormick received Vice-President Kamala Harris in Miami along with other local Floridian representatives, and called for "prioritizing the well-being of people and communities most exposed to climate harm and least able to cope with it." She makes prominent public statements on the issue.In a 2020 Q&A with the South Florida Sun Sentinel, voiced her strong support for the Green New Deal, and described her home state of Florida as "America's ground zero for climate change" due to its unique risk to rising sea levels. The Congresswoman makes climate change a top priority issue. In voting for government funding legislation (H.R. 2471), the congresswoman emphasized the importance of combating the "existential threat of climate change through a renewed focus on environmental enforcement, pioneering funding for environmental justice, and historic investments in clean energy and climate science". 100 Congresswoman Cherfilus-McCormick has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon. 5083.25https://wsvn.com/news/politics/democratic-primary-for-floridas-district-20-again-pits-cherfilus-mccormick-against-holness/ https://www.miamitimesonline.com/news/local/veep-harris-visits-miami/article_88b960e4-130d-11ed-b7b0-5bd51bed8cc1.html https://cherfilus-mccormick.house.gov/media/press-releases/congresswoman-sheila-cherfilus-mccormick-votes-pass-omnibus-appropriations https://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/commentary/fl-op-com-questionnaire-sheila-mccormick-20200622-f23fbeyofvcjhkdx4t2rceaauu-story.html Since member was not in Congress for votes in 2022, the vote score was imputed using the average of position, leadership and fee on carbon score.Supports RoeN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Diaz-Balart, MarioFlorida26RCongressman Mario Diaz-Balart disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to a 2017 E&E article, when asked about climate change, the Congressman stated, "It's more of a religion... on both sides of the issue. I don't play that game. My issue is, 'All right, what is the problem that you're trying to solve?' and 'Does it solve it?'"00Congressman Diaz-Balart was an advocate of the Keystone XL pipeline, stating, "The House has once again acted on a bipartisan basis to pass legislation to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, which will create thousands of jobs, move the United States closer to energy independence and strengthen our national security. This project will contribute billions of dollars to communities across the nation and bolster our economy." Congressman Diaz-Balart demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Diaz-Balart opposes or votes against a U.S. fee on carbon. He voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 256.25https://www.eenews.net/stories/1060054524 https://mariodiazbalart.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/diaz-balart-votes-to-approve-keystone-pipeline https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://mariodiazbalart.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/diaz-balart-statement-scotus-decision-overturn-roe-v-wadeOpposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateN/AAnti Climate
Donalds, ByronFlorida19RCongressman Byron Donalds disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. An article covering a 2020 debate states "Donalds said he believes the science on climate change is 'not settled,' particularly as it relates to humanity's role in causing it." 00In a 2020 interview with Cheddar News, Congressman Donalds says "... let's re-embrace nuclear power. It is cheap. Uh, when it comes to fossil fuels, it is clean. He later states that nuclear power is "renewable power that everybody can rely on..." On his campaign website, Congressman Donalds states "I support environmental research and studies that not only preserves our waters, but also leads to sensible solutions, that do not burden taxpayers." Congressman Byron Donalds does not oppose climate action. 25Congressman Byron Donalds has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5018.75https://www.news-press.com/story/news/2020/09/29/byron-donalds-and-cindy-banyai-debate-covid-19-climate-change-education-and-taxes/3559961001/ https://cheddar.com/media/rep-elect-byron-donalds-r-fl-on-his-plans-for-congress https://www.byrondonalds.com/water_quality https://donalds.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=703Opposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Dunn, NealFlorida2RCongressman Neal Dunn disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a 2016 Panama City News Herald article Congressman Neal was quoted stating, "I am sure human activity plays some role, but I don’t think the science is clear on how much is man-made and how much is natural. What I do know is that the United States should not follow the path of the global warming alarmists like the Obama administration who wants us to unilaterally handicap... industry with over-burdensome EPA regulations. That will only further empower China, who is actually the largest polluter in the world.”014In a 2017 press release supporting the American withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, the Congressman stated, "The Paris agreement breaks faith with the Americans we were elected to represent. The pact demanded that America meet stricter emissions standards than it did for China, Russia or India. It also compelled American taxpayers to fork over billions of dollars to other countries in a wealth redistribution scheme. With rising energy prices, American workers would be forced to compete against foreign countries with one hand tied behind their backs, and it would cost our economy $2.5 trillion and 400,000 jobs by 2035. President Trump is right to walk away from a bad deal and put America first.” Congressman Dunn demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Dunn opposes or votes against a U.S. fee on carbon. He voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 259.75http://www.newsherald.com/news/20160416/local-political-figures-cautious-about-sea-level-rise https://dunn.house.gov/issues https://dunn.house.gov/2017/6/dr-dunn-s-statement-paris-climate-accord https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://www.nealdunn.com/issuesOpposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimatePro ClimateAnti Climate
