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U.S. Senate Incumbents

NameTermsStatePartyPositionLeadershipPosition ScoreVote ScoreLeadership ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose RoeVote [Blocking Forced Approval of the Mountain Valley Pipeline]Vote [Obstructing Money-Saving Energy Efficiency Codes]Vote [Blocking Limits on Pollution from Trucks]Vote [Ignoring Climate Risks to Retirement Savings]Vote
Baldwin, Tammy2WisconsinDSenator Baldwin understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. In a press release opposing the confirmation of Administration Scott Pruitt Senator Baldwin stated, “Let there be no doubt, global climate change is real. It is a fact and no ‘alternative facts’ can change it...In Wisconsin, climate change is causing big changes in both the Great Lakes ecosystem and economy. Climate change has facilitated the growth of invasive species like Asian carp, which pose a major threat to the ecology and economy of the Great Lakes by devastating the food chain and causing major damage to our ports, pipes and water infrastructure." Senator Baldwin has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a press release she stated, "There is no doubt that global climate change poses a growing threat to our planet, our country, our Great Lakes and Wisconsin. Turning our back on the world and backing out of the Paris Agreement is bad for our environment and bad for our economy in Wisconsin. The U.S. must show strong leadership on climate change, reaffirm our commitment to future generations and take action to address this challenge.” In a speech on the Senate floor, Senator Baldwin stated, "Let there be no doubt climate change is real the question is not whether it's happening but how we will address it are we going to do all that we can to leave the next generation a safer and healthier world as my friend from Rhode Island has impressed upon us with due urgency week in and week out climate change will be tremendously costly to our economy and to our very way of life." The Senator has a 97% lifetime score with the LCV, and has co-sponsored pro-climate legislation such as the EMIT LESS Act of 2024.100100100Senator Baldwin supports a U.S. fee on carbon but does not advocate for it. She voted for an amendment by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, which would have created an explicit fee for carbon dioxide emissions (S. Amdt, 646 to S. Con. Res. 8, 113th Congress 2013-2014). She voted against an amendment by Senator Roy Blunt that would have prohibited congress from passing a fee on carbon (S. Con. Res. 8, Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Resolution).7593.75 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate

U.S. Senate Challengers

NameStatePartyPositionPosition ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose Roe
Hovde, EricWisconsinREric Hovde does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Eric Hovde has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon. 5028.75 Roe