Frankel, LoisFlorida22DCongresswoman Lois Frankel understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's campaign website it states, "Climate change is the most immediate and pressing challenge globally, nationally, and locally right here in South Florida. We are already seeing the consequences with stronger hurricanes, higher temperatures, more frequent flooding, and beach erosion."100100As a member of the Energy & Water Appropriations subcommittee, the Congresswoman fought for $250 million in funding for Everglades Restoration, stating in a 2019 press release, "This bill will also increase the funding for renewable and energy efficiency programs critical to fighting climate change and reducing our carbon emissions as we strive to make our nation carbon neutral by 2050." In a 2019 tweet, the Congresswoman stated, "If we don’t do something about #climatechange, extreme weather will have an impact on every Floridian. On our public health, our agriculture, our unique environment & wildlife." Rep. Frankel makes climate change a top priority issue as well. Her website and position papers advocate for climate action, but not as a top priority issue. 75Congresswoman Frankel supports a U.S. fee on carbon but does not advocate for it. She voted against a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 7587.5https://frankel.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=574 https://frankel.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=3145 https://twitter.com/reploisfrankel/status/1100863141250883585?lang=bg https://loisfrankelforcongress.com/environment/ https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://frankel.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=3456Supports RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Franklin, ScottFlorida18RCongressman Scott Franklin disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. A 2020 article from 'The Ledger' states that "Franklin said the climate seems to be changing, but he said he isn’t convinced human activity is the driving factor."00In the 2020 Candidate Questionnaire from the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops, Congressman Scott Franklin wrote "I believe American innovation and entrepreneurship will help us solve the environmental and climate challenges we face. I am concerned about investing taxpayer dollars in specific businesses or research initiatives tied to renewable energy. The U.S. government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers. We must let the free market determine what solutions are effective, efficient and affordable." Congressman Scott Franklin does not oppose climate action.25Congressman Scott Franklin has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5018.75https://www.theledger.com/in-depth/news/politics/elections/2020/10/18/election-2020-franklin-cohn-battle-long-red-district-15/3670575001/ https://www.flaccb.org/documents/2020/10/franklin_scott.pdf https://franklin.house.gov/issues/agriculture https://franklin.house.gov/media/press-releases/franklin-defends-lives-unborn-votes-no-abortion-demand-until-birth-actOpposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Gaetz, MattFlorida1RCongressman Matt Gaetz understands the importance of climate action but not as a top priority issue. According to a 2017 In a Pensacola News Journal article the Congressman was reported to have stated after joining the bipartisan climate solutions caucus that, "I don't think there's a scientific debate left to be had on if it is happening. I also think history is going to judge very harshly climate change deniers, and I don't want to be one of them."7514In a 2019 press release promoting his climate change plan, titled the Green Real Deal, Congressman Gaetz stated, "While some in our government espouse that climate change isn’t happening, our military puts politics to the side. These leaders carry the trust of the American people on their shoulders. We call on them to lead this country’s most precious resource — our people — into battle. They do not have the luxury of an academic debate about climate change; they do not have time to argue with a thermometer. So, when these same people state that climate change is real and already impacting our military, we should all listen." In a 2019 interview on Fox Business, he described the Green New Deal as a "Green Nightmare." Congressman Gaetz supports climate action but is not a strong advocate for it. 50Congressman Gaetz makes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. He voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119).034.75https://www.pnj.com/story/money/business/2017/11/24/after-pushing-bill-abolish-epa-rep-matt-gaetz-joins-climate-solutions-caucus/893141001/ https://gaetz.house.gov/media/in-the-news/matt-gaetz-addressing-climate-change-through-green-real-deal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vcFMlpLZu0&feature=emb_logo https://gaetz.house.gov/media/in-the-news/meet-matt-gaetz-controversial-gop-congressman-leading-effort-release-fbi-memo https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2022/07/23/florida-congressman-matt-gaetz-makes-controversial-abortion-comments/10136955002/Opposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimatePro ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Gimenez, Carlos Florida28RCongressman Carlos Gimenez understands the importance of climate action but not as a top priority issue. Speaking about climate change in 2017 during his 'State of the County' address , the congressman said "It's not a theory. It's a fact. We live it every day." In a 2021 'Orlando Sentinel' article, Congressman Gimenez wrote "Now more than ever, it is incumbent upon all of us to invest instead in clean energy and resiliency solutions to deal with the impacts we have created and prevent the worse ones coming down the pipeline."750On his website, Congressman Gimenez states "I support an all-of-the-above approach to domestic energy production with a focus on research, and deployment of new, clean energy technologies that ensures all Americans have access to affordable and reliable energy sources." Gimenez also states, "I am a strong supporter of free market solutions that protect our environment and innovate our economy to make renewable and clean energy as affordable as, and ultimately cheaper than, traditional energy sources for American families." Congressman Carlos Gimenez does not oppose climate action.25Congressman Carlos Gimenez has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon. 5037.5https://www.governing.com/archive/tns-miami-climate-change-gimenez.html https://www.orlandosentinel.com/opinion/guest-commentary/os-op-carlos-gimenez-hurricane-insurance-invading-sea-20210528-fi4mw4bfnrbldcwmnnqes3lbay-story.html https://gimenez.house.gov/issues/energy https://gimenez.house.gov/2022/6/gimenez-statement-on-the-supreme-court-s-dobbs-decisionOpposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Lawson, AlFlorida2DCongressman Al Lawson understands the importance of climate action, but not as a top priority issue. In a statement to the League of Conservation Voters in 2016, Congressman Lawson asserted that he "will aggressively support policies to address climate change." But there is no mention of climate change on his 'Environment' page.75100On his congressional website issues tab, Representative Lawson writes that "all Americans have a role to play in protecting Earth", particularly when it comes to the impact of hurricanes on the Florida panhandle. Congressman Lawson also supported the Build Back Better Act (H.R. 5376), and he emphasized that the bill will help with "tackling climate change." Congressman Lawson supports climate action but is not a strong advocate for it. 50Congressman Lawson publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. Congressman Lawson did not vote in a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H.Con.Res.119). However, the Congressman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments.10081.25https://www.lcv.org/environmental-facebook/al-lawson/ https://lawson.house.gov/issues/environment https://lawson.