U.S. House Incumbents

NameStateDistrictPartyPositionPosition ScoreVote ScoreLeadershipLeadership ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose RoeVotes [Attacking International Climate Collaboration (House Roll Call 27)]Vote [Advancing Climate Action in the COMPETES Act (House Roll Call 18)]Vote [Repealing Assault on Methane Pollution Safeguards (House Roll Call 185)]Vote [Pro-Environment Funding Package (House Roll Call 247)]Vote [Transformative Climate, Jobs, and Justice Investments (House Roll Call 385)]Vote [Investing in Climate-Smart and Pro-Wildlife Infrastructure (House Roll Call 201)]Vote [Inflation Reduction Act (HR 5376)]
Fitzgerald, Scott Wisconsin5RCongressman Scott Fitzgerald does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. According to the 'Milwaukee Journal Sentinel' in 2019, "Asked if climate change was a significant global threat, Fitzgerald said the issue 'deserves a lot more scrutiny.' 'I know that certainly the scientific community has said there are indicators, definitely something going on. But at this point, I don't know if we can draw any hard conclusions on the issue,' he said."250In 2021, Congressman Fitzgerald voted in favor of the Keystone XL Pipeline Construction and Jobs Preservation Act, "a bill to authorize the Keystone XL Pipeline. Congressman Scott Fitzgerald demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0Congressman Fitzgerald opposes or votes against a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86).2512.5 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Grothman, GlennWisconsin6RCongressman Glenn Grothman disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In a 2014 interview with Right Wing Watch, the Congressman stated, "This is this environmental stuff, this is the idea that is driven by this global warming thing. Global warming is not man-made and there is barely any global warming at all. There's been no global warming for the last twelve or thirteen years. I see a shortage of Republicans stepping up to the plate and saying, 'look, this global warming stuff is not going on.' It's ridiculous for the United States, of all the countries in the world, to be putting extra regulations on our business while the Chinese, the Indians, whatever are building new factories all the time. And our factories are stuck saying, 'you can't do this, you can't do this,' because you've got to reign in this global warming which doesn't exist anyway."00In a 2017 op-ed supporting the withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, the Congressman wrote, "The Paris climate agreement was a bad deal for all Americans, but would have hit Wisconsin’s Sixth District particularly hard... At best, the climate agreement was a wealth redistribution program that imposed hefty costs on American families, and focused far more on handouts to other countries than actually protecting the environment." During a 2017 Town Hall the Congressman fielded a question on climate change, responding, "In general, I'm old enough to remember the 1970s when they talked about global cooling." Congressman Grothman demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action.0Congressman Grothman opposes or votes against a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86).256.25 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Moore, GwenWisconsin4DCongresswoman Moore understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. In a 2019 House floor speech on climate change, the Congresswoman stated, "If we give up the fight against climate change, we are giving up the fight for our future, and the future of our children. But I'm a fighter, so I took to the House floor to demand action from the Administration on climate change."100100Congresswoman Moore has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. The Congresswoman cited climate change as her reason for supporting the Coastal and Great Lakes Communities Enhancement Act (H.R. 729), stating in a 2019 press release, "I am proud to support the Coastal and Great Lakes Communities Enhancement Act, which ensure coastal communities have the resources to properly respond to the effects of climate change." The Congresswoman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2020 speech published to her campaign website, Moore states, “Climate change is an issue we must address now through meaningful policies. This important report details sweeping actions and legislation our country needs, including legislation that I have introduced. Rather than running away from the challenges posed by combatting climate change, as this Administration has done, this report reaffirms that the federal government must lead both domestically and internationally to achieve meaningful change." Rep. Moore makes climate change a top priority issue. 100Congressman Moore has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 5087.5 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Pocan, MarkWisconsin2DCongressman Pocan understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. According to Pocan's campaign website, the Congressman states, "At a time when we face high energy and gas prices and see the effects of global climate change in our daily lives, I believe that making the country more energy efficient will not only reduce our carbon footprint, but also will position the U.S. to thrive in a twenty-first century economy. As a member of the Safe Climate Caucus, I am committed to preserving our environment through investments in clean energy capabilities. I subscribe to the notion that if we make investments in the short term, we can ultimately make our energy use more efficient in the long term."100100Congressman Pocan has demonstrated leadership by advocating for climate action. In a video from the Safe Climate Caucus, the Congressman stated, "There's no question that increasing levels of CO2 are bad for the planet bad for our country that rising sea levels could have devastating impacts across the globe and that we need to do something about climate change." The Congressman also makes prominent public statements on the issue. In a 2019 tweet, the Congressman stated, "Climate change is a reality. Period. Pulling the U.S. out of the #ParisAgreement is not only a blatant refusal to participate in a necessary global fight against climate change, but it threatens ALL life across the world. @realDonaldTrump, you're a failure." Rep. Pocan makes climate change a priority issue as well. He demonstrated this by becoming a co-sponsor of the Green New Deal.100Congressman Pocan has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman voted against a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86). 5087.5 RoePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro ClimatePro Climate
Steil, BryanWisconsin1RCongressman Bryan Steil agrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. On his campaign website, he states, "I believe we can create opportunity, protect the environment, and address climate change at the same time." According to a 2018 E&E News article, during a 2018 forum, the Congressman stated, "I believe that climate change is real and I believe humans are a key component in that."500In a 2019 press release following his vote against the Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9), the Congressman stated, “Global climate change is real. To reduce carbon emissions, we must hold China and India accountable. We also need a technology-based approach. The Paris Agreement fails to hold China and India accountable, making the Agreement unworkable. Heavy-handed federal regulations drive up energy costs. Instead, we must encourage technology developments to address climate change.” During a 2019 listening session, reported on by the GazetteXtra, "Steil stuck with his support of President Donald Trump on a border wall but seemed to differ from the president slightly on climate change. While Trump has expressed skepticism of climate change theory, Steil said he believes it’s real and that human actions have caused it." Congressman Steil does not oppose climate action.25Congressman Steil opposes or votes against a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86).2525 RoeAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Tiffany, TomWisconsin7RTom Tiffany disagrees with the scientific consensus that climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels. In 2022, he stated, “There is some slight warming that’s going on. But it is that caused by man. Because the policy makers are saying, let’s make these changes like the EPA in this case, they’re saying we have to make these changes. Let’s make sure that man is causing it.”00Tom Tiffany demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. Earlier in 2022, Tiffany "sent EPA Administrator Michael Regan a letter urging him to support the proposed natural gas plant after the agency said a Supplemental Environmental Assessment failed to properly account for carbon emissions." Tiffany also "lobbied Gov. Scott Walker to cut funding for scientific research at the Department of Natural Resources, pushed to make thousands more acres of state forest eligible for logging, and supported a failed bid to boost the power of the governor by taking away the policy-setting powers of the state Natural Resources Board."0Congressman Tiffany opposes or votes against a U.S. fee on carbon. The Congressman voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86).256.25 RoeN/AN/AN/AAnti ClimateN/AAnti ClimateAnti Climate
Van Orden, Derrick Wisconsin3RCongressman Van Orden does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.250Congressman Van Orden demonstrates a lack of leadership with public statements, advocacy or votes against climate action. In a Tweet, Van Orden said "Biden’s radical Anti-Energy policies are not just destroying the American Way of Life, they are crushing the free world", and in another asserted "We have to unleash American energy independence." The Congressman has also repeatedly cosponsored resolutions expressing disapproval of EPA rules and regulations meant to help the environment.0Congressman Van Orden opposes or votes against a U.S. fee on carbon. He voted in favor of a 2024 resolution by Rep. Ryan Zinke that would have expressed the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the United States economy (H. Con. Res. 86).2512.5 Roe