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-lawson-votes-to-pass-build-back-better-act https://lawson.house.gov/media/press-releases/-us-rep-lawson-statement-on-the-supreme-court-overturning-roe-v-wade-Supports RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Mast, BrianFlorida21RCongressman Brian Mast understands the importance of climate action but does not see it as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's, 'Protecting the Environment,' page, it states, "As research tools have become more robust, scientists have developed a more comprehensive understanding of our planet’s changing climate. Their research has made clear that we must do more to protect our Earth and air quality. That’s why I’m proud to be a member of the Bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus. The Caucus is an important tool to educate members on economically-viable options to reduce climate risk and protect our nation’s economy, security, infrastructure and environment. Together, we can find a path forward to protect our planet for future generations." Despite this, in a 2017 Climate Home News article, the Congressman was quoted, stating that he did not believe, “the science is completely concrete in either direction.” 7514In a 2017 article in The Atlantic, Congressman Mast was quoted stating, "It’s important that we take climate change very, very seriously because the threats that are posed by that are very serious. I’m just not a person that believes we should be turning a blind eye to it." According to a 2017 Florida Politics article, the Congressman advocated for climate change innovation, stating, "Treasure Coast residents know all too well about the crippling impact on both the quality-of-life and economy when environmental disaster strikes. We must act now to find economically-viable solutions to address the risk of climate change.” Congressman Mast's website and position papers advocate for climate action, but not as a top priority issue. 75Congressman Mast opposes or votes against a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman voted for a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 2547.25https://mast.house.gov/environment?page=14 http://www.climatechangenews.com/2017/04/05/gop-climate-rebels-emerge-shadows/ https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/03/house-republicans-climate-change-global-warming-trump/518430/ http://floridapolitics.com/archives/234006-brian-mast-carlos-curbelo-call-american-innovation-climate-change https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://mast.house.gov/2022/6/victory-for-lifeOpposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimatePro ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Posey, BillFlorida8RCongressman Bill Posey disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a 2014 Science, Space and Technology Committee hearing questioning then White House Science Advisor, John Holdren, the Congressman stated, "Obviously we've had global warming for a long time… So that is a natural phenomenon. [Global cooling] was the fear before Gore invented the internet."00According to a 2018 International Business Times article, Congressman Posey introduced to direct the Securities and Exchange Commission to withdraw guidance regarding disclosure related to climate change Act (H.R. 3502), which was "designed to bar federal regulators from forcing companies to better disclose their climate-related risks to their shareholders." Congressman Posey demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Poseymakes public statements or advocates against putting a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman co-sponsored a 2019 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res 41). 00https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EHY_uMWYds http://www.ibtimes.com/political-capital/despite-irma-florida-congressman-aims-let-companies-hide-climate-change-risks https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/3502/actions?r=6 https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-concurrent-resolution/41/cosponsors?searchResultViewType=expanded https://sbaprolife.org/representative/bill-poseyOpposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Rutherford, JohnFlorida5RCongressman John Rutherford disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to a 2019 article by WJCT, when asked about sea level rise, the Congressman stated, "I agree that climate change is happening, and we certainly have sea level rise. I question what part of that is man made and what part of that is natural phenomenon.”00In a 2017 interview with Jacksonville.com, when asked about the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, the Congressman stated, "Yes, I feel we can negotiate a better one. Climate change has been going on for a long time and not all of it is manmade." Congressman Rutherford demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Rutherford opposes or votes against a U.S. fee on carbon. He voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 256.25https://news.wjct.org/post/how-green-new-deal-could-affect-storms-floods-and-heat-jacksonville https://rutherford.house.gov/issues https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363\ https://twitter.com/JRutherfordFL/status/1219004067118243841Opposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Salazar, Maria Elvira Florida27RCongresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar agrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. On her campaign website, the congresswoman states "Climate change is real, and the evidence is right here in Miami." In a 2021 interview with the Florida Director of the Environmental Defense Fund, Congresswoman Salazar states "...if you're here then you might as well just pay attention to what's surrounding you because you may not be here next time if we don't pay attention..."5029A 2021 'Florida Politics' article reported the congresswoman "back[ed] a resolution reinstating federal limits on methane emissions from oil and gas producers." A 2021 Orlando Sentinel article reported “Rep. Salazar said that ‘climate change is a real threat to South Florida’s coastlines and economic development over the long term.’” According to the 'Miami Herald,' in 2021, the congresswoman "supports Biden's decision to re-enter the Paris Climate Agreement." Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar's supports climate action but is not a strong advocate for it. 50Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar supports a U.S. fee on carbon but does not advocate for it. In 2018, the congresswoman "told the Miami Herald she would be open to a carbon tax proposal put forward by U.S. Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida’s 26th Congressional District," according to a 'Florida Politics' article. The 'Columbia University Center on Global Energy Policy' states "The Curbelo proposal would impose a tax on carbon dioxide emissions that starts at $24/ton of CO2e in 2020, and it repeals the federal excise taxes on gasoline and diesel fuels."7551https://mariaelvirasalazar.com/issues/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnJDEXT6SzU https://floridapolitics.com/archives/440088-edf-action-ad-salazar-methane/ https://www.orlandosentinel.com/opinion/guest-commentary/os-op-gop-must-embrace-environmental-issues-20210701-6ntq7iybuzhgbj2jxmafjl7gwi-story.html https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article248674410.html https://floridapolitics.com/archives/277463-salazar-ad-environment-election/ https://www.energypolicy.columbia.edu/research/report/emissions-energy-and-economic-implications-curbelo-carbon-tax-proposal https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/miami-politicians-react-to-supreme-courts-roe-v-wade-decision-14754648Opposes RoePro ClimateAnti ClimatePro ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Soto, DarrenFlorida9DCongressman Darren Soto understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congressman's campaign website, it states, "America should be at the forefront of the effort to reduce fossil fuel emissions and confront the threat of climate change. That's why I'm fighting in Congress to invest in renewable energy, protect our environment, and reduce the financial burden on students who graduate with degrees in science and technology. We have the opportunity to build a clean energy economy and drastically reduce our fossil fuel emissions; we can't afford to lose the progress we've made."100100Congressman Soto has demonstrated leadership on climate change by advocating for climate action. During a 2020 town hall, the Congressman introduced the Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation’s (CLEAN) Future Act, which would ensure the United States achieves net-zero greenhouse gas pollution no later than 2050. The Congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 Energy & Commerce Committee Hearing on climate change, the Congressman described what needed to be done to protect future generations, stating, "To avoid surpassing 1.5 degrees Celsius global carbon dioxide emissions would have to drop around 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 and reached zero emissions by around 2050... This challenge is not about the folks behind the dais it's not about most of the folks in the audience it's about Lincoln and his generation and what we're gonna do in 2050 we're gonna look back and say did we do what we needed to get done." Rep. Soto makes climate change a top priority issue. The Congressman introduced the Ban Fracking Act (H.R. 5857), a federal bill to phase out fracking nationwide in the United States. In a 2020 press release introducing the bill, he stated, "We cannot deny the overwhelming scientific consensus any longer—fracking is a threat to our health, safety and environment. If we want to transition from fossil fuel emissions as we work towards building a 100 percent clean economy, pulling back from fracking is a critical first step. Failure to act will only make the crisis at hand even more detrimental for future generations of Americans.”100Congressman Soto supports a U.S. fee on carbon but does not advocate for it. He voted against a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 7593.75https://www.darrensoto.com/climate-change/ https://soto.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-soto-unveils-clean-future-act-climate-change-town-hall https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1PhYFhApnc&feature=emb_logo https://soto.house.gov/media/press-releases/soto-ocasio-cortez-sanders-merkley-unveil-bill-ban-fracking-nationwide https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://twitter.com/RepDarrenSoto/status/1540348797720481792Supports RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Steube, GregFlorida17RCongressman Steube disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to a 2019 article by the Florida Phoenix, when asked about climate change, the Congressman stated, "I think the climate has been changing since God created the Earth. I don’t think there are solutions that we as legislators can necessarily do. You’re obviously not going to change what’s happening on our climate with changing carbon emissions because there’s other partners in the world that aren’t doing that.”00In a 2021 tweet, the Congressman stated "Liberals want to use deadly weather events to justify their ridiculous climate spending when in fact the evidence shows the opposite. As the climate has been warming, tornadoes have actually dramatically decreased." Congressman Steube demonstrates a lack of leadership with public state'ments, advocacy, or votes against climate action.0Congressman Steube has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman was not in Congress to vote on a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 5012.5https://www.floridaphoenix.com/2019/05/02/with-leadership-by-tampa-u-s-rep-kathy-castor-u-s-house-spurns-trump-on-global-climate-accord/ https://mobile.twitter.com/gregsteube/status/1470769533010989071 https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://steube.house.gov/media/press-releases/rep-steube-celebrates-the-end-of-roe-v-wade-applauds-courageous-supreme-courtOpposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Waltz, MichaelFlorida6RCongressman Michael Waltz understands the importance of climate action but not as a top priority issue. According to a 2019 article in the Woodwell Climate Research Center, "Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Florida) said that climate change impacts are indisputable, and that he wanted the United States “to lead this effort … with rapidly growing clean energy markets.”750In a 2017 article of E&E News, the Congressman was quoted stating, "We do need to — from a military standpoint, even a national security standpoint — deal with the effects of a warming Earth... The Defense Department [and] a number of admirals and generals [and] even [Defense] Secretary [Jim] Mattis in his confirmation testimony pointed to drought, famine, natural disasters and other effects of a warming Earth — of climate change — as a national security issue. Those issues led to failed states that terrorist groups are taking care of that we have to deal with. So I'd like to see the United States continue a leadership role." Congressman Waltz supports climate action but is not a strong advocate for it. 50Congressman Waltz has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman was not in Congress to vote on a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 5043.75https://www.woodwellclimate.org/woodwell-climates-dr-jennifer-francis-testifies-to-congressional-hearing-on-climate-change/ https://www.eenews.net/stories/1060096339 https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://waltz.