U.S. House Challengers

NameStateDistrictPartyPositionPosition ScoreCarbon FeeCarbon Fee ScoreClimate CalculationSourcesSupport/Oppose Roe
Barca, PeterWisconsin1DPeter Barca does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Peter Barca has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5028.75 Roe
Cooke, RebeccaWisconsin3DRebecca Cooke understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On her campaign website, she states "From roundtables in rural corners of this district to downtown discussions in Eau Claire, La Crosse or Point – it’s clear that climate change and the environment are top of mind for constituents – what kind of legacy are we leaving for our children and grandchildren?" Cooke continues by making various climate action promises, such as addressing PFAS in water and holding corporate polluters accountable.100Rebecca Cooke has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5092.5 Roe
Kilbourn, KyleWisconsin7DKyle Kilbourn understands the importance of climate action as a top priority issue. On his campaign website, Kilbourn says "it’s clear that our environment is in danger due to the recklessness of special interests and the politicians in their pockets. Whether it’s PFAS in our water, invasive species in our lakes, or the threat of climate change, without urgent action, the next generation will be left with a world with extreme heat and wildfires, failing crops, climate refugees, and extreme weather catastrophes. Kyle will champion legislation that creates good-paying green jobs for Wisconsin families while transitioning our economy away from fossil fuels. A truly energy-independent future is one where the next generation will thrive on a livable planet."100Kyle Kilbourn has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5092.5 Position on Roe
Lyrely, KristinWisconsin8DKristin Lyerly does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Kristin Lyerly has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5028.75 Roe
Olsen, ErikWisconsin2RErik Olsen does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Erik Olsen has no known, or an inconsistent position on a U.S. carbon fee. 5028.75 Roe
Rogers, TimWisconsin4RTim Rogers does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Tim Rogers has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5028.75 Position on Roe
Steinhoff, BenWisconsin5DBen Steinhoff does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Ben Steinhoff has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5028.75 Roe
Wied, TonyWisconsin8RTony Wied does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25Tony Wied has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5028.75 Roe
Zarbano, JohnWisconsin6DJohn Zarbano does not take a clear position on whether climate change is real and human-made, from burning fossil fuels.25John Zarbano has no known or an inconsistent position on a U.S. fee on carbon.5028.75 Roe

Voter’s Guide FAQs

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On this site, enter your state and get voting dates, deadlines and information for the general election on Tuesday, November 5th. And of course, VOTE CLIMATE using our Voter’s Guide!!

How is each climate score determined?

For current senators and representatives, please read the details in the 2024 Voter’s Guide Scoring Criteria for Incumbents.  For challengers, please read the details in the 2024 Voter’s Guide Scoring Criteria for Challengers.

For more details on the vote score calculations for incumbents, please see

I think I see an error in the data.

Please email us at Please provide concrete information and sources regarding any requested change on climate change, votes, leadership and/or fee on carbon. Due to a legal prohibition against coordination with candidates or their campaigns, to which we abide in letter and spirit, we will not be in touch with candidates or campaigns, but if we can independently verify your claims, we may change the candidate’s rating in our voter’s guide.