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=629Opposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Wasserman Schultz, DebbieFlorida25DCongresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's, 'Environment,' page, it states, "As a senior member of the Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee, I use my unique position to advocate for South Florida and Everglades restoration, take bold action on climate change and renewable energy, and improve the quality of our air and water. It is imperative, now more than ever, that we adequately fund ecosystem restoration and clean energy initiatives as Florida deals with the full effects of our global climate crisis."100100In 2017 Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz published an op-ed in the Miami Herald condemning the president's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, writing, "Sadly, the decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement is only the latest anti-science, anti-conservation policy to emerge from the Trump administration. This is a president who appointed a vocal climate science denier to head the Environmental Protection Agency, then removed a majority of scientists from the EPA’s Board of Scientific Counselors. This is an administration that has worked to erode the safeguards protecting clean air and clean water at every opportunity — including gutting key funding for Everglades protection and restoration." Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz’s website and position papers advocate for climate action, but not as a top priority issue. 75Congresswoman Schultz supports a U.S. fee on carbon but does not advocate for it. The Congresswoman voted against a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 7587.5https://wassermanschultz.house.gov/issues/issue/?IssueID=15058 http://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/op-ed/article154343914.html https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://wassermanschultz.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=2850Supports RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Webster, DanielFlorida11RCongressman Daniel Webster disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. During a 2017 Committee on Space, Science, and Technology hearing on climate science, the Congressman stated, "So when I first ran for office, which is many years ago, long before this issue was an issue, there was another issue, and it was called the coming Ice Age. There was a big article in one of the magazines, I think it was Time magazine, when I was running for office... So you kind of wonder, we had some charts up here that started in late 1979. I don’t know, maybe those before that were the other way, and so the only growth in the temperature was a re-energizing what the temperature used to be before it was cooling. And so it just seems like there is such a short period of time. We’re looking at this data. It’s calculated within, you know, down to maybe four-tenths of a degree, and if we look back thousands of years, there might be a better pattern to see, and granted, we may not have that data but it seems like we’re basing a lot of things on current data, not on necessarily what’s happened in the world in general, and we’re blaming it on one set of circumstances, which may or may not have been the case for other things that occurred and in some cases there weren’t any humans."00Despite his lack of leadership, Congressman Webster introduced the PREPARE act, which would make sure Americans are prepared for extreme weather events, such as hurricanes. In a 2019 press release, the Congressman stated, "The PREPARE Act builds on the initiatives Florida pioneered. It is a thoughtful approach to improve disaster preparedness across federal agencies to better identify and proactively mitigate risk.” Congressman Webster demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. 0Congressman Webster opposes or votes against a U.S. fee on carbon. He voted in favor of a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119).256.25https://www.hsdl.org/?view&did=800987 https://webster.house.gov/press-releases?ContentRecord_id=6D7BAC75-709B-4389-AF24-EDA3EA0972EC https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://webster.house.gov/2022/6/statement-on-supreme-court-decision-overturning-roe-v-wadeOpposes RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Wilson, FredericaFlorida24DCongresswoman Frederica Wilson understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On the Congresswoman's, 'Energy and Environment,' page, it states, "I am also convinced that climate change poses a serious threat to our state and our nation. As President Obama said in his Second Inaugural Address, we can no longer ignore devastating fires, crippling drought, dangerous storms, and rising sea levels. I am committed to smart energy policies that fight climate change by cutting carbon emissions and boosting renewable fuel production. As the solar industry has demonstrated, by investing in new clean technologies, we can not only protect our planet but also create new high-wage jobs."100100Congresswoman Wilson has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. According to a 2020 press release, the Congresswoman was able to include provisions in The Moving Forward Act (H.R. 2), which would, "establish several new programs that will reduce emissions, invest in new technologies, and improve resiliency." The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2017 press release condemning the president's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, the Congresswoman stated, "And, denying the obvious and claiming that global warming is a hoax is especially disconcerting for Floridians, where issues like the greenhouse effect on water levels and flooding are a major concern." Rep. Wilson makes climate change a top priority issue. In a 2018 tweet, Congresswoman Wilson stated "Warmer temperatures from #ClimateChange are expected to expand the range of mosquitoes and ticks that carry diseases like Zika, yellow fever and West Nile virus. Congress must #ActOnClimate to protect the health and wealth of the American people. #ClimateFriday" 100Congresswoman Wilson publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbonThe Congresswoman is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments. She voted against a 2018 resolution by Rep. Steve Scalise that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 119). 100100https://wilson.house.gov/issues/energy-and-environment https://wilson.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/wilson-secures-florida-priorities-in-500-billion-infrastructure-bill https://wilson.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/congresswoman-frederica-s-wilson-s-statement-on-the-united-states https://twitter.com/RepWilson/status/1068582228286935040?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/763/cosponsors?searchResultViewType=expanded https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/2307/cosponsors https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h363 https://wilson.house.gov/media/press-releases/congresswoman-wilsons-statement-supreme-courts-abortion-decisionSupports RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate

U.S. House Challengers

NameStateDistrictPartyPositionPosition ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose Roe
Adeimy, Deborah Florida22RCandidate Deborah Adeimy does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Candidate Deborah Adeimy has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5028.75 Unclear on Roe
Asencio, Robert Florida28DOn Candidate Asencio's official campaign website, under the 'Priorities' section, it states, "Combat climate change with investments in green technology and protect our environment and waterways." Candidate Robert Ascencio understands the importance of climate action, but not as a top priority issue.75Candidate Robert Ascencio has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5071.25https://www.voterobertasencio.com/prioritiesSupports Roe
Balderramos Robinson, Corinna Florida21DOn her official campaign website, Candidate Robinson Balderramos states, "In our district, environmental pollution is of the utmost importance, and the health of our neighbors is dependent on the health of our ecosystem...We must restore the mission of the Department of Interior and other Federal Agencies to ensure the health of our water, marine life, and economy. Fines should be increased for environmental lawbreakers, especially those which are agriculturally based hazards, and our officials should be held accountable for failing to practice environmental risk mitigation processes." Candidate Corinna Robinson Balderramos understands the importance of climate action, but not as a top priority issue.75 Candidate Corinna Robinson Balderramos has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5071.25https://www.corinnaforflorida.us/issuesSupports Roe
Banyai, Cindy Florida 19DAs part of her 'vision' on her official campaign website, Candidate Banyai writes that she dreams of "Clean water and land where our businesses can thrive and our children can play today and tomorrow." Her plan involves supporting the Green New Deal, encouraging Congress to adopt policies such as carbon offsetting, and "Align federal policy to international collaborative efforts on the environment." Candidate Cindy Banyai understands the importance of climate action, but not as a top priority issue.75Candidate Cindy Banyai has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5071.25https://www.cindybanyai.com/environment https://www.winknews.com/2022/06/30/swfl-congressional-candidate-cindy-banyai-arrested-during-abortion-protest-in-dc/Supports Roe
Bean, Aaron Florida4Rc does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Candidate Aaron Bean has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee.5028.75https://twitter.com/AaronPBean/status/1540401785483005954 Opposes Roe
Budd, Joe Florida23RIn a 2022 tweet, Candidate Budd wrote, "The Democrats believe Climate Change is the biggest threat to humanity. But we know the high gas prices are directly related to and needed for us to pay for their green new deal initiative." Candidate Joe Budd disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. 0Candidate Joe Budd has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 507.5https://mobile.twitter.com/VoteJoeBudd/status/1537780621388484613 https://www.yahoo.com/now/joe-budd-congress-jubilee-unborn-142200127.htmlOpposes Roe
Cohn, Alan Florida15DIn a 2020 press release, LCV announced that they were endorsing Candidate Cohn for congress. LCV action fund senior Vice President stated, "Alan Cohn understands the urgency of the climate crisis and will put the safety of Florida communities over the interests of corporate polluters, listening to the experts and trusting the science." Cohn, too, has made some impressive statements regarding his support for climate action. In response to recieving LCV's action fund endorsement, he proclaimed, "Climate change is an existential threat that demands bold and immediate action to prevent the most devastating effects to our planet. It doesn’t just impact our environment – it threatens our economy, national security, food supply, health, and disproportionately hurts communities of color..." Candidate Alan Cohn understands the importance of action on climate change as a top priority issue.100When running for Congress in 2020, Candidate Cohn came up with a comprehensive agenda, that goes as follows- "How to combat climate change: Transition to a 100% clean energy economy by 2035 Put a price on carbon and enact a carbon tax......" It is not know why he has not mentioned climate change at all in his 2022 campaign, especially considering his previous track record as a climate action champion. Candidate Alan Cohn has an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5092.5https://www.lcv.org/article/lcv-action-fund-endorses-alan-cohn-congress/ https://justfacts.votesmart.org/public-statement/1473824/issue-position-tackling-the-climate-crisis https://www.cohnforflorida.com/issuesSupports Roe
Franzese, Daniel Florida22RCandidate Daniel Franzese does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Candidate Daniel Franzese has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5028.75https://danforfl.com/issues/Opposes Roe
Frost, Maxwell Florida10DOn his official campaign website, Candidate Frost states, "The greatest challenge facing our country and the world is the climate crisis. The effects of climate disasters are compounded by already existing inequalities of class and race. Frankly, the continuity of the species depends on whether or not we transition from a carbon-dependent economy to one which is powered by green technologies and green jobs. If there is a future, it is a green future. We cannot hesitate and we cannot let big-oil, big-business, and the 1% decide our fates for us." Candidate Maxwell Frost understands the importance of action on climate change as a top priority issue.100Candidate Maxwell Frost has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5092.5https://www.frostforcongress.com/issues#environmentaljustice https://www.frostforcongress.com/meet-maxwell Supports Roe
Green, Karen Florida7DOn her official campaign website, Candidate Green states, "Many of our environmental resources are important parts of our economic lifeblood that attract tourists to the region, however, several of these ecological treasures such as the Indian River Lagoon, including Mosquito Lagoon, Wekiva River State Park, and the St. Johns River have been put under increasing strain from pollution. Thus, for economic and moral reasons, I will work tirelessly to provide federal aid to protect these critical parts of our local landscape and to promote development that is smart and sustainable." Candidate Karen Green understands the importance of climate action, but not as a top priority issue.75Candidate Karen Green has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5071.25https://www.karengreenforflorida.com/our-prioritiesUnclear on Roe
Hawk, Danielle Florida3DIn an article discussing Candidate Hawk securing the Democratic nomination for the House, the author states, "Hawk’s platform includes defending voting rights, reducing gun violence, protecting reproductive rights, mitigating climate change and supporting the right to repair, which allows farmers, ranchers and business owners to fix their own equipment without requiring a third party to repair it." Candidate Danielle Hawk understands the importance of climate action, but not as a top priority issue.75Candidate Danielle Hawk has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee.5071.25https://www.daniellehawk.com/issues https://www.alligator.org/article/2022/08/danielle-hawk-will-face-incumbent-kat-cammackSupports Roe
Hill, Tony Florida4DCandidate Tony Hills does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Candidate Tony Hills has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5028.75 Unclear on Roe
Holloway, LaShonda Florida 4DCandidate LaShonda Holloway does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. 25Candidate LaShonda Holloway has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5028.75https://twitter.com/Lj4CONGRESS/status/1568232443391496192Supports Roe
Jones, Rebekah Florida1DOn her official campaign website, Candidate Jones states, "As a scientist who has spent more than a decade studying the Earth, its systems, and the friction between the human and natural worlds, the environment will be one of my focus areas. Environmental issues encompass a wide range of issues, from addressing climate change and comprehensive infrastructure funding, to localized problems like protecting timber forests from the Southern pine beetle and emergency planning and response." Candidate Rebekah Jones understands the importance of action on climate change as a top priority issue.100Candidate Rebekah Jones has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5092.5https://www.rebekahjonescampaign.com/issuesUnclear on Roe
Judge, James Florida14ROn his official campaign website, Candidate Judge responded to a various set of questions presented by the Tampa Bay Times. When asked, "What role should the federal government play in confronting the climate crisis and sea level rise?", he responded, saying, "None...“climate crisis” is a term loved by the media, as it helps to sell newspapers and get eyeballs on television, which results in ratings and higher advertising prices. Using terms like “climate crisis” is purely hyperbolic, and it’s truly a disservice to your readership. Plenty of scientists disagree with climate change or the alarms that claim that there is a crisis. The earth’s climate changes over time and it has done so throughout history with glacial periods and interglacial periods occurring naturally." Candidate James Judge disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. 0Candidate James Judge has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 507.5https://judgeforcongress.com/platform-and-qa/ Unclear on Roe
Kale, Andrea Florida17DOn the Candidate's official Ballotpedia profile, she stated, "I am not an Environmental Specialist either but I would have to be asleep not see the damage Climate Change has done to the U.S. and our Planet. Hotter temperatures, more severe and frequent storms causing flooding destroying communities and taking lives, drought, more frequent wildfires destroying millions of acres of land and killing wildlife, global temperature increases from human-made greenhouse gases just to name a few effects of the Climate Crisis." Candidate Andrea Kale understands the importance of action on climate change as a top priority issue.100Candidate Andrea Kale has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee.5092.5https://floridapolitics.com/archives/553093-andrea-doria-kale-to-challenge-greg-steube-on-a-womans-right-to-choose/ https://ballotpedia.org/Andrea_Doria_KaleSupports Roe
Lawson, Al Florida2DCandidate Al Lawson understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. From the League of Conservation Voters, the candidate states " I will aggressively support policies to address climate change." On his campaign website, Candidate Lawson also wrote that he "Sponsored the Climate Action Now Act to fight for a clean and healthy environment, clean energy jobs and promote environmental justice."100Candidate Al Lawson publicly supports and advocates for a U.S. fee on carbon. Candidate Lawson is a co-sponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 2307). The rate begins at $15 per metric ton of CO2-e in 2021, increases by $10 each year, and is subject to further adjustments.100100https://www.lcv.org/environmental-facebook/al-lawson/ https://www.allawson.com/a-protecting-our-environment/ https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/2307/cosponsors?q=%7B%22cosponsor-state%22%3A%22Florida%22%7D https://lawson.house.gov/media/press-releases/-us-rep-lawson-statement-on-the-supreme-court-overturning-roe-v-wade-Supports Roe
Lee, Laurel Florida15RCandidate Laurel Lee does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Candidate Laurel Lee has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee.5028.75https://votelaurel.com/the-issues/Opposes Roe
Luna, Anna Paulina Florida13ROn Candidate Anna Paulina's official campaign website, it states, "Anna Paulina Luna is determined to ensure our community continues to capitalize on the robust tourism economy. She will fight to protect our beaches, coastlines, and preserve our natural environment, without raising taxes." Candidate Luna Anna Paulina does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels25 As mentioned in the 'position' section for this candidate, she makes it clear that she intends to "preserve our natural environment, without raising taxes." She may be alluding to a carbon tax, among many other things, in this statement. Candidate Luna Anna Paulina has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5028.75https://www.voteannapaulina.com/platform https://floridapolitics.com/archives/543876-sba-pro-life-america-endorses-anna-paulina-luna-in-cd-13/ Opposes Roe
Lynn, Eric Florida 13DOn his official campaign website, Candidate Lynn states, "We face a climate crisis that is as dire as it is preventable. False denials fail because the evidence is obvious and tragic. We continue to witness increasingly larger and more frequent storms and more severe forest fires out west. We must face this crisis head-on and immediately address the ways we are damaging our planet. There is no future if we do not reverse the effects of climate change, protect our wildlife, waterways and ecosystems, and implement greener practices across industry." Candidate Eric Lynn understands the importance of action on climate change as a top priority issue.100Candidate Eric Lynn has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5092.5https://ericlynnforcongress.com/priorities/Supports Roe
Mills, Cory Florida7RCandidate Cory Mills does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. 25Candidate Cory Mills has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5028.75https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=4289097371196605&paipv=0&eav=AfaaanysWJD7TQtP5uVIlGBeZf14xigGZfjJj5q8yXixZbqjAjA5pvykYs9WKjEqi3Y&_rdr Opposes Roe
Montez Clark, Drew Florida20RCandidate Drew Montez Clark does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. 25Candidate Drew Montez Clark has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5028.75https://drewmontezclark.com/the-issues/Opposes Roe
Moore, Scotty Florida 9RCandidate Scotty Moore does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Candidate Scotty Moore has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5028.75https://www.scottymooreforcongress.com/policy Opposes Roe
Moskowitz, Jared Florida23DOn Candidate Moskiowitz's official campaign website, it states, "We’re living through a climate crisis that threatens our way of life, and we must act quickly to mitigate the effects of climate change. Investing in environmental protection isn’t just a long-term plan towards clean air, clean water, and sustainability, it’s also a way to reinvigorate the economy and create jobs in our community. Jared was a consistent advocate for environmental causes as a State Representative, and he will fight for bold policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, convert to clean energy sources, protect the Everglades, and make our community more resilient against environmental threats." Candidate Jared Moskiowitz understands the importance of action on climate change as a top priority issue.100 Candidate Jared Moskiowitz has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5092.5https://jaredforflorida.com/issues/ Supports Roe
Munns, Shante Florida 11DCandidate Shante Munns does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Candidate Shante Munns has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5028.75 Unclear on Roe
Navarro, Jesus Florida23RCandidate Jesus Navarro does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Candidate Jesus Navarro has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5028.75 Unclear on Roe
Olivo, Christine Florida26DOn her official campaign website, Candidate Olivo writes, "WE CAN ADRESS CLIMATE CHANGE....WE WILL PASS A GREEN NEW DEAL." Candidate Christine Olivo understands the importance of climate action, but not as a top priority issue.25Candidate Christine Olivo has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5028.75https://www.christineforcongress.org/issues https://www.naplesnews.com/story/news/politics/2022/07/27/mario-diaz-balart-darren-aquino-christine-olivo-run-26th-district/10111499002/Supports Roe
Schneider, Jan Florida16DCandidate Jan Schneider does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. Candidate Schneider's official campaign website, has no mention of climate change. The singular environmental issue mentioned on her website is offshore drilling, It says, "Like all members of the Florida congressional delegation, Democrats and Republicans alike, Jan Schneider supports a permanent ban on offshore drilling near Florida."25Candidate Schneider has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5028.75https://www.votejan.com/issues https://www.votejan.com/women Supports Roe
Spalding, Carla Florida25RIn response to a 2020 questionnaire from South Florida's 'Sun Sentinel,' Candidate Spalding was asked, "What should be done, if anything, to address climate change?" She responded, saying, "More research from UNBIASED scientists, is needed to ensure this is an actual crisis or a natural occurrence. China and India are the world’s biggest polluters, and curtailing that is the best thing we can do to help Mother Earth." Candidate Carla Spalding disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. 0Candidate Carla Spalding has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 507.5https://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/commentary/fl-op-com-carla-spalding-questionnaire-20200622-rgvfw4zdhng47hl2rjrx2ypenq-story.htmlOpposes Roe
Taddeo, Annette Florida27DOn Candidate Taddeo's official campaign website, it states, "In Congress she'll work to help transition away from fossil fuels, reduce greenhouse emissions, oppose offshore drilling of Florida’s coast, and fight for greater federal funding to support climate resiliency efforts in Florida is 27th congressional district in across Miami." Candidate Annette Taddeo understands the importance of action on climate change as a top priority issue.100Candidate Annette Taddeo has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5092.5https://annettetaddeo.com/issues/# Supports Roe
Terry, Joanne Florida8DOn her official campaign website, Candidate Terry states, "Regardless of what each of us believes about climate change, the increase in extreme weather over the last few years is undeniable...We must continue the transition to clean, renewable energy and away from fossil fuels...I will support government investment and public-private partnerships for research, development, and industry transition of new technologies that help protect our community from further climate change, while providing new opportunities for economic growth." Candidate Joanne Terry understands the importance of action on climate change as a top priority issue.100Candidate Joanne Terry has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5092.5https://www.joanneterry.com/issuesnewSupports Roe
Walker, Kimberly Florida12DOn her official campaign website, Candidate Walker states, "Our economy needs help recovering from the coronavirus pandemic. We also need to quickly create millions of clean energy jobs in order to tackle the climate crisis. Combined, we have the opportunity to create good-paying jobs and put people to work building our clean energy future. Our actionable plan will get us on the right track towards building the green economy that we urgently need: one with investments in clean energy, federal clean standards and climate justice for all." Candidate Kimberly Walker understands the importance of action on climate change as a top priority issue.100Candidate Kimberly Walker has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5092.5https://kimberlyforcongress.com/issuesSupports Roe
Wimbish, Calvin Florida10RCandidate Calvin Wimbishdoes not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. 25Candidate Calvin Wimbish has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5028.75https://www.votecal2022.org/issuesOpposes Roe

Voter’s Guide FAQs

Which is my voting district?

If more than one voting district is shown for your zip code, please go to https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative.

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How is each climate score determined?

For current senators and representatives, please read the details in the Voter’s Guide Scoring Criteria for Incumbents.  For challengers, please read the details in the Voter’s Guide Scoring Criteria for Challengers. For more details on the vote score calculations for incumbents, please see U.S. Senate Votes and U.S. House votes.

I think I see an error in the data.

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